The voice of a possible remastered edition of the Mass Effect trilogy (here the original news) wowed many fans of the brand, but it quickly took a back seat due to the upcoming release of new consoles and little information from EA. In the last week something has changed, and it looks like Mass Effect Trilogy Remastered is very close.
Some insiders have indeed found the covers of the new version, distributed (by mistake?) by a Czech dealer.
As we can see, according to this leak Mass Effect Trilogy Remastered sarebbe prevista per PS4, Xbox One e Nintendo Switch and would present a beautiful cover starring the silhouette of the good Shepard.
In recent days other screens had been circulated on the net of the packages, taken from the official website of a Portuguese dealer (who later removed them), but the cover images were entirely different and showed the simple logo of the series. However, it is entirely possible that it was temporary images awaiting the final cover, a device that is easily used in these situations.
That the announcement of the new release is very close?
While there are no clear indications of a release date, Remastered would seem a tangible reality and an official announcement could be around the corner, also because for this year it would not even be the only remastered operation carried out by EA (someone talked about Crysis?).
Certainly the crisis resulting from the lockdown, but above all the controversies arising from the success in the middle of Crysis Remastered (flooded with criticism for a graphic aspect judged to be disappointing at its first public release) may have led to slippages compared to the original EA schedule. Another element of complexity, however, is in his official documents he never made the game official.
We hope that certain news will arrive soon: the arrival of the collection could be it could really be one of the bowler hats of this generation.
How many of you, especially fans of the original trilogy, are waiting for it?