The editorial dynamics of digital stores are often unpredictable, and over the last few years there have been many games first published and then removed without explanation from the Steam catalogs and the like. Last year it had happened - without any reason being given - a DuckTales: Remastered, 2013 version of the classic Disney platformer originally released for the NES way back in 1989. The twist, however, happened yesterday: a surprise Capcom, publisher of the title, announced on his blog its (renewed) availability on the PlayStation 3, Xbox 360, Xbox One, Wii U and Steam.
The game was a little classic of the genre, and its arrival in remastered version had been welcomed with great pleasure by nostalgics and enthusiasts, so much so that the subsequent withdrawal had disappointed many users. His removal, on the other hand, remains shrouded in mystery: while celebrating his return with great fanfare, not even this time did Capcom explain the reasons for its decision.
Chances are we'll never know how things went, however if you get the chance and want to immerse yourself in the memories DuckTales: Remastered is at your complete disposal again.
How many of you will recover it?
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