Article by Eleonora Di Francesco
After its announcement in 2014, many of you (especially PC players) have been waiting for it. Finally, from 18 November 2016 KILLING FLOOR 2 is available for PC and PlayStation 4, let's analyze it in its pros and cons.
Killing Floor 2 is a first person shooter, set in Paris in a zombie apocalypse, or rather, Zed apocalypse. They are divided into ten characteristic types: Clot, Gorefast, Bloat, Stalker, Siren, Scrake, Fleshpound, Husk, Crawler and Patriarch. We strongly believe that the Zed in Killing Floor 2 have been really made to perfection, each of them has very personalized physical characteristics, as well as their bindings. Killing Floor 2 It also offers a vast choice of scenarios, exactly twelve: farm, biotics laboratory, catacombs, evacuation point, containment station, hostile terrain, hellish kingdom, black forest, Paris in flames, prison, outpost and Volter residence. Just like the development of the Zed, the environments are also very vast and different from each other, characterized by small details that give us the feeling of being in a new game, every time we change the scenario. It is a great pity, however, that all these efforts of the developers cannot find peace since the game graphics are quite backward by the standards that the market now offers us. We must, however, give it credit for the gameplay, which flows fluid and dynamic.
In Killing Floor 2, unlike the first chapter, we have an Offline mode, where we can train to annihilate less crowded Zed waves. The real fun is in fact in the online mode. In this section we can choose between two types: Survival and Survival VS. In the first listed we will have the possibility to choose the map in which to play, the level of difficulty and the length of the game, i.e. choose the number of waves to face, from 4 to 10. Here we will be sorted into a game that has already started or a new one (also this is our decision) populated by four other players. We will all be on the same human team, fighting against the various warps of Zed spawned and commanded by the PC. In the new online game mode instead, we will be sorted into a human team, of up to six players, with the aim of knocking down the opposing Zed team, however, commanded by other users. At the end of the game the teams will switch roles. When we are in the role of Zed we will not be able to choose based on our preferences which to be, the mutant will be assigned to us in a totally random way. If you are undecided about which side to choose, we can help by telling you that by impersonating a human, we will have a first person view, while it will change into third if we choose to be a Zed. Furthermore, in the Survival VS mode, we will not be able to choose the difficulty or the length of our game.
Killing floor 2 however, he never ceases to amaze us with the technique of the vastness of choice. In both modes we will be able to choose between ten types of survivors: berserker, commando, support, field doctor, wrecker, arsonist, gunslinger, sniper, survivalist and swat. Almost needless to say that like the Zeds, humans too are equipped with a wide choice of weapons, also characterized by one or two different types of attack. We will also be able to customize our character, with the supplied data packs, or visit the shop and buy new ones. Unfortunately we will not be able to pay them with the money found in the game, but with our own.
This game really has a lot of potential, unfortunately not exploited. It doesn't have an introduction to the story, nor an opening presentation. It has very well created monsters, which are not presented as they should. Plus, it's not an interesting game for anyone who doesn't use an internet connection. The graphics can certainly be improved, as well as the offline mode. We hope that, in case there should be the release of a third chapter, the developers make it KILLING FLOOR more full-bodied, to make it so worthy of the premises that we have seen in this chapter still not sufficient, however, for a title that touches the peaks of the genre.