How to beat Android 19 in Dragon Ball Z Kakarot
You will fight twice with Android 19, the first time you will fight as Goku and the second time you will fight as Vegeta.
Android 19 will use the same skills in both boss fights, but you will clearly notice that it got stronger the second time around. Here are some tips to beat it:
You can easily counter his header by moving to the side and when he closes with a header, perform melee moves and attack him to cause damage.
Boss Fighting Tips for Absorption Duration
While he is absorbing himself, if you throw bursts of ki at him, he will absorb them and regain his health and that would be very bad for you. So when he is absorbing you need to get close to him and perform melee attacks and this will help you win.
Use a combination of ranged and melee attacks on Android 19 in DBZ Kakarot during this fight. First, do some basic melee attacks and then use ranged attacks like the Galick pistol or Kamehameha on your opponent.
Now we will talk about the capabilities of Android 19 and how you can save yourself from them.
Spike Bottintesta
If this blow is delivered it would cause a lot of damage. You can see it coming when 19 charges up and it will subsequently execute a tortuous attack towards you. You should always remember to dodge it.
Energy absorption
When you see 19 surrounded by a bright purple aura. This means that Android 19 will now absorb all ki blasts and convert them into her health.
Eye beam
Another of Android 19's attacks is that it is capable of firing a purple beam right in front of it. He has a brief warning, so remember to dodge it.
These are the tips for beating Android 19 in DBZ Kakarot. If we have missed something, please let us know.