We want to thank you THQ Nordic for saving us the trouble of producing an in-depth article thanks to the publication of a long trailer of Biomutant which acts as a real explanation of the game a one week from the official launch.
Obviously we are joking, but a trailer like this is still a welcome thing for us columnists as well as, we imagine, for readers and fans who have not yet framed Biomutant well after the many information and the many trailers released in recent months. It is a very welcome video, especially if it is presented by one of its developers, Stefan Ljungqvist, Art & Creative Director of study experiment 101 despite the latest recent batch of information.
Right in the introduction of the trailer, Ljunqvist presents Biomutant as a mix between Zelda: Breath of the Wild, Devil May Cry, Ratchet & Clank and Batman: Arkham. The game, however, while incorporating a mixture of game elements from the titles mentioned by its Art Director, has a strong, very specific identity: it is a Post-apocalyptic open-world RPG (map of approx 64 square kilometers), with fairytale features, furry characters and kung-fu fights.
Character creation and customization
In Biomutant, as the name of the game itself suggests, the player can customize his own character-mutant in a very profound way. The different ones skills, stats and traits that the player selects for their character affect, for example, the way their avatar is represented graphically.
The personalization of the characters, however, is inextricably linked to crafting system of the game, thanks to which it is possible to create oneself weapons, armor, tools and clothing. Tuttavia, such craftable tools are customizable also depending on the materials and pieces used. Each piece, in a nutshell, has its own materials and its own qualitative aspects that are able to influence the crafted item both for its appearance and for its gameplay properties.
By changing their genetic structure and mixing materials and tools, the player is able to affect in a very profound way in the gameplay.
The Tribes and the Tree of Life
There are at stake six different Tribes, each with a leader experienced in a certain martial art. The player will soon find themselves having to decide which Tribe to join, and this choice is also tied to a value of karma: Basically, three tribes are linked to a bright aura and three to a dark aura.
All the suggestive game world, both on the surface and in its depths, is linked to the existence ofTree of Life at its center, whose roots reach the many corners of the game map. Continuing the story, the player can sooner or later also bind to Tribes other than those initially chosen, as he finds other clans while exploring the vast game world.
Tribes linked to the luminous aura would like to save the world by keeping the Tree alive, while Tribes linked to the dark aura believe that the Tree must be destroyed in order for the world to have a rebirth.
The mutations
There are several types of mutations for your avatars. The bio-mutation are physical abilities that have multiple uses, the psy-mutation instead they have more “magical superpowers” characteristics, such as levitation.
Mutations are of much help in the combat how much inscouting of the world. Some areas are not accessible until the player develops certain types of resistance to particular terrains or climates, or until he finds a way around them. Such obstacles can also be circumvented with equipment and vehicles that can be found lying around or crafted.
Biomutant is out on May 25, 2021 on PC, PS4 and Xbox One. The game allows you to shape your character, his equipment but also his story. With the preorder the first is already available DLC of the game that adds a new class. We'll soon find out if Experiment 101's lag period allowed developers to get deeper into such a game.