How to beat Gotenks and Vegito in Dragon Ball Z Kakarot
To unlock your fight with these powerful enemies, you must first find and defeat all the evil enemies in the game.
Evil enemies are enemies with the same characteristics, essentially the same enemies with stronger energy level and XP. They are covered in red auras and hit harder than normal ones.
After defeating them, they emit better EXP and drop Z Orbs. You'll need to bring stronger support characters and make sure you level up your character to the max.
You will also unlock a secret boss, Mira, and fight with it after defeating all the evil enemies in the game. Your world and the game's minimal map will show you the presence of evil enemies nearby, they will have a red aura on their icons.
When you are done with all the evil enemies, you will have to face Vegito and Gotenks, your strongest enemies in the game. Here we have the special abilities for both of these boss fights and how you can dodge all those special attacks.
Vegito skill
Spirit Spada: This is a controllable energy beam that Vegito can summon with his hand and forms like a sword and can be used as one. It will make cuts with it that can inflict serious damage. You need to make sure you are on guard when using this spiritual sword.
Finger shot: These will be a series of energy balls that Vegito will throw and come to you in a semicircle. You can easily dodge this barrage of energy balls.
Kamehameha: It will be exactly like the regular Kamehameha used by Goku but will have a much wider range but will only be in one direction so you need to make sure you dodge left or right and try not to get too much damage out of it.
Big Bang Attack: This will be a huge orb if the energy Vegito launches and throws at you to create a large explosion. It will be a huge attack and very difficult to avoid, so be sure to protect yourself.
Usually Vegito will launch this attack after Gotenks has made his galactic donut attack and you are caught in the energy ring. This will be the toughest and most dangerous combination of attacks in the fight.
Gotenks skills
Galactic Donuts: These are the rings of light energy that Gotenks will throw at you and if you get caught by a ring it will bind you until the energy disappears. You have to keep moving to avoid them or if you get caught you just have to gradually retreat before being hit by any other attacks.
Super Ghost Kamikaze: In this attack, Gotenks will release a ghost from his mouth that will come towards you and when it makes contact it will explode. You have to keep moving to avoid this.
Fight against the bosses of Vegito and Gotenks
Level up
As mentioned above Vegito and Gotenks will be the strongest enemies you have faced in the game so far, they will be at level 100 in this fight, so you also need to make sure you are at your maximum level and all super powerful attacks are unlocked before taking on these two super villains.
If you aren't, focus on leveling up and then go fight.
You also need to make sure you have the highest Mastery skill level even before starting the fight, the best way is to get to the training grounds and unlock all the Mastery skills, as well as level them up to the maximum available. This will help you a lot in the actual fight.
Get powerful support
Another thing you can do that will help you a lot is to bring some powerful support characters into the fight with you.
Just make sure the characters you bring into combat have the same energy level as your enemies to get the most out of them.
Focus on Gotenks first
Your best bet on how to win this battle is to get rid of Gotenks first. From both, Gotenks has lower HP so take him down first.
Use Super Attack Assistant moves
With the help of your support characters you can use Super Attack Assistant and it will deal far more damage than normal attacks. Make sure you use them wherever possible and whenever they are available.
This is all the information you need to face Vegito and Gotenks and defeat them.