You ever thought you'd ask yourself like flying in Fortnite with chickens? No? Neither do we. There 6 season of the battle royale of epic Games it is breaking every pattern and breaking all records of originality.
Among the many novelties of the new season, we find in fact three species of animals controlled by the computer: chickens, boars e wolves, each with its own particular function. The former, against all laws of nature, will literally make you fly! Let's find out how.
How to fly on Fortnite, thanks to chickens
"How to fly on Fortnite?" is a question that has received many answers throughout Epic Games' battle royale history. With all the innovations introduced over the course of the sixteen seasons that have gone through the game, in fact, players have had several ways to remain suspended in the air for some time.
Much to the public's surprise, however, the most effective method of all has just landed on Fortnite and the architects are i chickens, the new NPCs scattered around the island.
How to fly on Fortnite thanks to the birds? The process is pretty straightforward.
First you'll have to get yourself a chicken (search in the wild areas of the island). Once you find it, run after it and get it. At this point, it's time to head to one of the diving boards on one of the six spiers around the map.
Use the launchpad boost to jump high and use the chicken to glide across the sky. The distance covered with the help of the birds is astounding. See for yourself in the clip below. [Credits @ItsWayzy]
The Chicken Launch is the new God rotate ?
Credit: @ItsWayzy pic.twitter.com/CLDPskaZel
Catching a chicken will also help you in normal jumps, allowing you to rise above normal. The real boost, however, comes from the trampoline - chicken combo.
The short guide on how to fly up ends here Fortnite with chickens! Would you like more? Write it in the comments!
For more information on 6 season, click here
Fortnite Season 6 Fortnite Chickens