How to beat Cell in Dragon Ball Z Kakarot
During the saga, Cell will have a total of EIGHT forms that he will obtain by absorbing several Z-Fighters.
In the first fight, he will be imperfect in front of Piccolo and will reach Semi-Perfect form by fighting against Goku and Vegeta.
Subsequently, he will acquire his perfect form and become a much more challenging enemy to face. In this guide, we will discuss Cell's abilities and how to effectively avoid them.
Beat the imperfect cell
Getting ahead in the fight with Imperfect Cell is certainly easier, but only because it's the initial stage, so don't get too confident.
While facing this form of Cell, be sure to watch out for its Beam Attacks and immediately counter its attack by taking a side step and using your special ability to deal as much damage as possible.
Use the Rapid Fire Ki Wave skill as much as possible to deal a large amount of damage. It's a relatively simple attack to land that gives you guaranteed hits on Cell.
Combat of semi-perfect cells
The fight with Semi-Perfect Cell lasts for two characters; Goku and Vegeta. Here things get relatively more difficult as Cell's abilities change and he'll deal a lot of damage.
You have to dodge Impact Smash at all costs or else you will take a lot of damage that will leave you behind in the fight by A LOT.
As soon as Cell's golden aura comes extremely close to you, take a side step to avoid getting hit.
Cell will often use Sonic Blow and another special attack as a combo. Once he uses his Sonic Blow to get you off balance, be sure to spam the Dodge button to avoid the next attack and avoid taking damage.
Coping with the perfect cell
There will be FIVE different Perfect Cell encounters in DBZ Kakarot, each as challenging as the previous one. Thankfully, we have the tips for all of these boss fights.
Cell's Energy Blast is deadly and you need to get away as far as possible. Trying to attack Cell at this point can be dangerous and you could take a lot of damage, so it is recommended that you just wait.
Cell has another attack known as the Punishing Storm; during which it is recommended to fly straight up or down instead of trying to dodge away from it.
This way you can immediately start dealing damage to Cell once he's done.
Cell is vulnerable when he is charging his Kamehameha, take the opportunity to shoot him at your Masenko, as many Masenkos as you can; which, in turn, will interrupt Cell and you can continue your combo.
Boss skills and advice
Cell has the signature move of Z fighters, the Kamehameha. With its power level, the blue ray is significantly more deadly and does much more damage. The attack is easily dodged.
Solar flare
Another move copied by the Z-Fighters. This attack will temporarily disorient you, leaving you open to Cell's attacks. In this case, there isn't much you can do but take a little damage.
Kamehameha drove
This special attack will follow you in the direction you turn; but it has its limitations, so if you are a bit far from Cell, you will be able to avoid it easily.
Special beam cannon
Piccolo's special move. A deadly beam that penetrates all the way if you can't dodge it.
Cell will often jump behind you and grab you with his tail to drain you for 50.000 HP. This ability cannot be dodged.
Impact Smash (semi-perfect cell)
The cell charges in a line dealing damage to anyone in its path. This attack is deadly and can only be dodged if you step sideways as it is about to hit you.
Barrier (perfect cell)
Cell uses his purple barrier if he appears to be in a pickle from your attacks. You will be rejected if you come into contact with it.
Sonic Blow (semi-perfect cell)
Cell will charge forward and kick you three times, and then usually use a charged attack after knocking you out.
Assault Rush (Perfect Cell)
Cell will kick you a couple of times for a small amount of damage. However, if you step away and dodge the attack, you can unleash a Super Attack soon after.
Multi Form (perfect cell)
The cell will split into three clones. You can change the target and try to target the real one, try to do it as fast as possible otherwise you will take too much damage.
Clone Ability Copy (Perfect Cell)
Cell clones will copy Cell's abilities causing all kinds of attacks on the battlefield that will leave you much less time to think.
Clone Ki Projectiles (Perfect Cell)
Cell clones will now launch bullets at you, many of these will be irk, so you better take care of the clones as fast as possible.
Special Kamehameha (perfect cell)
When you are facing Cell for the last time, he will often charge a Kamehameha, leaving it open for attack. Do as much damage as possible during this phase and avoid getting hit at all costs.
Punishing Storm (Perfect Cell)
In the final battle, Cell will summon orbs of energy which will start exploding around you one by one.
Sonic Beam (perfect cell)
The cell divides into various other copies of itself and fires energy beams at points marked with red lasers.
These are all the details related to the final boss of Android Saga. Cell is definitely a challenging foe and the combat is designed to keep you on the edge of your seat.
Make sure you keep each attack in mind and act accordingly; the slightest mistake will cost you a lot of health in this battle.