19 / 07 / 2020 UPDATE
A few days ago the trailer for an FMV (interactive video games / films in the style of Telling Lies and Her Story) appeared on the Internet entitled Gamer Girl. In the news below you can find all the information and the launch trailer.
A few hours ago the news that the publisher of the game, Wales Interactive, has bounced removed from all its official channels (on third-party channels, however, everything is still traceable) precisely the Gamer Girl announcement trailer, following protests and heavy criticisms received.
Stereotypical vision of gamer girls and situations represented inopportune given the recent events that concern cases of harassment and abuse in the video game industry, these are the major criticisms leveled at the trailer. The publisher has thus decided to take a step back.
The plan was to release Gamer Girl in September for PS4, Xbox One, PC and Switch, but with the current situation it could be unlikely, not just the release in September but the release in the future as well.
Whether it's right or wrong for the audience to decide what to put in a trailer, we leave it to you, we got the idea.
NEWS 17/07/2020
Telling Lies, Her Story, Late Shift, She Sees Red, The Complex, Erica, la lista è lunga. Sono i full motion videogames, that is, that particular combination of cinema and video games that allows spectators / players to change the fortunes of the protagonists of interactive films. These are shot using pre-recorded video files with real actors and are having a hit in recent years.
Another title of this type is going to enrich the video or game library (you decide whether to consider them more films or video games) of fans: Gamer Girl.
The title is already very eloquent, in fact, we will enter the life of one girl doing live video game streaming on a platform very similar to Twitch. Our job will be to get her from moderator in chats, because you know, especially if you are a woman who does this job, you can always find some idiot.
That's all? We will just have to cancel inappropriate messages or warn of any problems during the live? No, because Gamer Girl wants to be a thriller full of pathos and tension which, as we can see from the teaser trailer, will also have the connotations of a horror film of the “stalking” genre, that is, with the protagonist being persecuted by someone.
One of the most interesting mechanics is the one that involves sending and receiving messages in the style of Simulacra and Sara is Missing, in fact Abicake99, this is the gamer nick of the protagonist, will begin to receive increasingly strange and morbid messages that will make her understand that she is in danger.
The story will have many branches that can be unlocked by following the various narrative paths proposed by the development team. As usual for FMV, to be able to see all the intermediate and final aspects it will be necessary to complete the title more than once.
Gamer Girl will be available from September 2020 su Steam, PS4, Xbox One e Nintendo Switch.