The soundtrack is one of the key ingredients to create a great video game. It also happens very often that many soundtracks have become themselves milestones, along with the games they were designed for. Just think, for example, of the theme of the first Super Mario Bros., or the opening jingle of Pacman, or the unforgettable "little music" of Tetris. Each of these melodies has literally been imprinted in the mind of any player, who often ends up humming or whistling them without even realizing it. All these music have also stood the test of time, the most difficult of all, often being rearranged by various artists and creatives. Precisely for this reason, we have collected what, in our opinion, they are the 10 best remixes and arrangements of video game soundtracks, plus a couple of tasty bonuses.
Here are the top 10 remixes and rearrangements around
Donkey Kong Country 2 -Stickerbush Symphony
Let's start immediately with a great classic: Donkey Kong Country 2. Although the original piece was very difficult, almost impossible to overcome, this remix of the youtuber Vemix it is definitely enjoyable and intriguing.
Donkey Kong Country – Aquatic Ambience
We always continue with a 90 piece: Donkey Kong Country. All owners of the Mini SNES surely they will have come across this song in the "aquatic" levels of the game. Well, iSometimesWriteMusic he managed to capture, in his remix, the sensations of relaxation and mystery of the piece in question, giving them a more modern look.
Skyrim – Dragonborn
Anyone who hangs out on YouTube can't help but stumble upon one of the great rearrangements of Eric Calderone, better known as Erock. Try to imagine the main theme of Skyrim in a power metal key, and hit the play button before the feeling wears off. Believe the words of those who tell you that you will be electrocuted.
Tetris – Main Theme
One of the greatest phenomena of electronic music in recent years has been the dubstep, and could video games ever remain unscathed? Obviously not. Here's how the famous youtuber SoNevable remixed the melody of the Tetris, filling it with drop bass and giving it that charge that only dubstep can impart.
Super Mario Bros. – Main Theme
Probably neither a remix nor a rearrangement, but we couldn't not include this little gem in our list. If you just play the main theme of Super Mario on the violin it is too mainstream, the musician in question adds a bit more difficulty: he plays it based on the gameplay seen on the screen, even reproducing all the sound effects.
Overwatch – Main Theme & Victory
Well, he couldn't fail to mention another of Erock's majestic works. This time, two pieces from the soundtrack of Overwatch, obviously in a metal key. Turn up the volume to maximum and enjoy the show.
Shadow of the Colossus
Probably the title of Smoking Ueda is one of the games with the best soundtrack you could wish for. Well, what better than a piano arrangement to better appreciate its melody and epicity?
The Legend of Zelda
Also in this case, more than in front of a remix, we are facing a tribute. What is the musical instrument that comes to your mind when you think of The Legend of Zelda? L'ocarina, obviously. Well, what do you think of a medley of some of the most famous themes of the franchise played, precisely, with an ocarina? Don't be shy, click the play button. You will not regret it.
Pacman – Main Theme
Again it is the dubstep to be the master, and once again to "pay the price" is one of the cornerstones of the history of video games. Have you ever tried to imagine a remix of the jingle's Pacman? Well, here you are served.
Mortal Kombat
Could one of the most famous beat'em ups ever be missing? Obviously not. Although the song in question belongs to the only ones film adaptations of the franchise, many would have liked to hear this piece even during the game, maybe just before one fatality. Well, this video will not grant your wish, but it will come very close.
Bonus Track

Metal tribute to the history of video games
If you really can't decide which is your favorite soundtrack, well, this man offers you many to choose from. A true metal tribute to the history of video games, a unique medley of its kind, ranging from Space Invaders to Frogger, up to the present day with The Last of Us. FamilyJules, know that you have made the dream of many of us come true.
Tetris by Putin
Well, even the President Putin wanted to let us know, in a world exclusive, his passion for video games, paying homage to one of the most loved titles in Mother Russia. We have once again proof, if ever there was a need, that besides being a charismatic leader, our Putin is also a retro gaming loveras well as a skilled musician.