cyberpunk 2077 it is constantly talked about because of its incredible and visionary contents, as well as for its limping launch. In any case, the game so fascinated a UK bar that it offered the drink di Johnny Silverhand, a drink that you can actually order in game.
While we wait for news on the next one patch in Cyberpunk 2077 (here the latest release), why not have a Johnny Silverhand in company? The bartender of a club in the UK may have thought this now that the nation is covid free thanks to the rapid vaccination campaign.
Johnny Silverhand is a famous character from the Cyberpunk universe, an iconic rocker who already starred in numerous adventures and legends in the paper role-playing game. In Cyberpunk 2077, the rebellious musician played by actor Keanu Reeves suddenly bursts into the player's life, effectively becoming the co-star of the whole adventure. In any case, the same Night City and its inhabitants continually remember Johnny Silverhand with murals, songs and other activities. Among these, the Afterlife bar, the best place for fixers and people looking for a job, offers in its cocktail menu the drinks belonging to the most famous characters of the city, including Johnny Silverhand.
It was the user of who discovered the cocktail in a UK bar Reddit Harry_Tripper, who has attached a photo at the top of the menu written on the blackboard outside the venue. Tequila, Bitter, Mexican beer Pacifico, splash of Chili pepper on the edge of the glass, all strictly poured on ice. Just as explained in game! If you are curious to try the cocktail you can always do it at home, there are many videos around the internet that show how to drink your own Johnny Silverhand, just like the one linked at the beginning of the article.