Ant-Man is the latest superhero of the The Marvel movies to land in the shop of Fortnite. And he certainly needs no introduction: he is one of the founding members of the group of Avengers and a world famous superhero!
Ant Man does not arrive alone in the game shop: his bundle contains various contents in addition to the skin. Let's see all the details below.
Ant-Man su Fortnite: tutti i dettagli
“Whether it's microscopic or gigantic, Ant-Man is always ready to save the world. Now that he's grown to the right size for Battle Royale, he's the latest Marvel superhero to join the hunt. " The official site of Fortnite welcomes the ant man as well, emphasizing the change in size of the Marvel character.
Unfortunately (or fortunately!), The superhero will not be able to change shape as he likes in the movies: it would be far too strong. Only the contest of Fortography will allow you to make it as small as possible, taking advantage of the effects of perspective.
Sorry we didn’t see you there Ant-Man.
Grab Ant-Man and more Marvel Heroes in the Item Shop now! pic.twitter.com/owlOjOnQfT
- Fortnite (@FortniteGame) March 7, 2021
In the shop of Fortnite, the skin of Ant-Man she is not alone: in her company we find the pickaxe Toothpick and the faithful steed of Ant-Man, Ant-Tonio. If you like word games, this bundle is just for you!
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