It is Christmas and everything is silent, there is something on the fire.
It is not chicken nor turkey but it is the editorial staff of that despite being struggling to assemble the new editorial plan, manages not to forget, every now and then, how beautiful it is to play video games for passion.
Oh yes, because as we have already said in the first episode of this bizarre column, no matter how much you are paid for video games it is impossible to remove the singing worm that tells us to try this title here only for a while.
So here we are, at the gates of Christmas, with a loooong list of video games played by the editorial staff. Have mercy on the mainstream titles mentioned here, we are also trying to improve with regard to videogame tastes: '(
Assault on the backlog (Graziano Salini)
I'm fresh from moving and I'm in a house without a stable internet connection, which is why I sadly had to say goodbye to the magical world of multiplayer video games to be able to approach seriously the massive backlog that years of serial accumulation have led me to generate.
For this reason, instead of having a single title to talk about, I can mention several things this time: specifically Serious Sam 1: The First Encounter HD, Resident Evil Village, Call Of Juarez: Gunslinger e Rogue Galaxy.
Let's start with order though.
Serious Sam 1: The First Encounter HD is the well-known shooter of Croteam and it is on this list because it is part of a broader project: getting to play Serious Sam 4 to have the dialectical weapons to be able to define the best FPS of recent years, with all due respect to Riccardo Galdieri who instead advertises it to me as even superior to Doom Eternal. SS1 is a game that he feels the weight of the years in a particular way that brings but that includes a particular taste in terms of gameplay, offering a very interesting and fascinating reading of the concept of arena shooter that in 2001 surely made more than one player fall in love. From criminal complaint the positioning of the enemies, children of a level design not exactly able to overcome the passing of the years.
Resident evil village instead, against all odds, I liked it and a lot too. He will probably be the victim of some kind of article from me in the next few days but, just to summarize, net of a functional control system for the purpose of the game but too treacherous, Capcom's latest effort is fun, it is varied at the right point and it has a wonderful breath, proposing itself as a small vademecum of what horror is today. It could undoubtedly be scarier but my little heart sick thanked the absence of jumpscare, otherwise today we were talking about my funeral.
Call Of Juarez: Gunslinger instead it is a game that is the result of the crazy discounts of Steam or some anniversary of which I don't remember much. I was able to redeem it for free on Steam and how to miss this opportunity, considering that the original Call Of Juarez is one of the games that I have grinded the most when coming out on an old burglar PC?
From what I have been able to prove so far (I will be maybe halfway through the game) Gunslinger is tremendously fun thanks to an arcadey and caciarone approach to the subject of shooters, offering few mechanics but well balanced in terms of fun. I certainly won't appreciate the fact that the game is about to end after less than three hours but I have come to terms with the lack of longevity of video games, so it will not be a single factor to nip the overall vision of the title.
Dulcis at the end a short sad story: Rogue Galaxy.
This is the fourth time I TRY to play Rhey Galaxy, the previous three have ended in oblivion due to technical problems of the consoles / computers on which I always played in the same place. I ALWAYS lost 3 saves while trying to complete the Zerard factory, either for bastard lightning, or for broken hard drives, or for 10 year old consoles that die once and for all. Who knows if I will be able to overcome this obstacle this time.
Exploring the PC Game Pass (Riccardo Galdieri)
Taking advantage of Black Friday I brought home a beautiful 50 ″ television. When I noticed that Steam was also among the recommended apps, I got curious and connected the PC to the TV via the app. Result? I was very surprised by the quality and the transmission speed, the images are very stable 99% of the time and you play with a crazy fluidity. But there is only one problem: my steam library contains almost only managerial, strategic, VR or driving games, none of which lent themselves to being played in front of the television with a minimum of lag (which despite the very high quality of the service, is still present. To avoid giving away money to games that I didn't even know if I would have appreciated, I finally signed up for the green pas… er, for the PC Game Pass, to find new titles. Unfortunately, the experiment failed, as without a specific app (not present for Samsung TVs) The games do not steam incredibly well, but since I paid for the pass by now, we might as well use it.
The first game I got my hands on, guilty of delaying the release date was Doom Eternal. There is a small internal feud between me and Daniele Di Egidio on this title: after trying it together at GamesCom 2019, he fell madly in love with it, when I, although appreciating it, I was rather indifferent to it. For me, however, the best FPS of the last 5-6 years was Serious Sam 4, cas Graziano will be able to confirm in a few weeks. Given that I haven't finished Eternal yet, I've only done it a few hours, it seems very clear to me that the difference lies entirely in the budget. Eternal is a AAAAAAA that has billions of dollars behind it and a very strong brand identity, it only takes a little innovation, having a state of the art graphics, and 10 rains. Let's be clear it is more skill based than SS and it is a beautiful game, but in the end 95% are graphics and animations, there is not much behind it. Serious Sam for its part with the 4 has innovated a lot compared to the previous chapters, adding billions of things that it did not have before, they really squeezed everything they could, and in my opinion at the end of the fair it is a much more fun game, in the strict sense of the term. It makes me have more fun, I laugh, I cry, it gives me emotions. Chances are good that Doom won't finish before my pass expires.
A game that I didn't expect to enjoy so much, and that I'm glad I tried with the pass, is Art Of Rally. In a period in which “content is king”, in which there is a competition to see who has more features, maps, characters and dialogues, AoR has put me at peace with the world. Simple graphics with post-processing as if it rains, good feeling with the controller, and procedural races. You get in the car and take a ride, never mind if you then have to restart because it makes you shit. A little gem that I had underestimated and that instead is giving me a lot of satisfaction in that evening hour between the end of the working day and dinner.
Apart from the aforementioned games, my being extremely habitual always leads me to my usual comfort games, therefore I cannot leave Assetto Corsa Competizione and Football Manager 2015 out of the list. The first is my real drug, every 2- 3 evenings I sit on the simulator and I do a one hour race, aware of being tough but not hard enough to always end up off the track. The second instead is more a ball than something that amuses me: I'm 83% with the achievements, and i decided i will not buy any other FM until i get 100%. As you can imagine it is not a question of skill but more of consistency, at the moment I am concentrating on playing for 30 seasons in a row, and it becomes extremely monotonous and repetitive in the long run. Will I be able to make it without giving up this time? We are 22 seasons, let's pray.
December 2021: I have an Xbox Series S! (Fabio Antinucci)
Yes, I can only begin like this: this December 2021 represented for me the leap into next-gen with a shiny new Xbox Series S. What does this mean? But it is clear: for the first time I am grappling with that casket of wonders called Game Pass. Needless to say, my productivity rate has dropped considerably, e how much I have literally "fooled" between games of all ages.
What did I start from?
Well, having never had a console from Microsoft, I'm dedicating myself to exclusives. Having to choose between two historical brands such as Gears of War and Halo, I opted for the Anniversary Edition of the Master Chief saga, and I have not regretted it. Like a brave archaeologist I went back in time to the year 2011, the release date of this remastered of the 2001 FPS classic. It was (almost) love at first sight: military sci-fi mood from another era (has anyone talked about Starship Troopers or Aliens?), cute clever artificial, 2000s soundtrack and a very tough protagonist for me they are perfect ingredients for a game with which to face the most tired period of the year.
Why then "almost" love? For archaic gameplay (oh let's talk about stuff before the first CoD and the introduction of the "viewfinder" mode, let's talk about…)? NO: for the final levels of the game, assembled through a terrifying copy and paste of locations and level schemes seamless, stuff to make you nauseous and get you in a deja-vù worthy of The Day of the Groundhog.
But Halo is so beautifully old-style and nostalgic that it makes me think that There could not have been a better start between me and Game Pass (and yes, now I can't wait to play them all up to Infinite).
Now sorry, I'm having an addiction attack, I'm going back to diving in the darkness of Microsoft service.
Happy Holidays!
There is no time, there is no space ̶ (̶T̶i̶z̶i̶a̶n̶o̶ ̶F̶e̶r̶r̶o̶) ̶ (Alessandro Colantonio)
These last few weeks have taken me a bit away from the editorial and video games in general, but I swear I'll be back to the charge. I just reinstalled The Witcher 3: Wild Hunt after finishing the second season on Netflix and I think I will lock myself on it during the holidays because, I confess, I still never finished it. And I recently purchased two expansions of The Sims 4 to create a top secret article for but I will not spoil anything yet ...
However, despite the little time and space that I have been able to dedicate to video games lately, I have sometimes managed to give myself half an hour of serotonin. As a good fan of pocket monsters I got it Pokémon Shining Diamond, the fourth generation remake made in chibi sauce, which I am playing very very slowly (I'm still on my third medal!).
Here there is not only the problem of the short time available, but also the lack of desire: with my mind I am already in Legends Pokémon Arceus, the highly anticipated spin-off chapter and game (finally ... and probably) innovative by Game Freak, and I can't find the right motivation to complete a remake of the genre, made in my opinion too much in the image and likeness of the old game, and for this with a gameplay that I find really old and stale.
A title that I manage to have fun with every now and then (when I don't lose badly) is Magic: The Gathering – Arena, which I have now installed on each of my devices. Now I play it everywhere during breaks: that half hour of rest at the academy, 10 minutes in bed from my mobile phone before going to sleep, or in the evening when, after working on articles and projects, I don't want to think. I've never been much of a Magic player, but when the deck you've built starts spinning and functioning, it feels like an incredible omnipotence.
I hope that 2022 will bring me more time, but my eyes already see that for the first months of this year there will be fun ... Many video games that I have also talked about here in the past are ready to pass under my hands and I will also force you to stay at night just to carve out the time necessary to try them out and have fun. Happy Holidays to all!
Shin Megami Tensei (Luigi Cianciulli)
"But once you played with the ball, with little more beautiful puppets, now why are these ..." my father mutters to the screen while I consider whether to merge or not Kelpie, a green horse with red eyes sliced from mid-torso onwards, with some string of guts still hanging, but still at ease this way.
You're right, dad, I'm sorry to give you this disappointment, but I understand that Shin Megami Tensei V it's the Pokémon I've always wanted. The Megaten at the time of the openworld it makes me fly to Godopoli already from the sense of freedom of making the Nahobino whiz through the rubble of one Tokyo beautifully in pieces.
Everything is in the right place. The new mergers from the compendium -a luxury of comfort-, the colonna sonora, monsters on the map finally avoidable but always ready to cut off your skull if you take the most random of encounters under your feet. The plot, so vague that, after all, why bother to follow it? They are all complementary elements that allow me to do what best inspires me: the nerd, the Dr. Frankenstein, tinkering with the stats, finding the most bizarre processes to get the skill combinations I need, and finally creating the ultimate demon. One day they will realize that the real monster is me.
Spiritfarer (Gaia Tornitore)
At Christmas you can… cry and reflect on the meaning of life and death. Or at least that's what I'm doing playing the latest update of Spiritfarer, Thunder Lotus Games indie title with unique depth. Released in summer 2020, this game has touched the deepest chords of my heart with the moving stories of its deceased characters, now trapped in limbo waiting to "move on". The protagonist Stella is the replacement of the old Charon and it will be her task to solve the outstanding issues of her lost souls by ferrying them on his boat and accompanying them to eternal rest.
Each soul, represented in limbo by an anthropomorphic animal that reflects its character, has a lived tearful somehow connected to that of the protagonist e verbose philosophical speeches ready to be heard. In the recent update, for example, Daria was introduced, a reserved, depressed and self-defeating bat, but with a great passion for music, who will open our eyes to her own vision of life, to the contradictions and the hidden value of this curious gift.
Spiritfarer, with its gameplay that mixes adventure with management and platform elements, combined with the splendid animations and the poignant plot, is still confirmed after more than a year one of the best independent titles I've ever played.
Pokémon Shining Diamond and Shining Pearl
8 years: many have passed since the last remake of history Pokémon and many have passed since the first time that fans of the saga started screaming loudly: "we want the remakes of fourth!".
Eventually they arrived, the 19th November 2021, on Nintendo Switch with the name of "Pokémon Shining Diamond and Shining Pearl ”.
The mechanics and the way of conceiving the Pokémon world are different compared to 8 years ago, but the formula presented by ILCA is too much linked to the past: a 1: 1 reinterpretation of everything we had already seen back in 2006.
Pokémon remakes got me used to adding new gameplay elements that enriched the original experience, with these games instead there was nothing new, you certainly could dare more to justify the purchase even for those who have chewed Pokémon for 25 years.
I Great Underground they are definitely the best part of the title, which are also the reason for my over 50 hours of play: it is not by chance that they resume modern mechanics which are now essential for how the Pokémon games have been presented in recent years, such as the models visible in the overworld and multiplayer.
Beyond a "chibi" style that is hard to digest, the graphic cleaning and ambienti are definitely a point in favor of these games.
I replayed at Syberia; Yet. (Thomas Ridolfi)
Replaying agraphic adventure, once you've finished the game and solved all the puzzles, it's comparable to re-reading a book you liked.
You already know the story, you already know how the plot unfolds, the twists no longer surprise you like the first time and, importantly, you already know the ending.
E so why play it again?
Very simple: emotions.
I dialogues and exchanges of words among the characters, the evolution of the events, the background sounds and music and, above all, the wonderful watercolor landscapes drawn by regret Benoît Sokal they are able to fill even the most austere player with emotions.
The story of Kate Walker is no stranger to the genre, indeed it can be defined as "classic". There are so many protagonists who give up everything, leaving their old life behind, to live a wonderful adventure.
But the set of elements present in the game, dotted with a constant steampunk halo which never tires, makes it very unique.
And the thing that most of all thrilled me (and thrills me every time) is seeing how, step by step, clue after clue, the friendship between the protagonist and Hans Voralberg (brilliant inventor to whom, like Kate, the entire saga is linked) develops until it becomes indissoluble.
Non is only dedication to the cause, that pushes Kate to follow and chase Hans, but it is also the wonder he sees in everything that the inventor leaves behind, in the hope of realizing his childhood dream.
Ed every now and then it's nice to stop and think about those dreams.
Mutant Year Zero: Road to Eden (Alessandro Giovannini)
I wanted retrieve it since its launch, back in 2018, but at the time I didn't have a gaming PC and I had to resign myself to watching gameplay videos. I am there amused a lot, also because I have always practiced the strategic genre very little, or at least less than I would have liked to do, always due to the fact that I have been a console gamer for most of my life.
It equipped with a caustic humor and of adystopian setting as simple as it is effective, is a game capable of entertaining with a good level of challenge and a not too high longevity, which allows you not to tire of its formula which remains very simple despite its extreme enjoyment. Also playing a duck and an anthropomorphic warthog taking out hordes of enemies with laser rifles and other amenities is a very rewarding experience!
But be careful that the difficulty is wavering, with occasional spikes that have put me to the test every now and then, probably because I'm a newbie in strategy!
I recommend it to all lovers of the genre, especially since it is easy to find it at a discount price.
Metroid Dread (Simone Mauro)
It is no secret to practically anyone who knows me that I am a big and diehard fan of the troubled Metroid series. More than two months after its release, this last chapter riesce still keeping me glued to the screen and controller and by now I have lost count of how many playthroughs have elapsed since the first.
Crossed the euphoric phase of having in your hands and being able to play a new one Metroid “Classic” after almost 20 years, my share more pragmatic she managed to emerge and see the situation with extreme clarity and lucidity.
I studied and deepened the Dread's complex level design, one of the most criticized elements in the first days of release. The worldbuilding turned out to be incredibly accurate in pointing myself several times in the right direction, but without any forcing, despite the fact that I have taken different paths each time.
There was certainly no lack of "tryhardates" against some bosses by putting into practice some "speedrunner techniques" and runs in search of every extra to complete the game 100%.
The very long development time and constant reworking that Metroid dread went through - and of which we will never know the exact truth - made him one of the longest-lived and most replayable metroidvania in existence, able to attract new players to itself.
It goes without saying that all the awards received are well deserved from this renaissance of the saga.
Hades (Pasquale Monniello)
When I was told to talk about the game I am playing this Christmas 2021 my first thought was Dota 2. And it's in fact the game I'm spending the most hours on, and damn it zio gifts, I always crash like a pear when the battlepasses start.
But the playground of Christmas 2021 but Hades defeated me, which in the comings and goings of Christmas and with the increasingly frequent commitments of life, relaxes me with its short but intense runs.
Along with the passion for roguelikes and Greek mythology, this Christmas Hades also made me discover a passion for speedruns and for a few days I have been trying to make faster and faster times and I am able to gain 20-30 seconds every day, even reaching 13 minutes. Too bad that the speedruns are around 5 minutes.
Here perhaps in this Hades and Dota 2 have something in common: my total scarcity.
Halo Infinite (Stefano Cappuccelli)
Ok yes, I'm playing Halo Infinite, nothing surprising considering that we are close to its launch. But I want to spend two little words.
I start telling you that Halo Infiniteimperfect as it is, it's a great game. Fun and interesting at the same time; as well as a fair mix of gameplay and narrative intertwining. When it was presented I was not enthusiastic about its open world declination, however I admit that, despite having done well to keep the enthusiasm low, the formula does not fatally impoverish the playful form of the franchise, on the contrary, it enriches it in its own way.
Zeta halo moreover it is magnificent, at times a little redundant and sterile, but certainly interesting. Yes, there is a certain abundance of rocks all the same (more or less). In my opinion, the gunplay is also excellent, not super dynamic, but still pressing and often stunning, especially when you find yourself in a carnage: you change your weapon frequently, often throwing yourself into close combat and throwing grenades on any one. The Exiled - our opponents - are nice, in the sense that I found it fun to see the same moveset of the glories, including that routine of dialogues with a slightly cringe feel.
There is even that medium Gregorian singing that we like so much about Halo, the same one that we hear rearranged in every chapter. As for the story, I think I'll write an article on its own, because it's hard on the spot.
SongBird Symphony (Davide Truchlec)
Songbird Symphony is the story of the journey of BIRB, a little little bird of an indefinite species, in search of his own family and a home to belong to and to recognize yourself in.
Mocked and bullied from other birds it will travel in a world dominated by various forms of birds, solving problems and healing differences between different species, in order to search for special musical notes, essential to achieve its goal.
I'm talking about musical notes because Songbird Symphony is formally, in all respects, a musical.
In a game world whose advancement is structured on the schemes of a Metroidvania, but with the absolute absence of kills or deaths, Birb, to help the birds and learn the secret notes, will have to undertake a phrase totally set to music at the end of the section.
In ludic terms this will consist of a classic session of rhythm game, interspersed with a text, unfortunately not sung, but always really well written.
The narrative verisimilitude will therefore be suspended in favor of a story that embraces the spectacularity of singing and music, as always happens in any musical, from Grease to La La Land.
I fly, I hit people, I move ... (Nicholas Sacco)
Between in-depth articles, live and reviews of two novels, in the evenings of December I also found the time to recover some titles that gave me great satisfaction, also because I must say that I rarely go to touch titles from which I expect an enormous disappointment .
The first was Warhammer 40.000: Dhaka Squadron. Okay, actually I played this live and it wasn't really part of my evening entertainment, but it really surprised me too much not to tell you about it. It is a kind of totally insane flight simulator, set in the Warhammer 40.000 universe and with a Pilot Orko as the protagonist. His origins on mobile devices immediately put me on the alert, I didn't expect who knows what from his Flyboyz Edition, which is the PC version, but I really had to change my mind. There is a variety of choices for your planes and each of them has their own particular specialties, plus the customization of the equipment is really great and, as Orks believe that colors affect the functioning of objects, modify the aesthetics of airplanes really have consequences in the gameplay.
Overall it is a simple game, so much so that the missions are not extremely varied, but the developers have included suggestive maps and a damn hilarious characterization of the characters. Not just stereotyped Warhammer 40.000 Orks that make you laugh just because they behave like idiots, but real ones varied characters between them and one really copious amount of dialogue throughout history. While finding its flaws in a not exactly perfect española localization and in a HUD that suffers from its "mobile origins", it really surprised me by giving me a handful of hours of great fun, also thanks to a plot and to the protagonists with more depth. than many others that I could see in some Warhammer video games conceived right away for PC and consoles. If the developers of Phosphor Game Studios could they have more budget, I would really like to see another similar game from them.

Another title that I had great pleasure in playing was Halo Infinite, but I think you're also a little tired of reading all of this Halo in this article, so I'll just tell you that I was really happy to have fun again after a big disappointment inflicted on me by Halo 5. So I want to tell you that I recently could get my hands back on Yakuza Kiwami 2.
I'm still in Chapter 4, so I haven't even gotten to the heart of the story, but my god, how cool it is to be Kazuma Kyriu. The real gigachad, the huge statuesque man who puts my heterosexuality in serious difficulty, the elegant Dragon of Dojima who beats everything very hard, the one who knows how to put a game in the arcade before every possible world priority. In 27 years of life, I regret not having discovered the Yakuza saga earlier because I am adoring it and cannot wait to get to Like a Dragon, since seeing it defined as “Yakuza's Dragon Quest” only inflates my interest a lot.
Small backlog problems (Claudio Albero)
When you look too long into the backlog, the backlog looks into you.
I have to start filling this space dedicated to me by giving you a small, large one disappointment: unlike what my illustrious colleagues have said, in recent times, I have not had the opportunity to play practically ... NOTHING!
Have you ever heard the story of the professor who, in front of his incredulous students, fills a jar with ping pong balls, then with grains of sand and, finally, with water? Well, that jar has been my life for the last month: although it didn't seem to fit anything else, more and more stuff was being slapped. Whether it was work, preparation of competitions public, ofabilitation exam looming threatening, or simply trying to pick up the pieces of one's existence, all of these activities have taken (and still require) a huge toll in terms of time.
However, as often (to me) it happens in similar situations, almost like it was a regurgitation of freedom, I begin to feel the desire to buy any videogame and boardgame that comes my way, especially if it is on offer.
Well, now that the Christmas holidays have officially begun, a distressing question arises: what to play? It may seem like a trifle, but the problem is very serious. An over-stocked wardrobe can give you the exact same problems as one that isn't.
What to do? Which platform to start from? I will download one of the titles of the PS Plus? Or should I instead turn to the tempting lights of the Game Pass, with that Halo Infinite that looks so promising? But what am I saying! I absolutely have to complete my first run of Demon's Souls ... even though I may have forgotten the controls ...
In short, I am forced to invoke the help of the public, which is yours. At this rate, I will spend the few days of Christmas stillness at my disposal to think about what to choose and, once I have decided, I will crash on the hard and rough wall of "everyday life". Therefore, help this soul in pain, and respond to my appeal:
Answer without delay, and hurry up: because from now to January 7, 2022 is a moment!
Unthroved the PS5: Christmas Deluxe Edition (Simone Alvaro Segatori)
For about a year now I have been more or less engaged in this amazing IRL game where the goal is to take home a PS5. Practically the story of the game it is more or less this (it is also quite obvious): a deadly virus invades the earth and the world is brought to its knees, forcing the earth's population to hole up in their homes. To survive long periods of confinement, humanity seeks out every scrap of entertainment and ends up at the mercy of Spanish TV series, deadly Korean sweepstakes and Salvo Sottile. In spite of the crisis situation, the global videogame entertainment companies decide to launch their new and long-awaited consoles, convinced that they will help players from all over the world to get out of the abyss of the virus. The scarcity of chips, however, leads Sony to fail in any way to meet the demand of users, triggering what will be remembered as "The war of the PS5".
There are several game modes: the first, called Deathloop, because it is practically a vicious circle with no way out. He plans to participate in these "digital files" (as if the physical ones at the post office weren't enough) where the player must wait for a predetermined time - and announced at the last second - to throw himself, like a tuna in a trap, inside a virtual antechamber. Here, along with other tuna, he has to wait his fate decided by a jury of mystics such as the Magician Otelma, Dodò, Iva Zanicchi and Batman who will provide him with the queue number to access the purchase. This is a very difficult mode and if you get a score in the leaderboard in the top 10.000 participants it is already a very good result. Of course, in the style of Fall Guys, thousands of people participate in this mode against the few hundred consoles available. Some told me that their little man (yes, because you will also have a small avatar to play) immediately ran to the top and won the coveted prize. Mine is usually sitting, not even standing, at the bottom of the loading bar and often wonders what he did wrong to be my little man.
The second mode is called instead return and it is very simple to play even if winning here is complex. In practice, just enter a shop that boasts the sale of PS5 and ask:
"Do you have PS5?"
"No, but you can always returnal tomorrow"
And nothing, end of mode, you can play purand by telephone and only the video of the clerk who appears in Metal Gear-style radio communication changes. Of course, this is for the PS5 and that's it, if instead you want to buy headphones, games, the extra controller, the shiny triggers, the armchair for the grandmother, a mini-bar in the shape of a mini-bar together with it, 22 KG of Argentine Black Angus sliced, a used electric toothbrush, a new electric toothbrush, a fat pony and annual theft / fire insurance on a combine harvester (which you have to buy separately) , discounted to 5.
The third and final modality is called instead Demon's Souls and here you just have to get your soul dirty and buy PS5 from one of the many online scammers that sells the console for double or triple the base price. In this mode you can even get a bad ending where, once you get PS5, you become a scammer and sell the console to other poor users.
La Christmas Deluxe Edition of all this beauty includes Christmas carols in Puerto Rican and all the curses made up by users who have seen their PS5 order canceled on Amazon.