In Dragon Ball Z: Kakarot, these Cell Jr are really complicated to handle as it took a lot of sacrifices to kill one cell, now you have to face several cells at the same time. In this guide, we have provided some important boss fight methods and tips to kill Cell Jr. Along with the kind of skill he has in his arsenal.
Come battere Cell Jr in Dragon Ball Z: Kakarot
To defeat Cell Jr. in DBZ Kakarot, you need to know their move set and abilities that can affect your performance in the game.
Cell Jr. They have three main moves that can drain your health instantly if linked correctly. Moves like Destructo Disk, Kamehameha, and Solar Flare.
Destructo Disk is quite complicated to dodge as it is a series of disks thrown at you with no red indication. Therefore, you need to avoid this move very carefully.
The second move came out of Goku's arsenal, the Kamehameha.
However, Cell Jr. made some changes to the move. Not only will you get hit by a straight beam, but 3 beams will also be pointed at you from parallel directions.
The third and final move Cell Jr. Uses is taken from Krillin's move set, the Solar Flare. You are amazed and open to attack once this move is done.
Since you now know the moves Cell Jr. uses in a battle, you can easily defeat him if you try harder.
To defeat Cell Jr. You have to dodge the most damaging move; the Kamehameha.
Simply avoid the central part where the rays overlap by moving sideways and out of its direction, this way you will avoid the blow and Cell Jr. will be opened for a free throw, hit it with your move and beat it.
Make sure you bring plenty of health recovery items with you during the Cell Jr boss fight as the length and difficulty of the fight are only known when you start the battle so you need to be prepared in advance.
Secondly, dealing quickly with Cell Jr without wasting time as flying and delaying the fight will only make the situation worse for Trunks and Vegeta who are helping you in the fight.