A few days have passed since the Deathloop trailer shown at State Of Play and Bethesda has decided to give us a second, interesting course. The American company has released a new video that summarizes the characteristics of the title in four minutes of fire.
The explanation, very nice we want to add, is carried out by Dinga Bakaba, game director of Arkane Studios Lyon, aka Deathloop's development studio.
Find the trailer below Explained, trailer that (we announce) can only raise the hype to scary levels.
How do you play Deathloop?
Deathloop, according to the same game director, is a murder puzzle in which the player plays a murderer stuck inside a time loop in the isoal of Blackreef. The player's goal is to escape from the island of Blackreef as the protagonist Colt and, to do so, he will have to eliminate eight targets before the day is over, under penalty of restarting a time loop.
These eight targets, called visionary, are profoundly different from each other and include figures of various origins: rich people, artists, murderers, scientists and so on and so forth. They are located in one of Blackreef's four boroughs based on the time of day and the more information we gather as Colt, the easier it will be for us to figure out how to get around. In all this we will find ourselves hindered by Juliana, another figure who, like us, will have the goal of eliminating the visionaries before the end of the day, perfectly aware of our existence and our goal.
To complete our mission we will be able to keep weapons and skills collected in the course of the loops within the following ones, while exploring the island in search of other skills, other weapons and above all other information.
Deathloop will come up PC e PS5 (here exclusively for one year) next May 21, 2021.
We are not really in the skin.