Here are all the details on where to find the Shield Cylinder on Fortnite! This is the new protective item that was introduced in chapter 3 of the game. More precisely, with the hotfix 19.01 on January 4th. And let's face it, given its usefulness, you can't do without it!
The Shield Sprinkler, in fact, apply a shield on us and our allies! All this within a few seconds. Not bad, don't you think too? But where is she? Let's find out now together!
What they are and how to use the Scudo cylinders
Before you understand where to find the Shield Cylinder on Fortnite, we have to understand what it is! In a nutshell, it is a type of shield that can be applied to area. So, both on yourself and on your teammates!
But how? Simply placing it on the ground! Just stay in the blue area and poof: in a few seconds you will have your shield. Of course, the same thing goes for your teammates. Just remember to do it in a safe area, or the shield won't be able to save you;).

Unfortunately. this item will give "only" a shield. It will not be possible to heal, unlike the Season 2 Chug Splash. But don't complain, I certainly don't throw away an area-applicable shield!
Well, now that we know this, we can focus on where to find the Shield Cylinder in Fortnite!
Here's where to find the Shield Cylinder in Fortnite!
In fact, there are various places to find the Shield Cylinder in Fortnite. The simplest way is to buy the shield from two NPCs of the game: I'm talking about Lt. John Calls, I leave you the video explaining its position, and of the Scientist (which you will find at the Sanctuary).
If you find these two characters, you just need to have enough gold to be able to purchase the Shield Sprinklers: each cylinder costs 250 gold and you can buy up to four. So, stock up on some pennies and go find John and the Scientist!
But, in case the NPC supplies are exhausted, you don't have to despair: they are not the only places to find the Shield Cylinder in Fortnite! In fact, you may also encounter shields in coffers and supply deliveries. There is also a small chance of finding it as loot on the floor!
Have you heard the latest? On Warzone they have implemented a new Anti-cheat!
Perfect, now you know where to find the Shield Cylinder in Fortnite. Please, don't let it get away! Could it prove to be a key item for you and your team?
Have you already tried the Scudo Cylinder? What do you think? let us know below with a nice comment!
fortnite season 3