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Brawl Stars: Have you just started playing and don't know how to quickly raise the level of brawlers? Then you have come to the correct place!
The dilemma that has plagued players of any game for years has always been: What's the fastest way to get cups, trophies or points in no time? Up Brawl Stars the answer is quite simple: the more you play, the more cups you make; but not everyone knows that even those who play a few hours a day can maximize the results obtained. The quickest and most astute way to increase your trophies in a short time, is to gradually rank your brawlers: the more you go up in trophies with the single brawler, in fact, the more difficult the matchmaking becomes. Try to get all the brawlers to first rank 10, then to rank 15, etc ... You will see that by ranking them all together, little by little, it will be easier for you to make trophies and above all you will learn to use them all well. Focusing on just one brawler is tiring and uninspiring.

Seasonal reset
Super and 500 trophies in brawler, every end of the season you will lose a few cups due to the seasonal reset. With one of the latest Brawl Stars updates, the reset times and parameters have changed. In fact now the season lasts 28 days (it used to last half, 14) and fewer trophies are stolen (at the expense of star tokens). With a bit of cunning it is possible to lose very few trophies at the end of the season; just bring all the brawlers to the points of "checkpoints"Before it ends. The advice is to play normally and when there are 2-3 days to zero, focus on the brawlers who are not in the right cups.
Maxare l’ account
Fortunately, on Brawl Stars it is not mandatory to have the entire account maxed out to climb trophies, but as in all games, it is much easier to have everything upgraded. There are no ways to upgrade quickly if not the ones we already know (cash cash), but it is possible to follow a very specific sequence that will not make you lose the desire to play.
There are 2 fundamental stages of each brawler:
-Level 7 because it is possible to unlock gadgets
-Level 9 because it is possible to unlock the star power
Well the advice, especially for those who play without spending anything, is to focus on these 2 fundamental stages for every Brawler. Also because gold is a very precious resource in this game, and sometimes you don't have the availability to level them up. Try to get everyone to level 7, and once you find the power-up necessari, bring them directly to level 9. It is not necessary to concentrate on the other levels, you only spend some precious gold and in the end it simply changes some value related to damage and HP. Obviously, as long as you are not maxed, the advice is to spend the gems for the Season Pass.

Many missions on Brawl Stars, sometimes require us to use a brawler that we already have at a good point and we do not want to drop the cups, or to have to play with random to do a certain amount of damage or kill. The advice is to use the Community maps (where no cups are lost or won) to carry out these missions in peace. There you can play with anyone and use any brawler without thinking about maps and modes. In this way you will do the missions immediately without any risk of losing cups.

There are different modes on Brawl Stars and obviously everyone plays the one they prefer and they like the most, sometimes it is hard to make trophies. Let's say that in Survival Solo you can easily climb up to 500 cups a brawler, after which between people who hide and people who team up with other players it becomes more difficult.
In duo you can climb well even up to 750 cups (obviously these are indicative figures) since in this mode you just need to finish third in order not to lose any cup. 1st and 2nd place are all trophy earning.
Le 3vs3 they may be more fun, and they are also the most popular with players who climb to high cups. This is because in 3v3 the single player affects much less, if you have good teammates you can also play badly sometimes, but you will still be supported by your teammates. Also compared to showdowns where the crates and the point where you start the game also count, in 3v3 it's all based on the skill of the team. This mode I recommend that you always play it with 2 other companions, and not with random ones. Because matchmaking, especially if you have few cups, will match people standing still or self-aiming.
If maybe you have difficulty climbing in a mode try to change or make friends to play (if you play with random). Remember that every map and every mode has brawlers (comps) that are better, but we'll talk about that next time! All the news of Supercell games, in particular Brawl Stars and Clash Royale, can be found in the dedicated section. We are also waiting for you on Telegram.