Come battere Majin Buu in Dragon Ball Z Kakarot
First fight Majin Buu as Gohan, then as Vegeta and finally as Goku in DBZ Kakarot. In this guide, we will explain how to defeat Majin Buu in DBZ Kakarot.
Majin Buu has the following skills that you need to watch out for during the boss fight:
Megaton Ball
This attack from Majin Buu charges a large Ki Ball. During the fight with Vegeta, Majin Buu will throw 3.
Megaton Punch
It's a powerful punch attack. Defend or dodge when Majin Buu throws his fist back to strike.
Candy Beam
It's a front beam attack that will turn you into candy if you come in contact with it. It will disable your movement and other actions. Majin Buu will follow him with attacking him with Megaton Ball.
Megaton Bomb
In this attack, Majin Buu explodes in a large burst of energy, causing damage and knocking back. Defending against it is a good tactic as it is difficult to avoid.
Throughout all fights, Majin Buu's attack patterns will remain the same. Thus, you can apply the same tactic in all fights. Follow these boss fight tips to defeat Majin Buu quickly in DBZ Kakarot.
Special scrum and follow up
The best tactic against Majin Buu is melee spam Special Attacks that have a follow up option (by pressing O), as it will lock Majin Buu in a combined chain while dealing good damage to him. These special attacks also have a low Ki cost.
In Dragon Ball Z: Kakarot, Gohan's melee special is "Crushing Strike", Vegeta is "Massive Strike" and Goku has "Meteor Smash".
Stun gun exhausted
During combat, using your special melee attacks will very quickly deplete Majin Buu's stunner, which will make him vulnerable and even allow you to take an entire life bar from him.
Defend and fight
Majin Buu will use powerful melee attacks and Megaton Bomb to damage you. Escaping from these will be very difficult, so if you don't use your defense effectively, you will be harmed by him.
Also, try to fight back to get the upper hand on him and make some of your own combinations.
Use transformations
Use transformations (L2 + R2 on PS4) to get a strong attack damage boost. Transformation drains your Ki, but as you will focus on the melee during these fights, then Ki escape won't be a big deal