Fans have been clamoring for a remake by Dino Crisis, one of the most beautiful series created by Capcom, ended up gathering dust in some closet in Japan. Capcom could in the future give us this wonderful surprise, on the other hand its classics are experiencing a second youth, a fate that should also affect Resident Evil 4. Until that moment, however, we will have to sketch and live on memories (or old CDs for Playstation still working) ... or wait for the release of The Lost Wild, survival with dinosaurs that seems to have come out of a Capcom study.
The Lost Wild is a very ambitious project by an indie studio, Great Ape Games, which wants to propose an experience between Dino Crisis and Jurassic Park, with ample space also for narrative.
As you can see from the teaser trailer above, the game is anything but in the release phase, it is still a pre-alpha, so we can even expect the release for the 2023, but it's better than nothing.
On the official website of the game, we can read some advances on the characteristics of the adventure packaged by this indie studio at its first work. The title is described as "an engaging and cinematic dinosaur game that seeks to capture the terror caused by the sight of nature's most magnificent animals".
The Lost Wild will ask us to “explore abandoned Japanese structures, immersed in a lush wilderness teeming with prehistoric life. Search and find useful objects to increase the chances of survival, in a system based on risk calculated to obtain the right reward “.
The Lost Wild can be played in a variety of ways, using lethal and non-lethal weapons, headlonging creatures or evading them. The beautiful and ravenous animals can be attracted, distracted or even intimidated using traps and The fire.
From the narrative point of view, the story is told through the device of a portable radio from which comes the voice of a stranger who tries to show us how to get out of this situation. To trust or not to trust? Exploration, therefore, also draws on products such as Firewatch, award-winning indie from Campo Santo.
We will keep you updated on the developments of what seems to be one of the most interesting future videogame projects.