Metal Slug, SNK's popular scrolling shooter series, will be back this year with two new chapters. Respectively for consoles and smartphones.
The new Metal Slug for consoles it will be a traditional experience, like every chapter of the numbered saga. Again there will be levels with enemies to fight, platforms to jump and bosses to defeat. Are we ready to spend hundreds of virtual “coins” and play the new chapter over and over again?
As for the new smartphone experience it will be an atypical card type mobile game. It will come out, as usual on iOS and Android and currently its processing is 80% complete.
Both titles are in development by the SNK studio, however the Siliconera website report also speaks of a third title in development at TiMi Studios, a subsidiary of Tencent. Unfortunately about this game there is no information yet, except that it is a mobile title.
It has been a while since the release of the last title in the main series, Metal Slug 7. It was 2008 and the game was released for the Nintendo DS. It was then ported to Xbox 360, PSP and finally ten years later also to PlayStation 4 under the name of Metal Slug XX (it reads "Duble X").
For now we don't know which consoles are planned for this new chapter. It will probably be a title intended for PlayStation 4, Xbox One, Nintendo Switch and why not, even pc or next gen! We can't wait to have exciting new information on the release of this title.