La 5 season di Fortnite has been live for less than a week but some players have already found a way to literally break the game.
The new location introduced with the latest update, the Zero point, is the source of a very dangerous bug that allows players who abuse it to win the game without the slightest effort. That's how.
Fortnite: infinite victories at Zero Point!
Every game multiplayer self-respecting suffers from the continuous appearance of bugs, more or less critical to the health of the game itself. Fortnite has had its fair share in the past years and now, on the occasion of the 5 season, it fell into a bug problem.
The object of this glitch is the named place of interest Zero point, the center of the new map that debuted with the fifth season of chapter 2. As you know, the sphere that orbits in the center has some healing skills, the true hole in the wall of this bugs,.
Via a clip circulated on Reddit in fact, in recent days the community has discovered a very annoying but effective method of obtaining endless victories mode battle royale of the title of epic Games.
User u / Silv3erz shared the spectator's view of a victory with a friend of his thanks to the abuse of the glitch.
As seen in the video, the two players are located near the Zero point many meters away from the safe area of the map, in the middle of the storm. Thanks to the regeneration of the sphere's health, however, the player manages to keep himself alive in a potentially infinite cycle and thus obtains the victory.
epic Games will certainly be working on the problem right now and we can expect a fixed as soon as possible. For the moment, pay attention to the Zero point and to those who are too attached to it!
Click here to find out how to get Baby Yoda su Fortnite!
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