Since yesterday the Resident Evil Village DEMO on PS4 and PS5 while on the other consoles it will arrive on May 2, 2021, it is the first of the two DEMO planned, one set in Resort and the other in Castle of Lady Dimitrescu.
If you play on Sony console and you have trouble finishing the DEMO within the foreseen 30 minutes, you just have to follow the Guide that we report below, anticipating that being in time, if you want to see all the contents make sure you do not waste time exploring the surroundings.

Resident Evil Village DEMO Village Guide
- After the introduction, continue towards stone door with two torches on either side
- Turn right and continue past the metal gate
- Enter the building to retrieve a key item called Relief of the Woman
- Continue to a cornfield and cross it
- Interact with the large gate and enter the wooden building on the right to meet 2 characters
- Exit the window and go to the gate and then open it, allowing the characters to pass
- Examine the drawers after the cutscene to retrieve the key and a screwdriver from the van, at this point use it
- Jump out of the window and go to the door of the house
- Use the screwdriver on the shrine to open the lock and pick up an object known as Relief of the Demon
- Reach the large stone door with the two torches and position yourself in front of it and then insert the two collected objects
- Open the door and enjoy the cutscene
At this point you just have to wait until April 25 for the second and last DEMO.