The struggle between epic Games e Apple it started because of Fortnite, as we all know. But in this case the protagonists will be the players of the battle royale, since they will no longer be able to access the title using theirs Apple ID.
Fortnite: the fight between giants involves players!
Due to the struggle between Apple e epic Games, players will not be able to access their Fortnite if they use their own Apple ID. Therefore, the players who want to use the game from iOS systems, will have to log in in an alternative way.
epic Games implemented within Fortnite a system to "circumvent" the commission to be paid a Apple e Google. The consequence was the removal of the game by the two giants of the web.
At this point, the software house has decided to sue both giants, but with an eye to Apple, what a second epic Games has the app monopoly in hand.

From this point on, there have been a number of causes and counter-causes from Apple e epic Games, up to today. Yes, because it was declared that from tomorrow XNUMX September, the players of Fortnite they will not be able to access from any device Apple through their Apple ID.
Listening to the words of epic Games, it was not the software house that wanted this cutting of bridges, but Apple. Thus, it is the Bitten Apple that has broken the link between Apple ID and Fortnite. Obviously, the choice was made due to the ongoing process.
Even if it were, the players couldn't access, download or update the title very easily, since it was removed from App Store. But for those who still have the title installed, they will need to enter using another system.
According to the official Epic Games website, after September XNUMX, players will be able to recover their account, but they will have to call the after-sales service. It is not yet certain what information they will have to retrieve.
The only thing players can really do is hope. Yes, cross your fingers that this chaos of causes ends as soon as possible, so that you can continue playing (or not) at their battle royale favorite on smartphone.
What do you think? Do you believe this will prevent players from continuing to want the battle royale water system Apple? Let us know yours with a comment below!
apple epic games fortnite