We are used to having to wait a few hours before being able to play a new video game that has just been purchased and downloaded. Of course, those who have fiber are undoubtedly an advantage, but in principle the process to be done is the same for everyone. Modern video games need to be done with enough hard disk space, the latter full of titles that many will never play, despite the squandered savings. We are in the era of patch on day one, that is, patches that are placed after the release on the market of a video game. The patches to download on day one are usually not particularly exaggerated in size, but Bethesda wanted to rewrite history from this point of view with its Fallout 76 too.
The online-only chapter of the Fallout series will have a day one patch like all modern-day video games, but it will be bigger than the game itself.
Fallout 76: the patch on day one will be huge
What if the Fallout 76 patch was Fallout 76 itself? Joking aside, it is not customary for software houses to release such substantial updates, so when it happens it is normal for it to cause a bit of a stir. Bethesda, it has to be said, was honest enough that Fallout 76 was facing some issues at launch. The titles of the American company are part of the history of video games, but often, even the best titles released, they are studded with bugs and glitches. Bethesda confessed that an online-only title like Fallout 76 it would have been a real challenge, as it is something new for them. This has led to committing some small ingenuity that will promptly be corrected and revised with the patch on day one, which will be more substantial than the game itself.
Some of these problems were encountered in the beta, such as a very dancing frame-rate. Other players have instead encountered difficulties that have even prevented them from playing at all. The beta received a major patch to iron out some of these issues not long ago, the full game itself will receive a patch on day one, as noted by the PSU.
And it will be heavy. The Fallout 76 day one patch will weigh 51.641 GB. The base game gets to 45.04 GB. Considering that it is an online only game, you will not have the possibility to play without the downloaded patch, because it concerns aspects of the online game, therefore essential to start the game. If you were planning to play while the patch is being downloaded in the background, be aware that this is not a viable option. This basically means that Fallout 76's total size is 96,65 GB.
Delete some titles that are already finished or that you didn't even know you bought to make room for the next chapter of Fallout. Fallout 76 will be released soon: the 14th November for PS4, Xbox One and PC.