Skyrim is one of those titles that have marked the recent history of the videogame industry. Originally released in 2011, the game still continues to capture users thanks to endless hours in Skyrim, northern Tamriel region. Now, thanks to Bethesda, the title makes its triumphant return, this time on PlayStation 4 and Xbox One (and PC), with the Skyrim Special Edition, remastered version for the latest generation consoles. Dragons, spells, swords and spells are waiting for you for a new adventure.
Hunting for dragons
In the following lines we will analyze in particular the work done to bring Skyrim to these new platforms and, for this reason, the vote you find for this review will concern this specific aspect of the game. We believe instead that it is not the case to dwell excessively on the plot, the story and the contents that Bethesda offers with this product, since they are already widely known to almost all the players. Just to provide a brief introduction, we recall how the beginning of the adventure will put you in the shoes of a condemned to death who, thanks to the sudden arrival of a dragon, will be able to escape from the place of execution to embark on his adventure in the world. from Skyrim. Here you can indulge yourself in creating your character, choosing its features, race and related skills. Once you have taken this extremely important step, you can start moving around the game universe, visiting known or abandoned places, talking to the countless characters you will meet along the way and thanks to which you will unlock new missions (both for the main campaign and for the secondary one), and finally discovering all the secrets and mysteries that are hidden in the background of the history of Skyrim.
The first visible improvements in the Skyrim Special Edition they are "visual" in nature. Compared to the versions for PlayStation 3 and Xbox 360, Bethesda has guaranteed native 1080p with a frame rate locked at 30fps with virtually no drop, except for a few small and occasional episodes. The main work done by the developers, in fact, is of a graphic nature: since the nature of the game and its gameplay remain unchanged, Bethesda has tried to adapt Skyrim to the modern visual standards imposed by the new generation consoles. The result, in this sense, is discreet: the title cannot fully hide the years it carries on its shoulders, losing the comparison with a recently released title, but you manage to take a clear step forward compared to its original version. This is also due to the vastness of the game (in this Special Edition there are also all the DLCs, ed): to completely restore all the elements present would have been a decidedly huge and hardly sustainable job. Precisely for this reason, we believe, there are some bugs that in their own way have made the history of Skyrim.
These defects are clearly inferior to the merits of the title, thanks to the new textures and new particle effects and new shaders for elements such as snow and water. To this must be added the presence of mods, even on consoles.
Mod for everyone, or almost ...
The true novelty of Skyrim Special Edition, compared to the past, is the presence of mods also in the console versions. PlayStation 4 (albeit with some limitations) and Xbox One users will now be able to access that boundless world until now reserved exclusively for the PC universe. We specify that in case you decide to unlock and use the mods it will not be possible to win trophies that will be promptly blocked. In fact, we advise you to use two different save slots, so as not to preclude any possibility with the game. There is no doubt that the recipients in Bethesda's mind are console users since PC gamers will hardly find a huge difference in the version of Skyrim already on the market.
Final comments
Skyrim Special Edition is not a perfect title but it is an unmissable opportunity for those who have never had the opportunity to play it on PS3 and Xbox 360. Complete with DLC and support for mods even on consoles, the title will give the usual boundless hours of gameplay that will allow you to roam the world created by Bethesda for days and days without stopping and without ever getting tired.