Free to Play, Valve's documentary film based on the story of three players at the first edition of The International - official Dota 2 tournament - is now streaming on Netflix. The film (lasting one hour) was until yesterday only available on Valve's official YouTube channel.
Free to Play is described as a documentary that follows three professionals as they compete for the coveted million dollar prize, but it is also focused on the success of esports and their growing popularity. For this reason, the tone adopted by the production is that of a real one narration of the deeds and sacrifices of the virtual athletes protagonists of the film.
The publication of the film is probably part of a precise marketing strategy. On the one hand, Valve is now looking to make Dota 2 much more beginner friendly, introducing several significant features to help new players learn the basics of the game. On the other hand, in recent weeks Netflix has released Dota: Dragon's Blood, the latest anime of the streaming giant, taken from the Valve game, an initiative that could work from "Push for the recruitment" of new players.
Between Valve and Netflix it seems in progress a real "holy covenant" in the name of Dota: will we have other developments? What do you think?