Certainly could not miss the analysis of the design component of the new Red Faction: Armageddon. Also here There is a huge step forward compared to the previous Guerrilla: proof of this is a graphic realization that is light years ahead and a more tangible world than in the past. Red Faction: Guerrilla fans will shout at the miracle from the first minutes of the game, unfortunately, however, the design improvement is only found in relation to the previous chapter of the series, because, with all due praise, graphically Red Faction: Armageddon remains a title mediocre compared to what we have been offered titles issued even a year or more ago.
A small note should also be made to clear attempt by Volition and THQ to "emulate" the settings and sensations of titles such as Dead Space and Mass Effect: cramped environments, frequent moments full of tension and the effort to make the planet Mars of Red Faction: Armageddon something really tangible and fascinating aspects are certainly present and verifiable, but not entirely successful.
In short, certainly we are not faced with a title in which design represents the main strength, some might even complain about a design of the lowest level, but on balance, Red Faction: Armageddon can only be praised for the enormous progress made compared to the past. It is true that graphically it cannot compete with what the market offers, but the graphics sector does not greatly preclude the benefit that can be drawn from the gameplay, thus revealing itself to be a marginal aspect that does not affect the final evaluation of the title too much.
With our review of Red Faction: Armageddon we wanted to highlight the genuinely fun new features of a title that, with a little more effort, would have been a masterpiece. We are referring mainly to the decision to put aside free roaming, which in fact precluded the possibility of further expanding the fun found in Red Faction: Guerrilla. It is certain that the exclusion of free roaming has brought many advantages (a more solid plot, a more consistent world and an asset saving that has enhanced the technical and visual sector of the title); but experience has taught us that free roaming is not necessarily a feature that precludes the presence of a plot with all the trimmings, nor of an exceptional graphic sector.
This brings us to the consider Red Faction: Armageddon as a missed masterpiece, which will certainly be able to give you moments of sincere fun, but which at the same time has some gaps that are felt (especially for fans of the series).
For sure though, Red Faction: Armageddon is a title that must be played, not only for all that is beautiful it has to offer, but mainly to not find yourself unprepared in the event that Volition and THQ will release a sequel that, by reinstating free roaming, limiting the narrative defects and improving the technical and design sector, I will certainly be considered a masterpiece!
FINAL VOTE: 7.7 / 10