In 2007 a first-person shooter with horror elements was released on PC that led the player into the nightmare of Chernobyl, the territory on Ukrainian soil infamous for the accident that occurred at the nuclear power plant in 1986: STALKER: Shadow of Chernobyl.
The series subsequently expanded with other titles and then stopped leaving fans with a dry mouth for a few years (consoling themselves with the Metro trilogy). However, these will be able to return to trample the contaminated area thanks to the much-needed follow-up, S.T.A.L.K.E.R. 2, first announced five months ago at the Xbox Showcase.
Recently, the first gameplay of the title was published along with some important information, first of all the exclusivity of the game on the Xbox Series X / S console (it is also expected to be released on PC).
The video shows the protagonist juggling different scenarios and is immediately appreciated for the solitary atmosphere on which the development team, GSC Game World, seems to want to bet a lot.
The other novelty that will surely be appreciated by the players concerns the possibility of having them available S.T.A.L.K.E.R. 2 sul Gamepass fin dal day one. A really good opportunity because it allows owners of next gen Microsoft consoles to recover the title at the cost of the subscription only.
Additionally, Xbox News tweeted that the game will have the 4K on Series X, while the ray tracing will also be present on Series S.