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If you are a Boxari, get ready to raise your score by 1000 G points, while you Sonari can work on the next platinum trophy. Here is the guide to the objectives and trophies of Star Wars: The Force Unleashed 2.
First of all, let's get rid of all the objectives that we will automatically obtain by completing the chapters or the story:
Padawan (Complete the game on Easy)
Minimum level of difficulty of the storyline.
Jedi Knight (Complete the game on Medium)
Medium difficulty level of the storyline. Jedi Master (Complete the game on Hard)
High level of difficulty of the storyline.
Jedi Grand Master (Complete the game on Power level)
Maximum difficulty level of the storyline, to unlock this level, it is also necessary to finish the story first in any mode between Easy, Medium and Hard.
Fuga da Kamino (Escape Kamino on Vader's TIE Advanced)
Nemesis on fire (Destroyed the battleship)
Giant to take down (Defeat the Gorog)
The exterminator (Defeat Terror Walker)
Break the sky! (Destroy the Star Destroyer)
Meeting with the Jedi (Find Kota)
These six objectives are all achieved automatically through actions and obligatory steps that we will have to follow in history.
Betrayed by fury (Complete the game and choose the Dark ending)
Objective, or trophy, linked to the ending and the choice that we will have to take as already done in the first chapter of this saga. By choosing the dark side of the Force, we will achieve this goal.
The measure of pity (complete the game and choose the Luminous ending)
Objective, or trophy, linked to the ending and the choice that we will have to take as already done in the first chapter of this saga. By choosing the bright side of the Force, we will achieve this goal.
Removed the objectives that we will automatically obtain simply by playing and completing the story, let's move on to all those trophies connected to the fight instead:
Potenza (Activates Force Fury 10 times)
To achieve this objective it takes time and many enemies, each kill in fact brings the fury bar to charge and only after it has fully charged, we will be able to activate the Fury power of the Force. Once the bar is loaded we activate the power making sure we have someone to unload it on. Repeated the discharge for the tenth time, you will get the goal. Have a good trip (Drop 50 enemies into the arms of death)
A simple but long objective to unlock. To get this trophy, all we have to do is use the thrust and grip powers on the enemies to then launch them into the void - off a bridge, out of a window, into space and so on. Eliminated the fiftieth enemy in this way, we will get the goal. Lucky series (Defeat 300 enemies in a row without ever dying)
Definitely long and complex objective given that the number of enemies to be eliminated is very high and there is no possibility of appeal, if you die you start from scratch. The only useful advice to simplify the work concerns the difficulty of the game, put it to a minimum so as to risk as little as possible.
Destroyer of the skies (Destroy 15 TIE fighters)
In various moments of the storyline we will find ourselves in open environments with the TIE fighters flying overhead. To get the goal we will have to take advantage of these moments, we wait for the fighter to be surrounded by a blue halo and we take advantage of this moment to use the "Force Grip" power to block and destroy the aircraft. At the fifteenth TIE destroyed, we will get our award.
Arachnophobia (Destroy 200 Terror Spider Droid)
Salvation is full of spider droids, destroying 200 of them won't be a big deal at all.
It burns (Disintegrate 15 enemies by throwing them into the red force fields)
In many places of the storyline settings, generators are placed that create red-colored force fields that we cannot overcome. To achieve this goal, all we have to do is use these fields to our advantage by pushing or throwing ourselves against enemies through the powers "Push" and "Grab". Pied Piper (Induce 10 Imperial soldiers to throw themselves to death using Mind Trick)
The mind trick will be taught to us practically in the first moments of the game and to get this goal we will have to use it to force ten enemies to commit suicide by jumping into the void, blowing themselves up or any other type of death possible, the only important thing is let the enemy commit suicide. Returned to sender (Kill an AT-MP by grabbing its missiles and throwing them at it)
Another simple objective that requires the destruction of an AT-MP only and exclusively through its own weapons. To be precise, we let the AT-MP fire its missiles, then use the "PTO" power to block the weapon and relaunch it at the AT-MP. As soon as the mech is destroyed, we will get the trophy. Explosive deviation (Deflects 20 missiles to AT-MPs)
Objective directly connected to the previous one, the tactic is obviously the same, the difference is that we will have to perform twenty blocks and relaunches of the perfect missiles.
Higher and higher (Overcharge 20 Jetpacks of Jump Soldiers)
Another simple objective, as soon as we see imperial soldiers flying, all we have to do is take advantage of the "Force Lightning" power by throwing it on the jetpacks. As soon as the twentieth soldier dies leaving behind only a trail of black smoke, we will get our prize. Passive aggressive (Block 10 melee attacks and counterattack)
We can only unlock this objective with enemies using combat weapons. Let us get close and attack by repairing ourselves and as soon as we have suffered the parried attack, we counterattack with any move (and therefore key). After the tenth parade with counterattack, the trophy will be ours.
Maximum charge (Use the full strength energy bar in a lightning strike)
The complicated part of this objective lies in the fact that for the duration of the attack it is necessary to hit an enemy, which therefore forces us to wait for a large enemy. As soon as we have a level boss or a large mech at our disposal, we activate the power of the "Force Lightning" and keep it active until the Force energy bar is completely discharged. If the shot is successful from its beginning to the end, we will get the prize. In pieces (Shatters 10 enemies frozen in carbonite)
The simplest way to achieve this objective consists in repeating the challenge several times against the enemies in possession of the ray that turns into carbonite, in fact it is enough to freeze four enemies, destroy them and repeat the challenge making sure to fail until we have reached 10 enemies killed. . Poor fellow (Grab an Imperial soldier, impale him with the sword, electrocute him and throw him at an object)
This is the only secret trophy objective that is not directly connected to storyline events. To get this award, as explained by the subtitle, all we have to do is grab an imperial soldier via the "Force Grip" power and holding the grip active before impale him with the sword, unload the lightning immediately afterwards - a quick strike that is not enough to kill it - and finally throw it with any object, including walls.
Oh yes (Perform every combat move in the game)
To achieve this objective, you must first purchase all lightsaber upgrades up to level two - for the purpose of the objective, level three combos are not required. Having therefore obtained all the first and second level combos, we will not have to do anything else but execute them all making sure that the execution is correct. Below is the complete list of combos with both PS3 and Xbox 360 buttons.
The comma means that the next key must be pressed after releasing the previous one. If, on the other hand, there is a + between the keys, it is understood that the two keys must be pressed simultaneously. Lastly, “hold” means that the pressure must be maintained on the last button.
In addition to these combat-related objectives, there are others that cannot be obtained at any time, but require specific actions in specific places and moments in history.
Ventilation (Kill 5 enemies with fans on Kamino)
While we are in Kamino, in the first level, all intent on escaping from the cloning plant, we use the power "Force Grip" to block the enemy and launch him inside the large ventilation ducts. We repeat the action five times in all and we will achieve our goal. Imperial pinball machine (Throw 10 enemies at Kamino's generators)
As before, during our escape from the cloning center in Kamino, we use the "Force Push" power to throw enemies at the generators that pulsate with red light and which we can overload with the "Force Thunderbolt" power. As soon as the tenth hits the generator, we will have our trophy. Honorable mention (Destroy 12 lightning rods on the way down to Kamino)
During the descent towards Kamino, especially in the phase in which we will fly out the window, we use the power "Push of the Force" or "Lightning of the Force" to destroy the lightning rods that we will encounter during the fall - the available lightning rods are more than those to be destroyed , so someone can escape, but when the missing ones start to be more than the ones caught, getting the goal will be tricky.
A blaster at his side (Kill 10 enemies with the turbolasers in the training area on Kamino)
Having passed the mental makeup tutorial in the first chapter of the game, we will find ourselves in a room with several turbolaser turrets. To get the goal we will not have to do is bring us close to an enemy, let us be framed by the red light beam and put an enemy between us and the turret so as to make our opponent hit by turbolaser fire. We repeat the procedure ten times and we will achieve our goal.
Strike! (Kill 3 enemies with a single bowling ball)
Reached the area full of spheres in the second level, we use the power "Force grab" to move one and throw it at the first group of enemies with at least three individuals close together so as to crush them with our "bowling ball". Robbery (Smash 10 Gaming Machines)
When we reach the casino in the second level, we destroy all the gaming machines and we will get our prize. Valet (Use Vader's TIE Advanced to destroy the AT-MP)
Also within the second level, when we face the AT-MP, we use the power "Force grab" to block the missiles launched by the AT-MP and throw them back at it until there is a single notch to destroy it. At this point, still using the power of the grip, we grab Vader's TIE Advanced and throw it at the AT-MP destroying it.
Stay on target (Reach the falling Gorog without hitting the debris)
Killed the Gorog in the fourth mission, let's throw ourselves down as soon as it begins to fall and follow the fall without ever getting hit by a rock or debris so as to secure the goal.
Disaster master (Break all the coolant tanks on the Salvation without dying)
Within the sixth level, on the Salvation, there are many tanks to destroy by throwing the lightsaber so as to suffer little or no damage so as not to die. The first tanks to be destroyed are found before Juno, while after the encounter we will find eight in the battle area with robots. The eight will be followed by another seven, the first four will be in an adjacent area while the last three will be inside a door to the right of the main passage. Droid anger (Use the Terror Walker and destroy all the Terror Biodroids)
During our stay on the Salvation, we will first have to fight against a Terror walker while also facing biodroids. Let's dedicate ourselves exclusively to the walker and as soon as we have defeated the driver, let's get on board the mech and use it to take down all the enemies in the area making sure not to reach the center of the room or we will activate a movie that will take us forward in the story.
Enjoy Jedi (Remove all Terror Spider Bombs on Salvation)
When we are always in the Salvation, in the second chapter of the level, we will reach a room full of Terror spider bombs deactivated but ready to explode if we get too close. Let's destroy them using the "Force Lightning" power and leave the room only after making sure we have destroyed them all.
Amplification (Kill 10 enemies with lightning rods)
In the eighth level of the game we exploit the power "Lightning of the Force" in such a way as to overload the lightning rods in the area. By doing so, these tall towers will amplify our power and begin to discharge lightning at full blast allowing us to kill the ten unfortunates needed.
Top of the world (Reach the top of the tower without ever falling)
Objective linked to the last level, to be precise to the climb of the cloning structure. To get the trophy, it is necessary to climb the structure and reach the top in one go and on the first attempt, thus never falling down.
Finally, there are ten other objectives related to the challenges, the enhancement and the collection of objects scattered around the worlds in which we will advance.
Challenger (Complete a challenge and get at least bronze)
Beginner (Complete the first ten challenges by earning at least bronze in each one)
Sample (Complete the first ten challenges by earning at least gold in each one)
Three objectives, all linked to the challenges and their completion and which we can achieve practically in sequence. The first trophy, "Challenger" will be obtained by completing any challenge by obtaining bronze or better as a classification. The next two goals instead we get them by completing the first ten challenges of the game by ranking respectively with bronze or gold - obviously if we get gold in the first ten directly, we will get both the "Beginner" and "Champion" objectives.
Hard bone (Get Silver in 5 Challenges)
Triplet (Get Gold in 3 Challenges)
Platinum (Get Platinum in a Challenge)
Three other objectives always connected to the challenges of managing our skills. It starts with "Hard Bone" which requires obtaining the silver classification in five challenges, while more demanding is the "Triplet" which requires gold in three challenges - obviously completing the "Champion" objective will get both previous trophies. Last goal is "Platinum", which does not mean the last trophy of PS3, but an objective that will be obtained by completing any challenge with the highest possible classification, precisely, platinum. Specialist (Upgrade a power to the third level)
Maximum power (Upgrade all Force powers to third level)
These two trophies are related to the enhancement of the powers of our alter ego. The first objective will be obtained when we bring any of our powers to its maximum level of enhancement, which is the third. For the second objective, however, it is necessary to maximize all seven powers related to the use of the Force.
Use the Force, Luke (Complete a combat level using only Force powers)
To achieve this goal, we will have to complete a combat level, that is a level where you have to face several enemies, using only and exclusively the powers of the Force - Lightning, Grab, Push, etc. This is certainly not the simplest of objectives since we will never be able to use the sword as an attack weapon, but only and exclusively the powers of force. The best way to achieve the objective is to first put the game difficulty to the minimum level, then face the challenge of this objective at the second level, the simplest of all to complete only with the use of the powers of the Force, even if we will not have developed them at their best yet. Holocron Hunter (Find all Holocron)
Yet another objective that in order to be completed requires in practice that we arrive at the conclusion of the storyline. Holocron are squares of light which, once collected, allow us to obtain tens of thousands of points in a single shot. To achieve this goal, we will have to collect them all, from the first to the last, and only then will we be able to claim our prize.
For questions, suggestions, insights etc. we are waiting for you on the forum in the discussion HELP for STAR WARS THE POWER OF THE FORCE 2