Whether you have just received your first viewer or you already have a few years on your shoulders, you know very well how rich and varied VR can be in its contents. After all, VR is a medium, almost a console in its own right (and in cases like the Oculus Quest, without the almost), with dozens of potential subgenres. Navigating through the jungle of titles built for virtual reality could be difficult, that's why we as players, who love you a lot, have built this guide with what we believe are the best titles currently available for virtual reality, both among the last released than among the historical ones.
The guide has been divided into several sections to facilitate reading, but also to allow you to more easily jump to the list of games that best suit the experience you are looking for. We have tried to be as comprehensive as possible, highlighting the categories that are most often searched for in the world of virtual reality. We also thought about the social side of VR, recommending titles to play in a group and titles that you could use to those who keep telling you “I've already tried and it made me sick. We have also ruled out all those poorly constructed titles that could have created motion sickness, even if in these cases the percentage of subjectivity is quite high, and we recommend that you read our guide on this if you don't know what we are talking about.
No more chatting, let's see which are the best virtual reality games!
The first category is that of "compulsory" games, those games that over the years have earned the role of icons of virtual reality. Anyone who knows you have a headset will ask you if you have played them ALL. The reason is that these games were not only the first to go viral, but above all they are the games that best adapt their gameplay to the mechanics of virtual reality. If you've just bought a helmet, regardless of type, these are for you.
Beat Saber
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Beat Saber is THE virtual reality game. In this fantastic product, the player uses the two controllers like swords, with the aim of cutting cubes in time to the music. There are dozens and dozens of songs already inserted, a lot of mods, and the ability to insert your favorite songs with custom levels. There are really no words that can describe how much this game can turn minutes into hours, and thanks to the fact that it is played standing still, it is suitable for anyone, even those at risk of motion sickness. In addition, the game continues to be updated for years after its release, and recently the party mode (to play at home all together) and the 360 ​​degree mode have been introduced. You have no excuse, if you have a headset, you have to play Beat Saber.
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The desktop version of SUPERHOT was an absolute success thanks to its gameplay: in this FPS-puzzle, the game only moves when the player moves, otherwise it remains stationary. If this formula has been very successful on PC thanks to this innovative mechanic, in VR it has found its Shangri La: immersed in the world of SUPERHOT VR, it is the players who move the world, literally. A surreal experience in a surreal world, which has quickly become a must for virtual reality lovers. It will change the world, literally.
Half-Life: Alyx
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If by any chance you woke up from a deep sleep that lasted decades, I have some fantastic news for you: there is a new, Half-Life, an officer. And what's even more beautiful? That it is an exclusive VR game. Born directly from the Valve studios, in the role of Alyx Vance the player will again be forced to roll up their sleeves to save the world. The only drawback? To fully enjoy it, you need a device that supports finger tracking. It plays well with controllers too, mind you, but do you want to see your hands in a Half-Life?
Arizona Sunshine
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Arizona Sunshine was perhaps the first VR game to hit the gun system right. Despite not having a very long campaign (about 3-5 hours), the game is extremely satisfying, the weapons have a nice level of detail and the zombies know how to hurt. The level design is also of an excellent level, with a strong characterization of the levels and a clear objective. Despite a few years having passed since its release, it continues to be a favorite of many players. Just watch out for the dark alleys!
VR is inherently a single player tool, but there are instances where ingenious design, or the capabilities of the internet, have managed to compensate for single-user use of the helmet. In this section we will see which are the best VR games for those who want to share a moment with friends, be it local or online.
Keep talking and nobody explodes
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Keep Talking and nobody explodes is another of those games born for the world of flat screens and reborn thanks to the immersion that virtual reality offers. In this game, one person is faced with a bomb that he has to defuse, while the other person (or group of people!) Has the manual with instructions. Obviously the bomb is different every time, and whoever has the manual sees absolutely nothing of what happens in the game. Trying to communicate with the ticking bomb is not easy, and laughter is guaranteed! Oh and for the record, you can only play on one computer, with the person with the viewer seeing the bomb, and the others with the PC reading the manual!
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Do you remember Habbo and Second Life? Here, VRChat is a mixture of those two worlds, but with the possibility of experiencing them in an immersive way. In VRChat you can create your own rooms, your avatars, and even create experiences to share with other players! There isn't much more than that, go in and create your world! Oh I forgot, it's free!
Suitable for everyone
In this section we will see the titles suitable for anyone, which do not cause motion sickness and do not require any particular dowry to be played. There's no doubt that jumping out of a flying helicopter is great, but not everyone has the stomach for it. That's why this section is of prime importance to us: It's too often believed that VR is for a young and adrenaline-seeking audience, but that's not the case, and these titles prove it.
Tilt Brush
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Tilt Brush was the first artistic application for VR, and it was an immediate success, thanks also to the fact that it was created by Google and therefore was able to afford the best developers in the world. This application is perfect for those with an artistic side, in fact it allows you to paint and "sculpt" three-dimensional scenes without space limits. The interface is extremely intuitive, and there are dozens of brushes, colors, and effects that will make any dream you have possible. Watch the video to believe it.
Google Earth VR
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Google Earth VR is the other great application packaged by Big G that we would like to recommend. It may sound silly, but the difference it can make seeing your home on Street View and seeing it in front of your eyes, in 3D, as you navigate it, is truly impressive. In addition, Google Earth VR has some really nice features, such as the ability to see the earth from space, and to change the position of the sun, so you can see any part of the world at any time of day or night. Since the app is totally free, it can be a great way to travel, at least virtually.
Gloomy Eyes
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When I first got my hands on Gloomy Eyes I didn't expect to love a VR movie so much, but I had to change my mind. Although it is not interactive and is a full-fledged film, Gloomy Eyes manages to engage the viewer with an exciting story, a Tim Burton-like graphics, but above all with an extremely rare understanding of virtual reality. The term "unique" is often used inappropriately, but in this case, it is more than adequate.
Driving and Flight
One of the fields in which virtual reality has found fertile ground is that of driving simulation, whether it is a car, an airplane or a spaceship. Net of motion sickness, a risk that is almost always present if you do not already have a minimum of experience, being behind the wheel of your favorite vehicle in an immersive way, and perhaps with adequate hardware, will be an experience that you will not easily forget.
Microsoft Flight Simulator
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Flight Simulator is one of those titles that need no introduction. With the advent of Machine Learning, the most famous flight simulator ever has succeeded in building a virtual world that reproduces the real one 100%, including weather, buildings, airplanes and airports. What better way to enjoy this fantastic title than with a helmet on? The VR version of Flight Simulator will be available with the base game on December 23rd, the perfect gift for your holidays!
Assetto Corsa Competizione
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Assetto Corsa Competizione is the most realistic simulation title there is to date. Built by those masters (all españoles) of Kunos Simulaizoni, the game offers an experience unmatched among racing titles. Could VR support be missing? Obviously not. If you have a PC with a good video card, and you like racing in your car, this is the game for you. The only flaw? It is not moddable, and is restricted to a few cars. Don't despair though, if you are looking for a more varied experience and are willing to sacrifice super realistic graphics to get it, you can play Assetto Corsa, the first game released by Kunos. More freedom, more mods, more fun, always with the helmet on.
Star Wars: Squadrons
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If you are a fan of the Star Wars saga, Squadrons is a title that you absolutely cannot miss. If, on the other hand, you have never seen even a star wars movie, like myself, Star Wars: Squadrons continues to be a title that you absolutely cannot miss. Spaceflight, spaceships, lasers, bombs, explosions and open space battles, all with HOTAS support for the hardcore. Seriously, what doesn't convince you about this title? Oh yeah, watch out for motion sickness!
Elite Dangerous
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Elite Dangerous is a space exploration game along the lines of No man's Sky, but unlike the latter, the whole action takes place inside the spaceship. This peculiarity has made it a must among virtual reality lovers, who appreciate, with good reason, the beauty of deep space. You decide Whether you are pirates, traders or just explorers, flying in VR with Elite Dangerous is a pleasure for the eyes and the mind.
Suspended in the void
Flying is beautiful, but it is even more so when you add an adrenaline-pumping scenario and a feeling of being suspended in the void. In this section we present those games that enjoy putting the player upside down, or that simply leave him hanging in the air, giving a mixture of amazement and dizziness. If you suffer from motion sickness, this time I ask you as a favor: go further, it's better.
Epic Roller Coasters
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There are plenty of roller coasters in the VR landscape, but no title exploits them properly with the same skill as Epic Roller Coasters. This title has everything you could want from a virtual roller coaster: lots of different and dynamic scenarios, the ability to customize your ride, a multiplayer mode to run with your friends, and even a shooter mode, in which you can hit various targets while running. The base game is free to play, but much of the content is only unlockable for a fee. In our opinion, it is still worth it. you won't find other roller coasters like this!
The Climb
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If like me you have always dreamed of climbing a mountain, but you are too afraid, too clumsy, or both, The Climb is the adventure for you! In this Crytek mini-masterpiece, you will have to climb continuously, starting from the basics of the sport to get to the top of the world! It doesn't have the most varied gameplay we've ever seen, but the breathtaking scenery and the adrenaline it feels to hang in the middle of nowhere make The Climb a title that we absolutely recommend. But please don't look down!
Eagle Flight
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What better feeling than flying through the skies of Paris, to enjoy the true potential of the helmet you just bought? In this little gem from Ubisoft, the player plays the role of a small eagle that has to perform various challenges in the skies of the French capital. Flying across the rooftops has never been more immersive, and even if the narrative won't be exactly memorable, the narrow passages between the buildings and the feeling of swooping speed will make you happy to have tried this title.
Spider-Man: Far From Home VR
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I was very undecided whether to include this title, but in the end I included it, especially as a favor to those who have a few more years on the back. Spider-Man: Far From Home VR is a fairly short and boring experience, with a fun campaign but one that also leaves time as it finds. Why put it on the list then? Because the game fulfills what for many was the most vivid dream in childhood: jumping among the skyscrapers as a spider-man. In free mode, players can start from the highest skyscraper and jump left and right freely, using cobwebs as swings and climbing buildings. If you want to impress a superhero fan, this is the place to start, and it's free!
There are games that are born for VR, others that are developed with VR in mind, and then there are ports, those games born for desktop and that at some point are adapted to virtual reality. The world out there is full of merely failed experiments, that's why we've made this selection for you.
No Man's Sky
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No Man's Sky is one of those titles that either love or hate each other. Born premature, it took a long incubation period to turn it into the full game it is now. At some point in its history, among other features, VR support has also been implemented in No Man's Sky, and let me tell you, it's really worth it. Exploration and flight, combined with the magnificent colors that only this title can offer, have made what was a satisfying experience in a sublime world, to be lived at 360 degrees with the viewer in mind. I know it will be hard to convince you, but don't be prejudiced and try it. We await the thanks.
The Elder Scrolls V: Skyrim VR
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We must be honest and admit that Bethesda, after all, is not that it has made great masterpieces in porting to VR, especially with Skyrim. The game was already old for PC, and to adapt it to an extremely heavy system like VR, the compromises were many, perhaps too many. However, we still want to reward it since, while not shining in the technical department, it is one of the best-selling games of the last generations, and being able to enjoy it in VR in its entirety is still an emotion. If you are aiming more for the story than the technical implementation, and want to relive the most played fantasy story of the decade in an immersive way, at the end of the day, it's worth it.
The hidden gems
You know that game that you discovered almost by chance, and which is instead a crazy cool, and to which you would like to give the GOTY in principle even if you have played it in 7 of which one is a friend with your steam account? Here, this is the corresponding section, but in VR. We could almost call them the “indies” of VR, but that would be an inaccuracy, and perhaps a lack of respect towards much more indie titles that we mentioned above.
Home – A VR Spacewalk
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Developed by the BBC, Home is a perfect reconstruction of the international space station. As an astronaut, the player must perform some maintenance operations outside the station itself, moving from one side to the other, and discovering many secrets of the most technologically advanced work ever built. It can cause a little spatial disorientation or motion sickness to those who are more susceptible, but the beauty of the sunset seen from space is worth every effort. To be played carefully, but to be played.
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If there is an experience enlightened by the seed of madness, it is definitely Boneworks. Created by those hopeless freaks of Stress Zero Level, Boneworks is an adventure with an intricate narrative, characterized by what, upon release, was the most physically accurate experience ever seen in virtual reality. It's hard to tell you more without spoiling, but the video below should give you a good idea of ​​why Boneworks should be played, and why you should be watched as it happens.
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Moss is a very sweet third-person game (one of the few for virtual reality) that sees the player protagonist of the adventures of a mouse as small as it is gifted with spirit. In what is a perfect blend of adventure and puzzle, the player will have to help the little mouse solve endless puzzles, to save the main…. no, that no, it would be too stereotyped. Okay, the point remains, Moss is a game as good as it is sweet, and he has the voice of Malukah on the soundtrack. What more do you want?
Tetris Effect
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Michele had already talked about the beauty of Tetris Effect in his preview (which you can find linked above). What he didn't get to experience, and what makes the game even more incredible, is the VR mode. Not so much because the game improves practically, but because the settings between the suggestive and the psychedelic of the 2020 version of Tetris make it a truly remarkable trip. If you want to relax and try something simple but with a "wow" effect that is rarely seen in VR, this is your title.