Unfortunately, you can't go Super Saiyan right after the bat in Dragon Ball Z Kakarot. As far as possible, there are conditions that you must meet before you can access the powerful module.
Come vai Super Saiyan in Dragon Ball Z Kakarot?
DBZ Kakarot follows the story of Dragon Ball Z, so you can't expect to have the Super Saiyan form right from the start. Instead, in this game, transformations are unlocked as part of the story. Hence, Goku will not be able to use Kaio-ken until trains with King Kai, and will not be able to go to Super Saiyan until battle with Freeza's final form.
Once you have unlocked the Super Saiyan transformation forms, you will need to equip them in the menu. Once equipped, you can hold down RT + LT (Xbox One) or R2 + L2 (PS4) and press the module button of your choice. Your character will then transform. While using a Super Saiyan form, your Ki will continuously deplete, so you need to monitor it if you want to continue reaping the benefits of the transformation.
Dragon Ball Z Kakarot Goku Super Saiyan Unlocks:
- Kaio-Ken: Saiyan Saga - Unlocked after training with King Kai.
- Super Saiyan: Frieza Saga - Unlocked before battle with the final form of Freeza.
- Super Saiyan 2: Buu Saga - Obtained by fighting Kid Buu.
- Super Saiyan 3: Buu Saga - Unlocked while fighting Majin Buu.
Dragon Ball Z Kakarot Gohan Super Saiyan:
- Super Saiyan: Android Saga - Obtained while training in the Hyperbolic Time Chamber.
- Super Saiyan 2: Android Saga - Unlocked during the fight against Perfect Cell after the death of Android 16.
Unlock Dragon Ball Z form Kakarot Vegeta Super Saiyan:
- Super Saiyan: Beginning of the Android Saga
Dragon Ball Z Kakarot Trunks Sblocca forma Super Saiyan:
- Super Saiyan: Android Saga - He already knows this when he arrives at the present moment.