Trailer “Be Like No Other” di SR: The Third disponibile sulla GamesVideoTV
The work of Volition, however, does not make the plot or missions its strong point, to be the masters at Steelwater is the show and for this the developers have studied a system that rewards every crazy action we will do, from jumping over a passer-by and then beat him when he flies through the window or windshield to put us at the wheel of a car and much more. Here, above all else, hand-to-hand combat in addition to firearms combat stands out. Approaching a pedestrian or an enemy we will be able to start close fights in which to perform powerful blows that develop in short Quick Time Events. These are shots like jumping on an opponent's back to use them as a sled or grabbing their face and knocking them to the ground and then posing for a photo on the ground as if nothing had happened. For each action we will get points and these will allow us to improve the skills of our alter ego and our gang - from greater resistance to damage up to a wider shot.
The real highlight of Volition's work is the editor, from the character to the vehicles, through clothes, buildings and our group. Thanks to the editor of the character on which we will get our hands practically immediately we will be able to modify dozens and dozens of aspects, from the color of the skin to the height, passing through weight, shapes and cut of eyes, cheekbones, muscles, hair, clothes and much, much, much more - some available immediately, others unlockable by increasing the main factor of the game, namely Respect. We will be free to create a realistic or totally impossible alter ego and the initial choice can always be changed in the game by going to a plastic surgeon - who will, however, pay the best of money to change our connotations. Also through Respect we will then be able to unlock many shops in the game, from garages to graphically and physically fake cars up to gun shops where you can stock up on new guns, some traditional, others pulled out of a decidedly imaginative mind.
Longevity is then further increased by the online sector. Completely removed competitive multiplayer - something you actually miss - in favor of a two-player cooperative online where you will be able, in the company of a friend or a player fished online at the moment, to share the entire playable campaign in single mode or face the "Gross" mode, the revised Horde version in the Volition theme. It is a classic mode born in Gears of War where the two players will have to cooperate to eliminate waves of enemies that from one level to another will increase in number, skill and power.
The strong audio sector is excellent, thanks to a good dubbing in English - only subtitles for non-English speakers - and a wide and always well-chosen soundtrack, mission after mission. The sound effects are also excellent, realistic when needed and totally crazy when accompanied by equally imaginative weapons and vehicles.
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