Life is Strange: Comics will be based on one of the two endings

Despite more than three years have passed since its official release, Life is Strange continues to be talked about. The game published by Square Enix has literally won the hearts of many gamers, managing to revive a genre often mistreated like that of graphic adventure. Such was the affection shown by the fans that the Japanese publisher decided to release Life is Strange: Dust, a series of comics based on the events narrated in the videogame. Well, it seems that the comics in question will be placed on a timeline immediately following the events narrated in the game, going to develop one of its two endings.

Before proceeding further, it is necessary to make an important premise: THE ARTICLE CONTAINS SPOILERS! Go further at your own risk.

The Life is Strange comics will develop one of the game's two endings

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If you have got to play Life is Strange, thus coming to the end of all its various narrative crossroads, you will undoubtedly come to the point where you have to make the most painful choice in the whole game. Who will you save? Your dear friend Chloe or the sunny town of Arcadia Bay with all its inhabitants? If the wound generated by that choice is certainly always painful, a question will surely have manifested itself in the minds of the fans: which of the two endings can be considered effectively canonical? As we all know, Dontnod has never officially confirmed which of the two conclusions is to be considered "official" and, considering the nature of the game, it could not be otherwise. The same sequel del videogame, announced a few months ago, should be completely disconnected from the story of Max and Chloe, providing for the entry of new characters.

However, it would seem that, in the end, a choice has been made. It seems that the events narrated by the comic series inspired by Life is Strange they will take root from one of the two endings, in particular from the one that will see our Max choose to save Chloe's life, sacrificing Arcadia Bay with all its inhabitants. The story of the comics will be a direct continuation of this ending, and will feature both Max and a very healthy Chloe.

Here's what awaits us in Life is Strange: Dust

Life is Strange: Comics will be based on one of the two endings

Life is Strange becomes a comic.

Below, we attach the description provided to us by Amazon of Life is Strange: Dust, which helps us not a little to clear our ideas in this sense.

“An incredible and revolutionary change of scene, an unexpected and thrilling roller coaster ride! A brand new comic book story in the beloved universe of Life Is Strange, following the story of Max and Chloe in a future that is as potential as it is daring! In the Life Is Strange video game, aspiring photographer Max Caulfield has returned to his hometown of Arcadia Bay to enroll in the prestigious Blackwell Academy.

Once there, following an event as shocking as it is violent, Max has developed powers that allow her, in fact, to travel through time. These powers, for various reasons, will bring her back into contact with her former best friend, Chloe Price. These powers will push Max to deal with a whole host of conflicts and threats: personal, related to his past, and supernatural. Finally, these incredible powers will lead you to a fatal decision with epic consequences: a tremendous hurricane is about to hit Arcadia Bay with all its power, while Max's time travel attempts will generate consequences that are as unpredictable as they are deadly!

Following one of the game's two possible endings, Life Is Strange: Dust takes the saga of Max and Chloe into an uncertain new future in an entirely new comic book adventure. No matter which ending you choose in the game, this deep dive into Max and Chloe's potential future will be thrilling, shocking, and will surprise you again. Did you think Max and Chloe's story was over? The tests they will face are only at the beginning! And in the end, the dust will be all that will remain ... "

The two endings of Life is Strange

Life is Strange: Comics will be based on one of the two endings

With the latest episode of Life is Strange: Before the Storm, the stories of Max, Chloe and Rachel set in Arcadia Bay have come to an end. In Life is Strange 2 there will be new stories and new characters.

Fans of the Dontnod game have long debated which of the two Life is Strange endings it was "the best choice". On the one hand, in fact, we will actually go to save an entire city and all its inhabitants, while sacrificing our best friend. On the other hand, however, Max had already sacrificed a lot to keep Chloe alive during all the events narrated; the relationship between the two characters is in fact the fulcrum, the beating heart of the game, and many wanted Max and Chloe to end their stories by staying together.

Regardless of what has just been said, it can be safely said that the ending that sees Chloe survive is certainly very hard. By making this choice, in fact, we will see the tornado invest Arcadia Bay with all its violence and, immediately after, a cutscene will start in which Max and Chloe leave their hometown, now destroyed, leaving behind their past and the broken lives of all their relatives, friends and acquaintances, without dwelling on any survivors. If, on the other hand, we choose to save Arcadia Bay, it will be Chloe who succumbs: we will go back to the moment when it all began, choosing not to interfere with the passage of time and letting our friend die. Immediately after, a filmed sequence will be activated, which will show us Chloe's funeral, making us understand that their relationship was more than just a friendship.

Life is Strange: Dust will explain to fans the events following the first ending we described, the one in which we choose to save Chloe. Although fans will then be able to "hug" one of their favorite characters, one thing is certain: there are still black clouds on the horizon.

Stay tuned for more news on the matter.

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