If we were to make a list of the long list of incredibly and terribly sexy video game characters, in the highest positions we would surely find several characters belonging to the Final Fantasy saga. Quistis, Rinoa, Lulu, Beatrice, Aerith, Jesse, Cindy they are all characters who, in one way or another, have made the hearts of millions of players blush with provocative shapes, unforgettable outfits or downright adorable temper.
But if there is a character that most of all perfectly embodies the pairing of jrpg heroine and sex bomb, well, this is without a shadow of a doubt. Tifa Lockhart.
The Russian cosplayer @win_winry seems to have understood it really well and has made a minimal but incredibly spot-on cosplay, especially from the point of view of the physical aspect.
Why yes, one of the characteristic traits of the character of Tifa is undoubtedly the incredible physical appearance, with proportions not exactly common in everyday life but, in this case, perfectly embodied by the aforementioned cosplayer.
Read also: Not only Remake part 2 in the future of Final Fantasy VII
Tifa's tight hips are counterbalanced by explosive breasts, held together by the iconic white tank top. The cosplay also puts the right level of detail on the gloves that the character uses to attack their opponents, with the iconic red plates placed on the forearm and elbow pads.
In this case, the cosplay of Tifa Lockhart refers to the version Remake di final fantasy 7, skipping the blocky polygonal model of the original edition Playstation and the beautiful (but not so well characterized) version in the film in computer graphics Final Fantasy 7 Advent Children.
In the same Final Fantasy 7 Remake the character of Tifa behaves in a slightly more adult way compared to the original chapter, repeatedly showing his interest in Cloud (even without reaching the high levels of flirtation achieved by Aerith and the very high levels achieved by Jesse).
Compared to the original Tifa Lockhart He has proven himself to be an even more badass character (pass the term) in battle, demonstrating unprecedented fighting prowess through his knowledge of martial arts and going so far as to become, without a doubt, the funniest of the various playable characters.
What to say? We in doubt we congratulate the Win_winry cosplay, proved perfectly equal to the situation and that with his body he played well one of the most physically beautiful characters of the history of video games.
Un post condiviso da ☀️ W I N R Y ☀️ (@win_winry_)