The boss fight of Majin Vegeta is as challenging as you would expect. Vegeta; at this point time is controlled by Babidi and under his influence, it is stronger due to its pure evil self completely liberated.
How to beat Majin Vegeta in Dragon Ball Z Kakarot
Vegeta is a formidable opponent with a high DPS in this state. He will have ranged abilities that will absolutely destroy you if you are unfortunate enough to be hit by them.
Majin Vegeta will use attacks such as Final Flash, Galick Gun and Energy Blast which are easily avoidable by simply throwing them away.
Initially, avoid trying to get hit by any of Vegeta's attacks as this little DPS will become a nuisance once Vegeta starts getting more aggressive.
Saving HP will allow you to sacrifice some health for extra damage towards the end of your fight.
Vegeta's Big Bang Attack is no joke and will tear you to shreds and set you back in your fight. If Vegeta shoots Big Bang 3 times in a row, you may have a hard time dodging the attack.
If you're not sure you can dodge these constant bursts of energy; then simply hold down the protect button. Blocking a direct hit greatly reduces the damage, which is obviously better than taking the entire burst of energy to your face.
If you don't time your energy attacks, you could end up taking a lot of damage as Vegeta will definitely take advantage of that to deal as much damage to you as possible.
Therefore, it is advised that if and only if Vegeta initiates an energy attack himself, wait for him and shoot one of your own as soon as you dodge him.
Follow the boss fight tips above, playing safe, slow and steady will allow you to win the boss battle easily.
Boss skill
Flash finale
Final Flash is huge and much bigger than a Kamehameha. You will receive a red marker indicating the trajectory of the final Flash. Get the timing right or take the strongest attack that Majin Vegeta has right to your face.
Galick Gun
The Galick Gun is an attack that also took the God of Destruction by surprise. This attack is a large purple beam that is sure to vaporize your health in an instant if you're not careful enough to dodge it.
Mach Laceration
Mach Laceration requires Vegeta to get close to you and land the strike; if timed correctly you can avoid taking damage. Vegeta will charge towards you and teleport behind you, then knock you down. Time your dodge properly.
Maximum consecutive burst of energy
During the boss fight, Vegeta will unleash energy balls on the enemy. Yes, the same attack that never worked on anyone in the anime. But he tries not to be too sure of you and tries to dodge this attack either way.
Super Big Bang Attack
Vegeta will release three rays which will explode and cause a lot of damage. If you are too close to Vegeta during this attack, simply block the attack.
If there is a considerable distance between the two of you, then you can simply dodge the attack by plummeting horizontally.
Massive shot
The Massive Strike is a physical attack in which Vegeta will jump on you and knock you to the ground. Your dodge must be timed at the exact moment Vegeta knocks you down to dodge this attack.
Majin Vegeta is a pretty decent challenge and a reminder of that steaming rivalry between the two Saiyans from Dragon Ball Z. The tension in the boss battle really speaks for itself.