We present a selection of the most fun games to play in the car, to dampen the boredom of a long trip and make time pass quickly and the road seems shorter.
It is not easy to find games that you can also participate in the driver without being distracted from driving and requiring no media to write on or objects, boards, tokens or cards that are difficult to handle while traveling. The following are games that can involve all passengers, they are simple ma funny at the same time.
This article is part of a series of specials dedicated to analog games that do not require purchases but only a lot of imagination.
- Pencil and paper games
- Games to play at parties
In my suitcase I put ...
A very simple game, also suitable for children. The first player starts by pronouncing the phrase:
and appoint an object any.
The second player repeats the same sentence including the object named by the player before him e adds an altro object.
We proceed by following the round, each player repeats the phrase:
followed by all the objects named so far, adding a new one at the end.
The first player who gets stuck, loses or forgets one of the items that have been "packed" loses. We start from scratch.
- Player 1: "In the suitcase I put ... a towel"
- Player 2: "In the suitcase I put ... a towel and a book"
- Player 3: "In the suitcase I put ... a towel, a book and a horse"
and so on…
Game of the most classical, of which a cinematic adaptation can be found in the famous film White, Red and Verdone in which we see one of the protagonists, Furio, impose a version of this game on his family.
To play you must first choose the elements that, in the surrounding landscape, it is easier to meet while traveling along the road. Each object will be assigned a score, based on the alleged rarity of its presence in the surroundings.
The first that sees one of these objects, points to it and shouts: "seen!" mentally mark the points corresponding to that object and the game restarts.
At the end of the journey, who has accumulated the most points is the winner.
For example, if we are on the highway we can award five points for whoever sees a first distributor, ten points for one hay bale and twenty points for a plane in flight, and so on.
Words in chunks
This is a very fun game although not very long-lived. Perhaps he will not accompany you for the entire trip but he will surely know how to give moments of hilarity.
The first player starts by pronouncing a letter any. The next player adds another letter, the next one another one and so on. The aim of the game is to build a word that it exists in the Spanish language, but be careful because what it adds the last letter and then pronounces the whole word, loses.
- Player 1: "C"
- Player 2: "Ca"
- Player 3: "Can"
If Player 4 added the e to say Dog then he would lose. He has to find a way to prolong the word. So he adds the t, with the idea of getting to singer, and so on.
The mysterious character
This game is a variant of Heads up! that we described in the article dedicated to games to play at parties.
The game itself works great while on the go. One of the players thinks of a character famous (can be real or fantasy). The other players can do all questions they want, as long as the answer is only SI o DO NOT.
SI decides a time limit or, as you are traveling, a certain place at which the turn ends.
If within that limit the other players guess the character, they all do a point while the player who answered the questions loses one.
When you can't stand it anymore, the game ends and whoever has the most points wins.
The interrupted song
To play this game it is necessary raise the volume the stereo and choose one playlist of songs that everyone knows.
Whoever sits next to the driver chooses one song and shoots it at full volume. The other passengers must to sing at the top of your lungs. Who is in control of the stereo stop the song on the most beautiful and the others must be able to continue the song a cappella keeping time perfectly.
After a few seconds, the first player does restart the song. If the song does overlaps to perfection to the warble of the singers, they win.
Fortunately, unfortunately
This game requires a good deal of creativeness and the final result can give great satisfaction.
Proceeding clockwise, the first player does an affirmation on a given situation, preceding it with the phrase “luckily…”.
The second player hooks up to what the player said before him and highlights a downside of what has just been said, preceding what he says by the phrase "unfortunately ..."
Subsequent players will continue what develops as a shared story, from time to time adding a positive element alternating with a negative one, starting the sentence with "for luck / for bad luck ..."
La history can continue endlessly and every time a player collects what was said by the previous one, enriches the story of increasingly imaginative and unexpected elements.
- Player 1: "Luckily I ate an apple"
- Player 2: "Unfortunately there was a worm"
- Player 3: "Fortunately he was dead"
- Player 4: "Unfortunately it exploded"
and so on…
Lateral thinking games
I lateral thinking games they are used to exercise the aptitude for problem solving and are used by companies to train managers and executives.
In our case, we can use them to pass the time in the car and amaze our friends. As the name implies, the lateral thinking game is a kind of guessing game to solve which we must not rely on pure logic but we must think in a "lateral" way, in fact, that is, relying on creativeness and observing the problem from points of view unusual and parallel to the most common one.
To play lateral thinking games in the car, one of the passengers needs to know someone. These It describes to the others one situation, says one scene side e mysterious and invites players to understand what happened, how and why; to solve the mystery, in short words.
Players can do all questions they want but the response it must always be alone SI, DO NOT or IRRELEVANT. As the questions are answered, the players rebuild the story of the event that led to the situation described at the beginning.
Romeo e Giulietta
Game example
Question: "Do they have wounds on the body?" Answer: "No" Q: "Are there any traces of a third person who has been in the room?" R: "No" D: "Did the two love each other?" A: "Irrelevant and so on ...
Romeo and Juliet are two goldfish. They were in the bowl next to the window. A gust of wind threw it open, the ball fell and broke. The two fish drowned.
We recommend this site where you can find the lateral thinking games more classical.
And if you are passionate about this kind of logic games, we can only advise you Black Stories - 50 Mysteries to Solve, a game published by Raven Distribution, which is based precisely on the lateral thinking. Great for playing on a road trip.