Mysterious changes to the PlayStation 5 page in some territories suggest that the launch of the next generation console has been postponed indefinitely.
Sony, according to a change to its website, may have silently delayed the launch of the PlayStation 5 in several Southeast Asian countries. While PS5 pages in those regions reported that the console was expected to launch by the holiday season of 2020, now there is no mention of a potential launch of the console.
Currently, the only Southeast Asian country that still has a PlayStation 5 release date is Singapore. Those in which it appears that the exit of the platform has been postponed are: Taiwan, the Philippines and Vietnam.
A staggered launch for new consoles isn't uncommon, but it's odd that Sony didn't make the announcement before making the change to its website. Currently, many gamers are confused as to whether or not they might be able to buy a PS5 before the end of the year.
The limitations in the production and manufacture of spare parts have already put a strain on the supply of the PlayStation 5. The consequences are there for all to see. For one thing, the launch of the PS5 will not happen at the same time around the world. It will arrive first in North America, Australia, New Zealand, Japan, Singapore and South Korea on November 12, 2020. Since Singapore has been highlighted as one of the first regions where the console will be available, this is perhaps the most likely reason why. there have been no date changes on the website.
After the launch on November 12, it will be the turn of the "rest of the world". As of November 19th, except for China and South America. These two areas will have to wait even before finding out when Sony's expected console will be available for purchase.
Returning to the countries of Southeast Asia, presumably they will be able to get their hands on the console in the first quarter of next year.
That said, there is no doubt that the supply of PS5 this year will be limited - even those who have managed to pre-order it are not certain to receive it at launch - due to a number of factors, including the difficulty of finding the key components. for the realization of the console.
The situation changes day by day, so we will keep you updated should there be new information on the availability of PlayStation 5.