One of the strengths of Naruto, the famous manga of Masashi Kishimoto, it is certainly the accuracy and punctuality with which the stories of the various characters that populate the world of the ninja and their surprising evolutions are chiseled.
Among the best rendered and most impactful character developements there is certainly that of Hinata hyuga, a character particularly dear to fans of Naruto.
The small, shy girl with glassy eyes, heir to the important Hyuga clan, grew up between the indifference of her father and the hatred (of which initially she does not know the reasons) of her cousin Neji, much more skilled than her despite the two being the same age.
During the story told in the manga, Hinata will blossom by gaining points in self-esteem and learning to master both the innate ability belonging to his clan, the Byakugan, that the fighting style Juken, which allows it to damage the circulatory system of the Chakra making it particularly versatile in clashes.
Hinata Hyuga, however, not only occupies a special place in the hearts of Masashi Kishimoto's manga fans, but also of many cosplayers who are committed to paying homage to this character with their own personal taste and attitude.
Read also: Naruto Ultimate Storm 4: Road to Boruto | Recensione
This is the case of Eugenia Belloma, note cosplayer, tiktoker and spanish streamer il cui profilo Instagram soryu_geggy_cosplay boasts just under half a million followers.
In this shot, which leaves very little to the imagination, there is actually very little of the shy and shy Hinata that we have been used to knowing during the course of the story.
To emerge, in this case, is a decidedly more prosperous and sensual version of Naruto's future partner.
The cosplay universe is really interesting, multifaceted and inclusive.
It is always fun to be aware, through images, of the way in which each artist decides to express themselves and make a character their own, net of their own personality and aesthetic standards.
A post shared by Eugenia Haruno Bellomia (@soryu_geggy_cosplay)