It weighs around 560GB
Last October 2020, the ransomware gang "egregor"Had leaked the data he had illegally obtained from the internal networks of Crytek e Ubisoft. Unfortunately it seems that hackers also had access to the latest release of the French giant, we're talking about Watch Dogs Legion (here our review of the PS4 version), whose source code - weighing about 560 GB - is already available for download on various private trackers.
Even Crytek itself found itself facing the unfortunate situation with the Egregor group that had practically unveiled all the company's next projects: Crysis Next, Crysis VR and a new Ryse game, as well as the remasters of Crysis 2 and Crysis 3 .
Going back to Watch Dogs Legion, what can the average PC gamer expect from the source code? To begin with, many mods. By accessing the code, modders can find a way to enable mods throughout the game. Not only that, modders could possibly further optimize the game.
Additionally, cracking groups can also find a way to breach the game's anti-piracy measures. There have been no cracks for the title so far and we can't really tell if Watch Dogs Legion uses tamper-proof technology. Denuvo. For what it's worth, its executable file is only 138KB in size, so it might not be using Denuvo.
On the other hand, the game has some DLLs that are over 600MB in size, so maybe this is a new version of Denuvo? In any case, the cracking groups should be able to completely remove the anti-piracy protections. Therefore, it will be interesting to see if a DRM-free version works faster than the protected version. After all, Watch Dogs Legion has incredibly high PC requirements.
That said, it goes without saying that we do not endorse what the Egregor group has done and will not make available links to the game's source code. More than anything else we are sorry for Ubisoft that less than a week after the release of the game has already found the game hacked by hackers.
We remind you that Watch Dogs Legion is available now for PC and current gen consoles and will also arrive on Xbox Series X, Series S and PS5.