A war rages across the Old World: it is a war between Law and Chaos. Between steel and the forest. Between truth and lies. Between fathers and sons. Between life and death. It is a world where the clash of battle never dies down, and for every warrior who falls in battle ten young men take up arms. It is a bleak world overflowing with danger. Get your weapons. Time to go to war.
Total War: Warhammer is a Strategic-Tactical video game based on the Warhammer Fantasy universe. Based on the traditional formula of the Total War series, Warhammer is certainly not among the most complex and cryptic Grand Strategy games in orbit, but a new player or someone who hasn't followed the series for some time could still find themselves blown away by some mechanics, or completely lose some of them. other.
This multi-page guide aims to be a bit of a "game manual" and to explain the general functioning of every aspect of the title, from the use of armies to city management, from diplomacy to the economy, obviously passing through the battles fought. on the field.
Strategic Map Guide
- Part 1: Armies and Characters
- Part 2: Economy and City
- Part 3: Technology, Diplomacy and Events
Drive on the battlefield
- Part 4: Units and Statistics
- Part 5: Skills and Spells
- Part 6: Tactics and advanced controls
Playable Faction Guide
- Part 7: The Empire
- Part 8: Dwarves
- Part 9: Vampire Counts
- Part 10: Orcs and Goblins
- Part 11: Warriors of Chaos
- Part 12: Beastmen
- Part 13: Wood Elves
- Part 14: Bretonnia
- Part 15: Norsca
The fundamentals
The Total War: Warhammer campaign is played on two different levels: the Strategy Map, and the battles.
The “large-scale” game takes place in the strategic map, with all the activities concerning the managerial, political and economic aspects. Each time your army is involved in a battle, however, you are given the opportunity to personally lead it on the field, controlling individual units with total freedom and adopting the strategy you prefer.
Levels of difficulty
When starting a new campaign, you can choose the difficulty level using the slider on the bottom right. The difficulty level is unique for campaign map and battles (it is not currently possible to set them separately), and cannot be changed once the campaign has already started.
It has been confirmed that the choice of difficulty level does not change the AI ​​as such, but that on the contrary it assigns a series of hidden bonuses and penalties to the player and all the other factions (realizing that it is case in case weaker or stronger, the AI ​​could still act differently depending on the difficulty, resulting more or less aggressive).
- If you play Normal, the default difficulty, neither you nor your opponents will enjoy any bonuses or penalties. It will therefore be an essentially "even" game, both on the campaign map and on the battlefield.
- If you play Easy, all the factions controlled by the AI ​​will enjoy a long series of penalties (factors such as distance of the movement of the armies, Discipline and damage of the soldiers, Public order in the Provinces etc.), while the player will receive bonuses to the same statistics.
- If you play Hard, Hard or Legend, the AI ​​will enjoy bonuses in these stats and the player will receive penalties, both more pronounced the higher the difficulty. In the Legend mode only, you will also be limited in the ability to save the game, being limited to the automatic saving done by the game at the change of turn (which each time overwrites the previous one).
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