Days Gone has divided the critics and the public (here our review) because an undoubtedly fascinating context and a story that can give strong emotions were accompanied, especially in the weeks immediately following day one, big technical problems such as sound bugs, various types of glitches, frame rates not always very stable and many other things that required a large dose of corrective patches.
The title developed by Bend Studio it hasn't had the same honors as other Sony exclusives, however it still has its own large circle of fans. The latter were disappointed by the decision (we cannot say that it is final, but it is certainly very strong) by the Japanese company of abandon the brand. In fact, the most insistent rumors claim that Days Gone 2 will not be done now or ever.
Jeff Ross, former Game Director of Bend Studio, recently took part in a podcast with David Jaffe on his YouTube channel Gabbin '+ Games during which the matter was discussed. Being under the NDA, i.e. a non-disclosure agreement, he could neither confirm nor deny the rumors.
All this talk, however, has given particular annoyance to fans of the game who just cannot understand the reasons behind such a choice, considering that Days Gone has sold more copies of all of the developer's other products combined.
Thus, a sort of collective protest was unleashed on Twitter, which we summarize by publishing some of these messages.
The discontent has also intensified after the rumors that Sony would like to grapple with the remake of the first The Last of Us, considered superfluous by most.
Could this social mobilization change Sony's mind? Time will give us the answer. What do you think of Days Gone, would you like a sequel?