- How to unlock infinite ammo
- How to unlock Mercenaries mode
- How to open safes, doors and padlocks
- Challenges to earn CP
- How to solve all the puzzles
- How to solve the engine of the masks in the Dimitrescu Castle
- How to farm HER
- How to get all the treasures
- Where to find quality meat, succulent meat and delicious fish
- Where to find spheres and labyrinths
- Guide to the recipes and ingredients of the Duke
- Weapon Guide and Upgrades
If you have just started Resident evil village or are you planning to do so, then this article might come in handy. Below we report the Complete guide to Resident Evil Village, anticipating that it could be updated over time with news.

How to unlock infinite ammo
In Resident evil village you can unlock weapons with infinite ammo, just like in the past.
unlock weapons with infinite ammo in Resident Evil Village you must first complete the adventure, it makes no difference which difficulty level you choose, so you can also finish the game on Easy.
Once this is done you will unlock in Shop Bonus Extra Content from the main menu, i Tricks to have weapons with infinite ammo. For buy makeup you will need CP, currency obtainable by completing the Challenges.
It is not over yet, although having completed the adventure it is not enough to have the CP to get the Cheat infinite weapons in Village, you must also purchase the weapon with all related gadgets and upgrades from the Duke.
Don't worry, there is a foolproof method to unlock the trick with all the weapons, just buy any weapon and all its components and upgrades, save in a new slot and return to the menu to unlock the Infinite weapon trick.
Repeat this procedure with each weapon to have infinite ammo, informing you that for the grenade launcher no upgrades are required, plus repeating the adventure in New Game + you will have all the money from the previous run available, so you can easily buy all the upgrades.

How to unlock Mercenaries mode
In Resident evil village you can Unlock Mercenaries mode, which allows you to face enemies in the various settings of the game, using the weapons available.
unlock mercenaries in Resident Evil Village you will first have to complete the adventure, after which as for the unlimited ammo you can buy the mode in Shop Bonus Extra Content, from the main menu.
To unlock the various environments instead you must get at least the grade B in each of it, the grade is assigned based on the money available and the remaining time. Once you have eliminated the enemies interact with the point to continue, spheres will appear during the gameplay, be sure to collect them.
There are 4 scenarios to unlock, which can be completed at both basic and hardcore level.
How to open safes, doors and padlocks
In Resident evil village you will find some safes and locked doors to open, which will require a combination that you can find by exploring the various areas, reported on specific documents, if you do not want to waste time looking for them then you just have to enter them directly:
- Officina: The code for the safe in question is 07-04-08, you can find it in one of the buildings of the Resort
- House of Luthier: The code for the safe in question is 27-09-17, as the name suggests you can find it in House of Luthier in Resort
- Beneviento House: The code for the locked door is 05-29-11, as in the name you will find it in the Beneviento House
We leave it to you to discover their content.

Challenges to earn CP
If you need CP you just need to complete the following challenges to earn them:
- Lady Killer: Defeat mutated Dimitrescu in under 2 minutes and 30 seconds (25.000 CP)
- Hide and Seek Master - Defeat Angie in under 1 minute 40 seconds (10.000 CP)
- Sashimi: Defeat mutated Moreau in under a minute (25.000 CP)
- Blitzkrieg - Defeat mutated Heisenberg in under four minutes (15.000 CP)
- Don't Trust That Snake Oil: Finish the story using four or fewer salvage items (35.000 CP)
- Dashing Dad: Finish story within 3 hours (30.000 CP)
- Frugal Father: Finish the story without spending more than 10.000 Lei (22.000 CP)
- Knives Out: Complete the story using nothing but close combat weapons (70.000 CP)
- Dense Dad: Finish story without crafting any items (45.000 CP)
- Slob: Finish the story without moving items or using stacked inventory items (33.000 CP)
- Thanks for playing !: Beat story three times (39.000 CP)
- Best Dad in the World (Trophy / Achievement): Complete the story at least on Hardcore difficulty (31.000 CP)
- Universe's Best Dad (Trophy / Achievement): Complete the story on Village of Shadows difficulty (100.000 PC).
- Survivalist: Craft 150 Items in Crafting Menu (11.000 PCs)
- Master Survivalist: Create 300 items in the Crafting menu (cumulative) (38.000 CP)
- Tinkerer: Craft every type of item available in the crafting menu (6.000 PCs)
- Craftsman: Collect all crafting recipes (6.000 CP)
- Veteran Gunsmith (Trophy / Objective): Equip each weapon with its own customizable parts in the story (15.000 CP)
- Cat Burglar: Unlock 15 Simple Locks with Pickpicks (15.000 PCs)
- Heretic (Trophy / Achievement): Destroy all Warding goats (20 total) (cumulative) (16.000 CP)
- Bookworm (Trophy / Achievement): Read every single file in the story (14.000 CP)
- Hooligan (Trophy / Achievement): Break every knockout window in Dimitrescu Castle in a single match (8.000 CP)
- When You Gotta Go… (Trophy / Achievement): Open the door to every latrine in the village in a single match (3.000 CP)
- Quit Hanging Around (Achievement / Trophy): Take down a Soldat hanging from the production line in the factory (3.500 CP)
- Lucky number 7: Own 777, 7.777 or 77.777 Lei in history (14.000 CP)
- Anniversary gift: You will have 52.911 Lei in your possession in history (12.000 CP)
- Countdown: Own 54.321 Lei in history (12.000 CP)
- Make It Rain !: Get a total of 8.100.000 Lei in history (35.000 CP)
- Poacher: Hunt 40 animals throughout the story (13.000 CP)
- Squawk Shot (Trophy / Achievement): Slay five flying crows in story (7.000 CP)
- Trick Shot (Trophy / Achievement): Defeat an enemy from long range with the sniper rifle in history (3.000 CP)
- Timber (Trophy / Achievement): Defeat Urias during the first werewolf attack when entering the village (20.000 CP)
- Unstoppable: Defeat 30 Lycans during the first Lycan attack when entering the village (20.000 CP)
- Entrapment: Defeat 20 enemies with attacks from other enemies in history (4.000 CP)
- Down to Earth: Defeat a Samca with a mine in history (5.000 CP)
- Head Trauma: Defeat 150 enemies with headshots (including melee weapons) in history (4.000 CP)
- Butcher: Defeat 600 enemies in history (cumulative) (12.000 CP)
- Executioner: Defeat 1500 enemies in history (cumulative) (50.000 CP)
- Pew Pew: Defeat 200 enemies with pistols in history (11.000 CP)
- Boom Stick Wielder: Defeat 100 enemies with shotguns in history (12.000 CP)
- Sharp Shooter: Defeat 80 enemies with a sniper rifle in history (12.000 CP)
- Fire in the Hole: Defeat 50 enemies with the grenade launcher in story (14.000 CP)
- 30 Big Holes: Defeat 30 enemies with magnums in history (28.000 CP)
- Dakka Dakka: Defeat 180 enemies with assault rifles throughout history (27.000 CP)
- Pineapple Ace: Defeat 50 enemies with grenades and pipe bombs in history (13.000 CP)
- Mind Your Step: Defeat 50 enemies with mines in history (14.000 CP)
- Combo King: Get a combo of at least 30 during The Mercenaries (10.000 CP)
- Hero of the Village: Completa la fase The Village in The Mercenaries una volta (5.000 PC)
- Assault on the Castle: Complete The Castle level once in The Mercenaries (8.000 CP)
- Mass Reduction: Complete the Factory stage in The Mercenaries once (10.000 CP)
- Night Fighter: Complete The Mad Village level once in The Mercenaries (20.000 CP)
- Gun Slinger: Get at least an A rank on all levels in The Mercenaries (50.000 CP)
- Legendary Cowboy: Get at least an S rank on all levels in The Mercenaries (70.000 CP)
- Overkill !: Deal over 10.000 damage with a single attack while playing The Mercenaries (20.000 CP)
- Ability User: Usa 10 abilità in The Mercenaries (5.000 CP)
- Skill Expert: Use 22 skills in The Mercenaries (30.000 CP)
- Doll Collector: View all character and weapon models (1.000 PC)
- Art Collector: View all concept art (1.000 CP)
- Shopping Addict - Get 200 items from the extra content store (3.000 CP)
- Villager: Complete 30 challenges
- Overachiever: Complete 70 sfide (12.000 CP)

How to solve all the puzzles
Bracieri in Castello Dimitrescu
The engima is quite simple to solve, all you have to do is light the candlesticks in the Dimitrescu Castle, to do this, just swing the central one towards the sides and that's it.
Statues in Dimitrescu Castle
The puzzle of the statues is quite intuitive, but if you can't solve it all you have to do is position the girls so that they are looking at each other, the knight so that he is looking at the lady in front and the commoners directed towards the Knight
A rather trivial enigma, if you don't know how to play the piano in reality don't despair, just press the keys until you find the right notes to play the melody.
At some point in the Castle of Lady Dimitrescu you will have to ring some bells, you can find them where it follows:
- bell 1: As soon as you enter the room
- bell 2: Located on top of the cabinet, the one next to the portrait of Lady Dimitrescu
- bell 3: On the swinging pendulum
- bell 4: This bell is located outside the building, go up to the top of the stairs and shoot out the window
- bell 5: It is found on the chandelier that hangs from the ceiling
Beneviento House
Once you arrive on site you will have to carry out a series of actions that we report below:
- Examine the doll's right arm to retrieve the silver key
- Pull the left leg to get the music box key
- Trick the ring off your left hand to get a blood covered ring
- Reach the nearby room and use the water tap to wash the blood-stained ring, after which examine it to find the code that will allow you to open the door, namely 05-29-11
- Open the door with the combination and cross the corridor to a new door, where you will find a music box, then use the key on it and match the figures
- Use the pliers obtained on the doll's mouth to receive the missing film strip, then place it on the projector in the studio in this order: Soft Toy, Village Book, Child, Music Box and Wedding Ring
- Collect the scissors in the room next to the study and answer the phone as soon as it rings
- Return to the doll to use the scissors on the chest and retrieve a disc
- Use the discs you got on the door in a room adjacent to the doll, rotating them correctly
- Go down the shaft to retrieve the key to the switch box
- Use the key to open the elevator switch box
- Retrieve the switches by exploring the house
- Go back to the elevator and use the switches, after which hide from the monster, when it leaves press the elevator button to enter and escape.
Control panel of the dam
When you visit the dam, after cranking the mill you will need to return to the portcullis control building. To solve the puzzle, turn the image so that the black field is on the right side, as seen in the photo.

How to solve the engine of the masks in the Dimitrescu Castle
To solve the riddle you will need to get the appropriate masks that you find here:
- Mask of Sadness: It is found after having the first meeting with Lady Dimitrescu
- Mask of Joy: After taking the Iron key from the piano, enter the Library and kill one of the daughters of Lady Dimitrescu to take the mask
- Mask of Anger: Complete the bell puzzle and climb to the roof, then use the zipline to descend until you reach the machera
- Pleasure Mask: After defeating one of the daughters of Lady Dimitrescu you will have to retrieve the animal skull from the wall, analyze it and place it in place of the mask to retrieve it and keep the door open
Once you have all of them, just place them and that's it.

How to farm HER
In Resident evil village There are many ways to earn LEI, including:
- Collect the special treasures and sell them, you can find them by exploring the scenarios and eliminating the enemies
- Collect simple items and combine them to increase their value, after which sell them to duke
- Explore the scenarios and recover her bags, each one will have between 300 and 1000 credits
- Recuperate i Special Crystallized Skulls and sell them, you can get them from balls inserted in Labyrinths
Be sure to visit the hotel often duke to purchase upgrades, ammo, weapons, recipes, and more.

How to get all the treasures
In Resident evil village there is the possibility of finding treasures to sell to farm HER, there are a total of 3 treasures, below we report the guide to obtain them.
Beneviento House
Find the piece of slab from the tombstone of the tomb of the gods Welcome, located in the center of the village. At this point, go back to the Beneviento House and defeat the mini boss, place the broken slab and you will find the treasure, whose value amounts to 18.000 Lei.
river bank
Grab the crank, you can get it after defeating Boss Moreau, go back to the drawbridge west of the altar in the village, and use it to lower the bridge.
Get on the boat and drive it up the mountain, enter the prison and light the two braziers by shooting one and then swinging it towards the other. At this point a monster will attack you that you will have to use to your advantage to make him light the various torches.
Once they are all lit you can recover the reward which is nothing more than a gold statue of Lady Dimitrescu, to be sold to duke for 20.000 Lei.
Master's collection
After concluding Beneviento House cross the path that goes towards the garden, you will notice a small hut, inside there is a key to be recovered, near the typewriter.
The key must be used to enter the house located towards the path east of the cemetery, inside you will find a locked locker that will need the combination 27/09/17. The reward is a part for upgrading the shotgun and a statue to sell to the Duke.

Where to find quality meat, succulent meat and delicious fish
Quality meat
Once you return to the Resort reach the coartile near the house of Luiza, you will notice a big white pig, kill it and bring the meat to the duke to unlock a recipe.
Succulent meat
Back to Resort you will notice a blue bird on a tree, you just have to eliminate it to get the meat to take then to the Duke.
Delicious fish
Use the crank on the drawbridge to the northwest of the village after facing the boss Moreau. Get on the boat until you disembark at the bridge, on the left you will find a pond inside which a yellow fish is hidden, kill it and sell it to the Duke.

Where to find spheres and labyrinths
In Resident evil village you will come across some labyrinths, which will need special spheres, below we bring you the guide on where to find them:
- Sphere with Flowers and Swords: The first is found in Dimitrescu Castle, in Hall of the Opera on the second floor, it is inside a box along the walkway of the theater, the labyrinth instead is in the Merchant's Room
- Sphere with Sun and Moon: The sphere is located in the Resort, to be precise in the Garden, inside a chest near some tombs, while the labyrinth is in the House of the Gardener
- Sphere with Mermaid: Go to the area of Moreau and follow the path until you reach an altar at the top, where you will find the sphere, while the labyrinth is in a shack
- Sphere with Mold / Sphere with Horse: Go to Heisenberg factory to find the Sphere with Mold beyond the gate, while for the Sphere with Horse you have to interact with the machine at level B4. The labyrinth is located near the duke.

Guide to the recipes and ingredients of the Duke
From duke you can buy recipes, as long as you have the necessary ingredients to do it. The recipes that can be purchased are:
Fish with herbs
Effect: Increases health
Ingredients: Fish x3, Chicken x2
Pilaf with Meat
Effect: Damage received on guard is reduced
Ingredients: Chicken x4, Meat x1
Mititei to the three flavors
Effect: Increases health
Ingredients: Fish x4, Chicken x2, Meat x3
Tochitura de Pui
Effect: Increases health
Ingredients: Chicken x4, Meat x3, Succulent Meat x1
Pork soup
Effect: Damage received on guard is reduced
Ingredients: Fish x1, Meat x5, Quality Meat x1
Plague Sarmale
Effect: Increases movement speed
Ingredients: Fish x6, Delicious Fish x1
The ingredients can be recovered as follows:
- Pesce x3: In the cave after completing the Dimitrescu Castle and back to Resort
- Pesce x3: In the pond next to the bridge leading to the Dimitrescu Castle
- Pollame x2: In the church cemetery
- Pollame x2: In the alley south of the Uncultivated Land
- Carne x2: In the first house in the village, the pig is in the building
- Pollame x3: In the courtyard of the house with the red fireplace.
- Carne x2: Before the Beneviento house, in the courtyard south of the gardener's house
- Carne x4: The pigs are located in the area opposite the windmill, in the Moreau area
- Pesce x3: After the first boat ride in the reservoir, you will notice a large one on the right side of the path (they are missed)
- Pollame x2: After crossing the station in the Moreau area, in a small area to the right of the path (they are missing)
- Pesce x4: After defeating Moreau, go back to where you got the boat, you will find a new drained area with a pond (they are missing)
- Pollame x2: Behind the mechanical gate leading to the old town
- Carne x4: In front of the gate leading to the Dimitrescu Castle
- Carne x2: Before the entrance of the mill of Otto.
- Meat x3, Poultry x1, Fish x1: In the room after defeating the miniboss in the mill Otto

Weapon Guide and Upgrades
In village there are numerous weapons and accessories to unlock, below we report their position:
- LEMI gun: It is automatically assigned in the Story
- Shotgun M1897: It is located on the table in the house west of the Old Town label
- Accessory for LEMI Pistol that compensates for the recoil: In the corridor after the kitchen in one of the houses in the Village
- Fucile F2: Present in the attic on the roof of the Dimitrescu Castle
- M1911 Pistol: In the locker where you retrieve the handle in the Village, on your second visit
- W870 TAC Shotgun: When you return from Casa Beneviento cross the garden where there is a hut, inside you will find the weapon
- Accessories for the F2 Rifle that increases the magazine: Use the key to Luthier's house that you recovered in the garden, then open the locker with the combination 27-09-17
- Lanciagranate GM 79: In the building marked with the appropriate icon on the map, in the area of Moreau, using the appropriate key
- Accessory for the M1911 that increases the magazine: After lowering the water in the Moreau area, you will find the accessory in the next building
- M1851 Wolfsbane Magnum: You receive it with the Moreau treasure
- Accessory for the W870 TAC that makes the stock ergonomic: Lower the bridge after Moreau and follow the river with the boat until you find a silver case on the right
- Accessory for the M1851 Wolfsbane which makes the Long Rod: After obtaining the key of Heisenberg go through the door to the left of the car, where it says Operating Room, the accessory is in a briefcase behind the wall broken through by the enemy
The rest can be purchased from duke or unlock them by completing the game on higher difficulty.