Don't try to touch Fortnite: epic Games defends his game like a son. After removing the battle royale most famous in the world fromApp Store and from Play Store, Epic it took legal action.
But the diatribe does not stop at simple legal technicalities: through thehashtag #FreeFortnite, the production house has moved the battle to social media and into its own game. Who will win? epic Games will he be able to defeat two giants and defend his favorite title?
Fortnite: Epic Games at war with Google and Apple!
You don't go to war against Google e Apple with a light heart and without having carefully pondered the decision. If such a move was made, then, Epic certainly has its reasons.
Before diving into the battle on social networks and in the meanders ofhashtag #FreeFortnite, it is better to consider the reasons and reasons that generated this diatribe.
Going in order, the first target of epic Games era Apple. The American company follows one Policy too "ruinous" by the standards of Epic: applies a tax of 30% on the currency of Fortnite, the V-Bucks.
As you can imagine, the cost of V-Bucks, already quite considerable, obtained a further increase, discouraging purchases.
Il August 13th, the manufacturer of Fortnite, presented his answer: a form of direct payment of the V-Bucks, capable of circumventing the taxes of Apple. The counter-response was not long in coming: the most famous battle royale in the world kicked out ofApp Store.
In a declaration published on The Verge, Apple explained the reasons for the removal of the game. The opening of the "direct payment" function, not allowed by the store managers, is mentioned as the main cause of the breach. At the end of the declaration, however, Apple holds out his hand to the other party, hoping for a future reconciliation.
Future reconciliation of which, attention to spoilers, at the moment there is not even a shadow. epic Games not only has it shifted the battle to the legal level, it has also shifted the battle social and in the game, with the event Nineteen Eighty Fortnite.
Epic Games has defied the App Store Monopoly. In retaliation, Apple is blocking Fortnite from a billion devices.
Visit https://t.co/K3S07w5uEk and join the fight to stop 2020 from becoming "1984" https://t.co/tpsiCW4gqK
The video is brilliant: playing with the simile a "1984", famous dystopian novel by George Orwell in which the Big Brother control everything and everyone, epic Games threw the gauntlet to Apple.
The community of Fortnite, and not, he answered the call, gathering under the hashtag #FreeFortnite, one of the biggest trends of Twitter of the last twenty-four hours.
Even Google against Fortnite!
If one giant wasn't enough, here comes the second one: after the reaction of Apple to the circumvention of epic Games, Google has removed the battle royale from Play Store for the same reason.
The manufacturer of Fortnite he launched his offensive on the front as well Google, taking legal action.
What happened to all the battle royale players on mobile devices? Apparently nothing: the game still works and it is even possible to shop. The only novelty is the removal of the title from the respective ones store.
The resolution between the parties will be long and complicated but one thing is certain: neither GoogleNor Apple they are ready to give up the influx of money generated by Fortnite. epic Games he will want to leverage precisely on this aspect, perhaps hoping not to completely remove the surcharges but at least lower them a little.
What do you think? Let us know in the comments!
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