It has been rumored for years that Epic Games may be chasing a dream fortnite movie but according to the latest rumors, we have never been so close to its realization.
Following the outcome of the lawsuit against Apple, Epic Games is looking for new ways to reach the huge audience of the mobile sector and one of them would be the creation of an internal division dedicated strictly to entertainment. This theory would be supported by several new entries in Epic Games, among which the executive producer of the Star Wars films for Disney stands out.
Is Epic Games planning the Fortnite movie?
Talking about Fortnite movies with absolute certainty is not possible. At the moment, even the rumors (unofficial sources remain) are not sure if it happens, so we just have to analyze what we know.
Let's start from the beginning. The expansion in the entertainment sector, in fact, was not planned yesterday. As early as in early 2021, Epic Games hired several Lucasfilm executives, including Jason McGatlin, executive producer of all Star Wars films produced under Disney.
McGatlin now holds the role of president of "Special Projects" on Epic, a position with a very peculiar name and one that may soon change.
The TheInformation report, however, certainly does not stop at the analysis of the recent engagements of Epic Games. As revealed by sources close to the site, the creators of Fortnite are thinking of opening an entertainment division dedicated exclusively to the production of scripted video content. Put simply, a division of film production that can give birth to the Fortnite movie or even a TV series inspired by the shooter.
New from me + @jtoonkel:
Epic's assembling talent for a possible scripted entertainment division (think film and TV). A Fortnite movie has been discussed.
This could be a smart way for Epic to grow in the near-term while still moving toward the metaverse.https://t.co/HGDKXL9zKG
As we read in the tweet below, this “wing” of Epic Games would help to continue building the Fortnite metaverse. If you don't know what it is, we talked about it here. The short-term goal, however, would remain to diversify the offer of Epic Games, which remained incomplete after the expulsion from iOS and always looking for new audiences.
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