Brawl Stars: all the news of Brawl Talk

Here we are! Here is all the preview info here on Loot + del Brawl Talk di Brawl Stars. Let's see it all one by one news coming soon with the next update.
New Chromatic brawler: Surge
Surge is the new Brawler (even the most particular) with Chromatic rarity. He's a big one robot which as a main attack is similar to a combination between Spike and Eugenio.
- Basic Attack: fires a bullet and when it hits the enemy it splits the other bullets.
- Super Attack: every time the super is used, it gets better. His attack becomes different and stronger. It can be done a maximum of three times but, if defeated, it loses all improvements.

Exclusive Skins, Rewards and Season 2
We used to have a skin, now we have two: Super Ranger Brock e Mecha Paladin Surge.
We can now also choose the order in which we redeem the rewards in the path of the trophies, certainly an option that will cheer up the game community. The second season, "Summer of the Monsters" will start on July 6 and will run for ten weeks.

Silver and Gold Skin
Coming with this update we will have Gold and Silver Skin for coin hungry players, you have no more excuses if you don't know how to spend coins. The silver skins will cost 10.000 coins and the gold ones 25.000 but, in order to have the gold ones, you must have taken the silver ones. You can only buy these skins if your brawler is level 9.
Skin coming in July
Coming in July we will also have Mega Beetle Bea, King Crab Tick (which was included as a clue in the teaser magazine a few days ago) e Streetwear Maxine.
But the summer of monsters? Here comes the big surprise below!
Summer of Monsters - New Super City Rampage game mode
This is precisely where the theme of "monsters" comes in with a new mode in which we will have to defeat a monster. This monster aims to destroy the whole city, our team will be made up of 3 brawlers and we will have to prevent the monster from breaking everything, all within 2 minutes.
New Item: Fence and Domain Mode
Along with the update Supercell has decided to insert a new object, the fence, an obstacle that we can shoot at but not walk on. This will kick off new game mechanics and we are curious to find out how the test of this new item will go.

Another small change with the update is that the Domain mode will come back, this time forever. Dominion will return with a rotation of new maps and new missions.
New Reactions also in Battle and Walk trophies up to 50.000 Trophies
They come more reactions which will also be available in battle and extended the trophy path up to 50.000!
We will have 10 new Gadgets coming with Season 2! The Brawl Talk ends here, tell us what you think with a reaction below :). We also leave you a video with the complete brawl talk with all the gameplay in preview.