Not even the time to get to the heart of the Fortnite Season 3, which streamers have started to have their say online. Perhaps too hastily. At least listen to what she said Ninja. Had, on the other hand, it didn't quite digest the changes to the loot.
Tfue has it with Epic Games, Ninja is very happy
Turner “Had “Tenney is one of the players of Fortnite most famous in the world. But that's not why she welcomed in the same way as Tyler "Ninja”Blevins the arrival of the 3 season di Fortnite Chapter 2. The problem, however Had, it's all related to the new loot. Some of his favorite weapons have been missing from the game. And in his opinion, Epic GAMES did nothing really valid to replace.
Ninja, on the other hand, is completely crazy about the new shotgun, but in general also for the new Season, as you can see in the tweet below.
Have not felt this way about Fortnite in awhile.
New shotgun adds an entirely different mechanic to fights/build fights since you can charge it. Much more healing items everywhere. Hunting rifle back?! ERRRMAGERd
- Ninja (@Ninja) June 17, 2020
And he was very critical of Had, live stream with Myth: “We started complaining without even playing for half an hour. And then there's the new shotgun, which completely changes the dynamics of the game - later, after listing all the weapons that remained despite the change of season - What are you complaining about? What made the loot pool so terrible? ”.
What do you think of the Season 3 di Fortnite? He's right Had or are you more aligned with the opinion of Ninja? Let's talk about it on social networks!
fortnite season 3 ninja