For the second consecutive year, epic Games cancels the most important event of its flagship title: the Fortnite World Cup. After the inaugural edition in 2019 which has garnered a lot of interest, the World Cup will have to wait until 2022 to see the light again, obviously due to the global pandemic.
Bad blow for fan e professional players but an understandable and responsible choice.
No Fortnite World Cup next year
In a post on the official blog, epic Games discussed the plans for the near future of the competitions of Fortnite. With the 2020 at sunset, the gaze naturally shifts to 2021, year in which many tournament organizer e leghe esport from all over the world aim to return to organize live events.
epic Games, however, he got his hands on, announcing that he won't be holding any kind of tournament in LAN throughout the next year.
“Our intent is to return to organizing global tournaments in person, but our priorities for events of this type are the health and safety of our players and staff. As there are still too many security unknowns, we will not be hosting live events in 2021, Fortnite World Cup 2021 included. " we read in blog.
The reasons for this choice, clearly stated, are absolutely understandable: live events require meticulous organization, the transfer and testing of all participants, staff and any spectators. Furthermore, the profit that would be drawn is almost nil: increasing the number of spectators requires additional costs to keep the environment sanitized, safe and in line with health directives.
To this situation is added the terrible state ofepidemic negli USA, home to Fortnite and potential home of the most important tournaments of the season, Fortnite World Cup 2021 included. The live events they have started fueling again in some parts of the world but not overseas.
Another year without Fortnite World Cup = an extra year of training for Joseph Deen, the latest star of Fortnite only 8 years!
epic games fortnite world cup