Innerslot, the developers of the famous "party game" Among Us, have announced that they are considering adding a custom map maker to their successful title. It won't be easy, and it will require a lot of effort before it can finally get to the players.
Among Us went from being a virtually unknown title to a household name in the video game industry in less than two months. Precisely for this reason, as we reported a few days ago, the studio had to abandon the idea of a sequel. An idea that was already taking shape but given the great success of the original, it forced a radical turnaround.
The goal is to add crucial and unique features to ensure a well-rounded experience: clike accounts, friend lists, more stable servers and with a greater focus on accessibility. There is even talk of a color blind mode.
However, members of the small development team have their sights set on some huge creative projects. One of them involves a custom map maker. At present, there are only three maps in Among Us, with a fourth in the works. But if players can unleash their imagination with a custom map system, the possibilities are virtually endless.
However, Innersloth's plan to add it presents some obstacles. First of all, they need to bring the game build to a more stable state before adding huge new features like the one mentioned above.
"It's pretty cool, and we've certainly thought about it, but it's one of those things that will come a little further once we have full awareness of the game." He stated Forest willard in an October 1 podcast featuring Twitch Gaming.
According to the good Willard, they should completely overhaul the way the team creates the maps in the game. Currently, all maps are hand drawn as one large block. There are no individual and stand-alone assets. Innersloth would have to create the elements individually before even thinking about adding a custom map maker.
“We will provide the necessary resources. We should draw walls, boxes, accessories - basically creating maps in The Sims style, only in this way will it be possible to build your own map. This will require a lot of work, ”the artist added Amy liu.
“We have to completely rethink the way we create our maps,” said the designer Marcus Bromander.
The ideas for Among Us are there, even the will of the team seems to be great. We just have to wait to see what the final result will be.
Before leaving, we remind you that Among Us has surpassed 60 million users; a really not bad result for a team made up of only three talented guys.