A big surprise today Sony announced the release of PlayStation Classic, the Japanese manufacturer's answer to the successful miniature console series inaugurated by rival Nintendo. Some of the featured titles have already been announced and it is about Tekken 3, Ridge Racer 4, Final Fantasy VII, Wild Arms and the less famous but still historically essential Jumping Flash. Obviously there is a lot of speculation about what the remaining 15 games are available on PlayStation Classic and we at WelcomeGaming.com have collected the classics of the 90s that we would like to replay and relive.
A small premise: since it has already been confirmed that the two joysticks in the package will be without analog sticks, we decided to exclude from the list those games that would have benefited significantly or others, as in the case of Ape Escape, which would not be absolutely playable without them. For the same reason, we do not think it is correct to insert exits like Point Blank o Time Crisis since, however playable without the classic G-Con pistol, they would not be fun at all and would lead the player to utter frustration. In addition we have tried to give the right space to all genres released for Playstation 1.
Enjoy the reading!
15. Parappa the Rapper / Um Jammer Lammy
We have decided to occupy only one spot for these two games as it is the same gameplay by only changing the reference soundtrack. Parappa the rapper e To Jammer Lammy represent two of the funniest rhythm games ever released for PlayStation 1, of which all news has been lost (apart from a muted appearance on Parappa's Playstation 2). Parappa with his rapping and Lammy with his guitars, combined with cartoonish 3D graphics and a decidedly appreciable humor have won the hearts of many fans and, for this reason, we would like at least one of these games to make its reappearance on Playstation Classic. In fact, pressing keys to the rhythm has never been so fun and whether you like rhythm games or not, we invite you in any case to give a listen to the soundtrack of both games because, trust me, you will not regret it.
14. Tombs!
Game that many of us will know because present in some of the first demo discs for the first Playstation, Tombs! (Tomb! the original title) is a very interesting 2D scrolling puzzle platformer that has also fallen into oblivion after the era of the gray console. Tombi, the protagonist of the series, has remained famous for his icons spiky pink hair, on which all those you meet and help during your adventure will not fail to make jokes (to which our silent protagonist will not be able to answer), showing the ability of the game itself not to take itself too seriously and to maintain a light-hearted atmosphere. In Tombi! you will have to jump on your head and bite the evil pigs ready to conquer the world, help annoying hungry monkeys, learn the language of gnomes and, last but not least, set out in search of the infamous seven pigs, evil pigs with magical powers that Tombi will literally have out of the bag.
The game is certainly not the simplest and understanding how to continue in the course of the adventure may take some time. However, the explosion of colors and the fun that Tombi gave us! it is definitely worth the time spent puzzling over how to proceed.
13. Silent Bomber
Have you ever imagined playing Bomber-Man but instead of impersonating the classic Hudson character of playing the role of a silent white-haired boy created in the laboratory thanks to a work of genetic engineering that seems to have come out of an anime? This is Silent Bomber, a classic top-down shooter where instead of firing your main weapon you will be placing bombs on the map to destroy your targets. As repetitive as it may be, the frenetic pace and arcade feeling, combined with the increasing difficulty of the missions that follow one another, make Silent Bomber a gem for Playstation 1 that needs to be rediscovered and that, in all probability, will never see a sequel or a remake in the future.
12. LSD Dream Emulator
Probably not many know this title, and we certainly can't blame you. LSD Dream Emulator, born from the twisted mind of Osamu Sato, is an experimental video game released in a limited edition only in the land of the rising sun but capable of conquering the cult status among fans. We do not even know if it is correct to speak of video games: anticipating the trend of the so-called "walking simulator" by several years. The gameplay of LSD Dream Emulator consists solely of walking and touching different objects present in rooms and polygonal scenarios and with flashlight colors that follow one another without apparent logic without ever knowing if by touching something we will continue in the dream or we will have to start all over again. The game is, in fact, procedurally generated, making each "game" different from the previous ones. As if that weren't enough to make our experience psychedelic and ultra-sensory, the soundtrack itself is decomposed and fragmentary, made up of over 500 different samples.
It is very unlikely that we will be able to find this game included but why not dream?
11. Resident Evil 2
Horror game for Playstation 1 par excellence, tank controls, two CDs to replay over and over again while impersonating Leon o Clear. Resident Evil 2 marked an era, showing how a video game can be really scary. Forget the action scenes and the hordes of zombies that you faced in the following chapters: the founders of the saga are much slower, focused on puzzles and much more horror. We are perfectly aware that Capcom is grappling with a remake of this chapter in HD version, however, in our opinion Playstation Classics should not miss this essential milestone in the history of video games. The game is certainly not perfect and the aforementioned tank controls could make the experience difficult for the most novice players but if the goal of this product is to revive the story for fans, then we think it is right to include it in the collection.
10. Chrono cross
Far less famous and less successful than its Super Nintendo Chrono Trigger predecessor, Chrono cross remains an excellent J-RPG released exclusively on the first Playstation that has received virtually no posthumous love. While the SNES chapter was created by the dream team of Yuji Hori (Dragon Quest), Sakaguchi (Final Fantasy) and mangaka Akira Toriyama, only Sakaguchi will contribute to the sequel, Cross. Despite this, the magic of the world of Chrono however, it is present, from the colors to the scenarios, with a plot that, although not at the level of its predecessor, still manages to involve and be loved. A note of merit, moreover, for a game that in the sea of ​​J-RPG dominated by casual encounters (I'm watching you, Final Fantasy and Dragon Quest), Chrono Trigger showed the monsters on the map, thus allowing you to easily avoid them in case you don't. wanted to slow down their gaming experience.
Although certainly not the best J-RPG for Playstation 1, we think it is right to give space to other games and not to monopolize the collection with the "usual suspects".
9. Crash Team Racing
When it comes to go kart games most people immediately think of the saga of Mario Kart, capable of bringing racing games to young and old. However, in our opinion Crash Team Racing manages to be as entertaining as, if not surpassing, the classic Nintendo series. Thanks to its turbo and miniturbo system, iconic characters from the Crash saga and a free-to-explore story mode, in fact, Crash Team Racing is a completely different experience and brings a breath of freshness to a genre that is quite repetitive in itself. The tracks are creative and fun and allow you to take advantage of many shortcuts to make the fastest times. The game lends itself very well to being played by more people, taking advantage of the old split screen system that old players are used to.
There has been news about a possible remake to be added to the recent N. Sane Trilogy but until that moment the Ps1 version remains the only existing version of this hilarious Kart game.
8. Final Fantasy Tactics
Tactical RPGs are an unfairly mistreated niche genre, perhaps due to their limiting nature. Final Fantasy Tactics is certainly not the simplest exponent of the genre (and the remake for PSP will partially postpone this problem) but, unlike all the other tactics, it presents a dense plot of intrigue and politics set in a fantastic Middle Ages that rivals a historical novel. With its 20 classes, countless battles to complete and a difficulty as previously mentioned worthy of its name, Final Fantasy Tactics fully conquers the title of best tactician for Playstation 1, and manages to thrill even novices in the genre thanks to spells and classes directly taken from the Final Fantasy universe. We also remember that this is where the world of Ivalice, in which the twelfth chapter of the saga is set.
7. Klonoa: Door to Phantomile
The Playstation 1 is best known for three-dimensional platformers such as the Crash or Spyro series. Not many know, however, Klonoa, this 2.5D platforming gem. Klonoa is a fairly linear platformer but with dreamy atmospheres and bright colors, seasoned with an equally ethereal soundtrack that will accompany you throughout the game. Impersonating the funny protagonist of the long dangling ears Klonoa you will have to make your way through wild worlds, fortresses and real nightmares, saving from time to time the inhabitants of the various scenarios imprisoned by the bad guys on duty. A sequel for Playstation 2 was released but it soon fell into oblivion and who knows that new players will discover the love for this series thanks to the first chapter.
6. Vagrant Story
Here we are at our second made by Squaresoft title on the list. Vagrant Story is a very special game with a charm all its own and which was rediscovered as a classic only several years after its release. We are faced with one of the most original games ever released for the first Playstation: a successful mix of action, tactics and role-playing, all seasoned with a plot capable of making people passionate. The combat system is both real-time and non-real time, a bit like we were taught later in the series of Fallout or the little gem of Supergiant Games Transistor. Combined with one of the most complex weapon forging systems ever to appear in an RPG and a not exactly intuitive stat progression system, it's easy to see why Vagrant Story has been criticized for its difficulty. Another detail is the graphics, which while on the one hand presents us with some of the most successful cinematics of the Playstation 1 era, on the other hand it paints the characters in a semi-3D style, with faces that seem glued to the characters. This is certainly part of the charm, but we can understand how someone may have turned up their noses.
5. Bishi Bashi
At this point you may be wondering what this game is and why it is so high in the rankings even though you have never heard of it. Bishi Bashi it is in fact a game that has never emerged from the rising sun but which, in our opinion, would make a beautiful impression if included in a collection. We are dealing with an ante-litteram multiplayer version of Wario Wars: You and your opponents will have to juggle the most absurd minigames, from playing your racket as a guitar, playing a jockey and dodging obstacles on horseback, from catching fish the size of your screen to having to pass a bomb from hand to hand before it explodes . Its absurd charm makes it one of the best party games ever released for Playstation 1 and its simplicity makes it accessible and fun for anyone.
4. Tomb Raider II
The second adventure of one of the most famous heroines in videogame history is probably the most successful chapter for the first Playstation. Tomb Raider II takes up the successful formula of the first chapter by expanding and improving it in all respects, allowing the player to immerse themselves in even larger and more varied scenarios, with controls and, above all, significantly improved graphics. Although it is normal to have some difficulties in the controls, especially if your experience with Tomb Raider was only the last chapters, explore crypts, caves and abandoned places by solving puzzles by jumping, swimming and getting rid of the (relatively few) enemies that will appear in front of you. it will still be fun and rewarding, prompting you to continue the next chapter immediately.
3. Spyro The Dragon
You may have wondered how it was possible that Crash o Spyro did not appear in our classic. Since the Crash remake is just out and Spyro's remake is upon us, we thought we wouldn't take too much space for other games that have received less love over the years. Spyro The Dragon, however, the first chapter of the saga, is in our opinion still essential and clearly the best game of the “sprash” series. Colorful, dreamy and without pauses, Spyro 1 represents the best example of 3D platforming for Playstation 1. No minigame to interrupt your gameplay, "bosses" completely inserted within the gameplay such as not to break the rhythm of the game, all seasoned from a soundtrack composed by Dave Copeland, renowned The Police. Although it has some controls still relatively work in progress, especially when compared to the following chapters, Spyro 1 still manages to excel thanks to its superfine level design, without the need to make the levels excessively long in a forced way.
2. Castlevania Symphony of the Night
Few games can boast of having invented a genre. Castlevania Symphony of the Night is among these, as the progenitor of that mix between Metroid e Castlevania which will later be called Metroidvania. Going against the trend of 3D that most developers on Playstation were chasing, Castlevania is in fact completely in two dimensions, but not shallow. Combining classic elements of action RPGs with a non-linear exploratory style full of backtracking and reinterpretation inspired by Super Metroid, SOTN is an absolute jewel and a milestone still capable of influencing many developers, especially in the independent scene. The atmospheres of the classic Castlevania are not forgotten but, on the contrary, are enriched by a deeper combat and many more enemies and areas to explore. Castlevania also manages to get us replayed the same world simply turned upside down making it feel like a whole new game. In fact, in a completely unthinkable way today, the first "end" you will encounter in the game is not that only half of your adventure and, to continue it, you will have to collect some specific objects that will allow you, once you enter the arena of the final battle, to skip it and continue the adventure.
Symphony of the Night is rightly considered by many to be the best game ever released on Playstation 1, but in our opinion there is a game capable of being even more essential.
1. Metal Gear Solid
We could not fail to give the scepter of the game we would most like to find on Playstation Classic a Metal Gear Solid, the chapter of the saga destined to completely change its face born from the twisted mind of the master Hideo Kojima. Describing Metal Gear Solid is difficult, as it is a mix of many styles: we are faced with a revolutionary work capable of showing how it is possible to create a stealth base game without being frustrating, combining more action elements and a progression structure. levels with bosses to fight within the confines of arenas that wink at platformers. Not only that: Kojima demonstrates how much gameplay and plot can go hand in hand, forcing the player to sit and listen to countless dialogues between the various characters via Codec, essential to enrich the sci-fi universe tends to the cyberpunk that characterizes the game (and to the which Kojima had already inspired in the creation of Policenauts). The classic touch of the Japanese genius can be found in various elements, from humor and the desire not to take the game itself completely seriously (some dialogues, in fact, border on the absurd and fit well into the general mood of the game), he finds of completely unexpected gameplay (and here we only tell you Psycho Mantis, without spoiling more).
Metal Gear Solid in one package features the most original offering and the best mix of gameplay, storyline and innovation ever produced on the first Playstation. It is easy to understand why Kojima is so praised by his fans and his genius held in the highest regard.
We hope you enjoyed our list, in case you disagree and there are other games you would like to see don't hesitate and write us in the comments!