Dragon Ball Z: Kakarot Substory
Dragon Ball Z: The story of Kakarot is divided into several parts, each of which represents a different saga from the Dragon Ball Z show.
Each of these sagas has a multitude of side missions, called "Sub Stories", which can be completed to earn valuable rewards such as Soul Emblems and level up much faster.
Saiyan Saga
The precious possession of the master Roshi
The game's first substory takes place at the Kame House and its time span ranges from "A Long Overdue Reunion" to "Intergalactic Invader".
To complete this substory, you must find Master Roshi's precious possession (a magazine) that was hidden by the turtle.
Since this is the first substory, it is very easy to finish. All you need to do is talk to Bulma first, then the turtle, and then step onto the marker behind the Kame House and dig up the magazine. Return it to Master Roshi to finish this substory.
- SCAD 44
- D Medal x1
- Grown-Ups Book x1
- Energy Fish x2
- Erba x2
Nam The Peddlar
This substory takes place in the East Ravine Area, and its time frame is during "Rumble With Raditz (Episode 2)".
In this substory, Nam needs your help with her shopping cart activity.
First, talk to Nam to start the substory, then you need to talk to the man with the blue marker above his head and you'll acquire a fossil. Then, go to the fossil area and interact with the man wearing the hat.
He will trade the fossil for you for food and water; which you can bring back to Nam to finish this substory.
- SCAD 86
- D Medal x1
- Grown-Ups Book x1
- Fantasia Urna x1
- Nam Soul Emblem
Foggy future
This substory takes place in the Central Plains Area, when you play as Gohan. Its time frame ranges from "Stop the Saiyan Invasion Ch. 4: Piccolo" 's Training Regime! "To" Stop the Saiyan Invasion Ch. 4: Gohan's Gumption'
Talk to Baba to start this substory. All you have to do to finish is help Baba by destroying the robots that harass her.
- SCAD 141
- D Medal x1
- Awesome Book for Grown-Ups x1
- Fantasia Urna x1
- Emblem of Baba's soul
Gentle giant
This substory takes place on the East Ravine Map, and its time frame ranges from "Saiyan Saga Ch.2 Follow Raditz!" A "Sayan Saga Ch.2 Rumble with Raditz".
You can start this substory by talking to Eighter, who will ask for your assistance in defeating the Red Ribbon robots in the area. Once all the robots have been defeated, this substory will be completed.
- SCAD 86
- D Medal x1
- Silk apron x1
- Fantasia Urna x1
- Emblem of the strongest soul
Telekinesis training
This substory takes place as you play Picollo from "Stop the Saiyan Invasion Ch". 3: Survival 101 "for" Stop the Saiyan Invasion Ch. 3: Survival 101 "
You must first fight and beat Tien for this substory to become available. And to top it off, you have to beat both Tien and Chaiotzu. Look for Chiaotzu first as he has less XP and will drop very quickly, so focus on Tien.
- EXP x489
- Medal x1
- Bronze compass x1
- Mega Massa Liv. 1 x1
- Chiaotzu soul emblem
The fifth apprentice
This substory takes place as you play Picollo from "Stop the Saiyan Invasion Ch". 3: Survival 101 "for" Stop the Saiyan Invasion Ch. 3: Survival 101 "
Talk to Yajirobe to start this substory. This substory requires that you first catch some deer for Yajirobe and bring it back to him. That catch is that while you are catching the deer, he will run away from you while he is afraid to fight.
You have to find it using your KI (L1) vision. It is near a blue cave, at the top of the cliff. Interact with him to complete this substory.
- EXP x376
- D Medal x1
- Bronze compass x1
- Bestia Carne x2
- Pollo x3
Substories of the first interval
The plan of the pilaf gangs
This substory takes place in the west from "Stop the Saiyan Invasion Ch.7: Intermission" to "Evil Emperor Frieza Ch. 8: Intermission" while playing as Gohan.
To acquire this request, you must speak to Mai, who will ask for help in defeating the robots. Destroy the robots to finish this substory.
- EXP x4583
- D Medal x1
- Brain Bread x1
- Energy Fish x1
- Giant Fish Fin Muscle x1
- Pilaf, Shu, Mai Soul Emblem
Foreseeing fear
This substory takes place at Capsule Corporation during "Episode 7 Intermission".
To start this substory, you need to talk to Bulma who will ask for your help in finding a chip in the area where you fought Raditz.
When you get there, you will have to fight some kaiwaremen, Saibamen and even some attack drones. Once defeated, look for the blue light beam coming from the ground and grab the chip from there. Return it to Bulma to finish the substory.
- SCAD 4583
- D Medal x1
- Brain Bread x1
- Mega Massa Liv. 1 x2
Mysterious reading of power
This substory also takes place at Capsule Corporation, after finishing the previous one. Its time frame is during "Episode 7 Intermission".
Talk to Bulma again to start this substory. She will ask you to investigate a high-powered reading. Go to the place where you fought Raditz and you will meet some Saibamen. Defeat these Saibamen and you will be rewarded with a high quality vegetable.
- SCAD 5292
- D Medal x1
- Romantic apron x1
- Mega Massa Liv. 1 x2
- Emblem of the soul of Saibaman
Familiar face
This substory takes place in the southeast mountain area, after finishing the previous one. Its time frame is during "Episode 7 Intermission".
To initiate this request, speak to Mercenary Tao. Go to the blue ray of light and defeat the three Saibamen to finish his story.
- SCAD 5292
- D Medal x1
- Card 010 x1
- Fantasia Urna x1
- Mercenary Tao soul emblem
- Emblem of the soul of the master Shen
Frieza Saga
Like a different person
This substory takes place in the southeast mountain area during "Evil Emperor Frieza Episode 1".
To start this substory, talk to Ox King outside the home. So, he goes back inside the house and talk to Chi-Chi, then go back outside and have a chat with Ox King.
To finish the substory, you need to acquire four carrots and two pieces of beast meat. The easiest way to do this is to travel around town and just buy the ingredients. Return to your home and talk to Ox King to complete the substory.
- SCAD 5292
- D Medal x1
- Grano rosa x2
- Gelatinous Egg x2
Wild imagination
This substory takes place at the Kame House from "Bulma's Advice" to "Interplanetary Preps".
To start this substory, you talk to Krillin, who will ask you to engage in some kind of mental stimulation training with him. To finish the request, defeat Nappa and Krillin. Both fights are very direct, so this shouldn't be a major obstacle.
- SCAD 6028
- D Medal x1
- Super Sacred Text of Martial Arts x1
Hard break for the turtle
This substory also takes place at the Kame house from "Bulma's Advice" to "Interplanetary Preps".
To start this substory, enter the Kame House and talk to Turtle, who will ask you to bring a Royal Tomato, 7 Rice and 6 Eggs. He quickly travels to the region of Goku's house and goes towards the blue light beam. Talk to the man here and he will exchange your Royal Tomato for 10 Great Energetic Fish.
Return to the Kame House and look for bird circles above the water. Dive right into that point and you will find a large energetic fish. He finds all 10, then returns to the farmer and swap them for the Royal Tomato.
Then, head back to the Kame House and deliver the ingredients to Turtle to finish this substory.
- SCAD 7104
- D Medal x1
- Riso x2
- Bean Paste x2
- Fat Giant Fish Steak x3
- Fleshy river snail x3
Yamcha Is Alive
This substory takes place in the west from "Bulma's Advice" to "Interplanetary Preps"
To start this substory, talk to Oolong who will ask you to investigate Yamcha's mysterious reappearance. He finds the orb with the "Z" symbol and you will see Yamcha talking to some women. Follow him and defeat the three robots that threaten him.
Later, you will find that "Yamcha" is actually Puar in disguise.
- SCAD 6028
- D Medal x1
- Awesome Book for Grown-Ups x1
- Fancy Earrings x1
Victimized Namek
This substory takes place on Planet Namek during "Hunt For The Dragon Balls".
Talk to Namekian Child to start this substory. You will need to defeat 3 of Freeza's goons to save the child, then find 4 Namekian Fruits.
Once you have found all 4 Namek fruits, return them to the child. Now go talk to Bulma to finish this substory.
- SCAD 7903
- D Medal x1
- Master Korin Plush x1
Bulma egos
This substory takes place on Planet Namek after Vegeta acquires 6 Dragon Balls.
Talk to Bulma to start this substory. You need to bring Bulma 3x Iron Ore and 2x Alien Whitefish Fin Muscle to finish this substory. Iron is very easy to get, as you just have to look for the ore points on the map.
To find the Alien Whitefish Fin Muscle, head southwest of Bulma to a fishing spot and start fishing. The chance of getting the desired fish is about 25%.
- SCAD 9314
- Brain Bread x1
- Mega Massa Liv. 2 x3
Tourists in trouble
This substory takes place at the same time as the previous substory.
To start this substory, talk to the two tourists on Planet Namek. You have to find the Maristone for them. All you have to do to find it is to blow up all the big rocks and mountains in the area using your Ki Blasts and you will eventually find the Maristone inside one of them.
When you bring it back to the tourists, you will see them harassed by three of Freiza's hit men. Pull them out first, then pass the Maristone to the tourists to finish this substory.
- SCAD 7903
- D Medal x1
- Shenron Pluash x1
- Fancy Earrings x1
Snape Chef Melone
This substory takes place on Planet Namek after defeating the Ginyu Force.
To start this substory, talk to the red-haired Frieza Force Soldier. First, you need to defeat him in a quick fight. Then, after a long chat, he will ask you to collect three types of fruit for him. These fruits can be found easily using your Kai Sense.
Return all the fruits to him to complete this substory.
- Fruit juice par excellence
- SCAD 23144
- D Medal x1
- Improved Scouter x1
Second interval substories
Villager attacked
This substory takes place near Goku's house (up to the river).
Talk to the frightened woman surrounded by Saibamen to start this substory. All you have to do is defeat the three Saibamen to finish this substory.
- EXP x38616
- D Medal x3
- Silk apron x1
- Fancy Earrings x1
The mystery of the missing tail
This substory takes place at the Kame House.
Start the substory by talking to Oolong. So, he talks to Kami and he will send you to Vegeta. Defeat Vegeta and return to Oolong to finish this substory. Note that you cannot have Vegeta in your party to play this substory.
- EXP x45512
- D Medal x1
- Celebrity Fan Photo x1
One Cool Dude
This substory takes place in West City, near Capsule Corp.
Start the substory by talking to Puar. So, go to Yamcha and interact with him. You will have to help him defeat the robots to finish this substory.
- EXP x38616
- D Medal x1
- Awesome Book for Grown-Ups x1
Yamcha: the man, the myth, the legend
This substory takes place in West City, near capsule Corp, after finishing the previous one. If it doesn't show, enter Capsulte Corp and come back out again.
To finish this substory, you need to defeat Yamcha while playing as Gohan.
- EXP x38616
- D Medal x3
- Wolf Meat x2
- Tofu x2
The Pride Of The Warrior Race
This substory can be obtained from Raditz if you choose to bring him back with the Dragon Balls.
This sub-story must be interpreted as Piccolo. You have to defeat Raditz and Saibamen to finish him off.
- EXP x38616
- D Medal x1
- Silver compass x1
- Ancy earrings x1
Saiyan Power
This substory can be obtained from Nappa if you choose to bring him back with the Dragon Balls.
This sub-story must be interpreted as Gohan. You have to defeat Nappa and Saibamen to finish him off.
- EXP x38616
- D Medal x1
- Silver compass x1
Power is justice
This substory can be obtained from Dodoria if you choose to bring him back with the Dragon Balls.
This substory can be interpreted as any character in your party. You have to beat Dodoria to finish it.
N / A
Power is beauty
This substory can be obtained from Zarbon if you choose to bring him back with the Dragon Balls.
This substory can be played with any character in your party. You have to beat Zarbon twice to finish him off.
N / A
Ginyu Force Tryouts
This substory can be obtained if you choose to bring back the Ginyu force with the Dragon Balls.
Since Captain Ginyu is not dead, he will not fight with the rest of the team; but everyone else will be there. You have to defeat each member to finish this substory.
N / A
Android Saga Substories
Bummed About Bananas
This substory takes place in the King Kai Planet Area.
To start this substory, talk to Bubbles who needs to be cheered up. You can do this by collecting Cosmic Bananas. He travels to Blake Bog on the world map and collects all the cosmic bananas there. Take them to Bubbles to finish this substory.
- SCAD 70842
- D Medal x3
- Shenron Plush x1
Easy genius
This substory takes place at the West Area, Capsule Coporation.
To start this substory, talk to Doctor Briefs who will ask you to bring him some material. He needs Skull Robo gear, a piece of Densite and three pieces of silver ore.
To find the Skull Robo Gear, travel to the west area and beat the three robots. To find the Densite, destroy the great land mass there. Silver ore is very easy to find; go to any place of ore. Report these items to Doctor Briefs to complete this substory.
- SCAD 70842
- D Medal x3
- Pane Ultra Brain x1
- Card 045 x1
A competitive party with friends
This substory is only available to those who have pre-ordered the game and have the bonus DLC content. It takes place at Goku's house.
To start this substory, talk to Yamcha who will invite you to a party to welcome you home. Travel to Lucca Village on the world map and head to the party venue (look for the blue ray of light). After the party, you will have to fight Vegeta in a friendly match and defeat him.
So, you have to finish a race on a two-pedal robot in a limited time to finish this substory.
- SCAD 83493
- D Medal x3
- Wild Aged Steak x1
- Water for the final awakening x1
The meaning of training
This substory takes place in the west area when you play Vegeta during the Android saga.
To start this substory, talk to Tien. You have to defeat him in a sparring match to finish this substory.
- SCAD 46963
- D Medal x3
- Super Sacred Text of Martial Arts x1
- Card 038 x1
Yajirobe e Korin
This substory takes place in the Holy Land of Korin, in the western forest area, after Goku's driver's license test.
To start this substory, talk to Yajirobe (he is in the blue light beam). He will challenge you to a fishing contest. You have to catch 2 Goliath Catfish and 1 Scarlet Catfish to defeat him in this challenge. He fishes in the pond near Yajirobe and looks for fish with the largest fins. To catch Scarley Catfish, you need to use bait.
Once you have all the fish caught, talk to Yajirobe to belittle this substory.
- SCAD 79713
- D Medal x3
- Senzy Bean Seed x1
- Fancy Necklace x1
Your friend is my friend
This substory takes place in the North Mountains area when you play as Future Trunks in the Android Saga.
To start this substory, talk to Eighter. He will ask you to defeat the poaching robots in the area. This substory will be completed once you do that.
- SCAD 70842
- D Medal x1
- Pane Ultra Brain x1
Close encounters of the problem type
This substory takes place in the west, Gingertown when you play as Piccolo in the Android saga.
To start this substory, talk to the tourist couple (the one you saw on Planet Namek). He travels to the Lizard Desert and kill the dinosaur. Then, defeat the red-haired Frieza Private again to finish this substory.
- SCAD 79713
- D Medal x1
- Porunga Plush x1
- Fancy Ring x1
Cell Saga
Friends forever
This substory takes place in the North Mountains Area, Darlinge Polynya, after leaving the Hyperbolic Time Hall with Goku and Gohan.
To start this substory, talk to Eighter; that he doesn't feel so good. You'll talk to Doctor Briefs and then you'll need to go back to Darlinge Polynya. Here, he finds Gero's hideout and defeats the nearby robots. After taking care of them, he uses Ki Vision to locate the purple orbs in the debris around the lab and acquire all four files to finish this substory.
- SCAD 136715
- D Medal x5
- Pane Ultra Brain x1
Between the worlds
This substory takes place in the Southern Islands area, in the city of Papaya.
To start this substory, talk to Fortuneteller Baba. He will help you find some powerful opponents to fight. To complete this quest, you must win three fights with multiple Frieza Goons, then return to Baba.
- SCAD 136715
- D Medal x2
- Super cool book for Grown-Ups x1
Not too quick on taking
This substory takes place in the West Forest Area, Korin's Holy Land.
To start this sub-story, talk to Pilaf; who needs help finding a capsule. She flies up and locates the purple sphere in the area using Ki Vision. Take the capsule and bring it back to Pilaf to finish this substory.
- SCAD 116001
- D Medal x2
- Pane Ultra Brain x1
This substory takes place at the Kame House while you train for the Cell Games.
To start this substory, talk to Master Roshi. You have to beat Krillin in a fight to finish him off. It's relatively easy to beat, but has quite a bit of HP.
- SCAD 116001
- D Medal x5
- Card 039 x1
- Selection Beast Meat x3
- Frozen Rabbit Meat x2
- Giant Fat Fish x2
Once A Teacher Always a teacher
This substory takes place in Kami's Tower.
To start this substory, talk to Piccolo; who will ask you to have a friendly fight with him. Defeat him in this fight to complete this substory.
- EXP x121766
- Super Sacred Text of Martial Arts x1
- Card 042 x1
- Fancy wristwatch x1
Crane School Scouting
This substory takes place just outside Orange City (look for the blue light beam).
To start this substory, talk to Master Shen and Mercenary Tao. Defeat the three robots to finish this substory.
- SCAD 127814
- D Medal x1
- Super cool book for Grown-Ups x1
Animorphaline incident
This substory takes place in the West Forest Area, Korin's Holy Land.
To start this substory, talk to Korin; that she will ask you to find a special mushroom for him that grows in a specific cave.
Travel to the Central Continent area on the world map and head towards the blue marker. There you will talk to the beastmen, but they will not let you into the cave.
So, you'll have to go to Bulma and talk to her about the animorphage. She will send you to Mr. Popo. He will prepare the antidote for the beastmen, but you will have to find some ingredients for him.
These ingredients are 3 high quality herbs, 4 fleshy river snails and 1 golden gazelle horn.
Travel to the Cell Games Arena and find the snails on the shore. You may need to leave the area and return to get enough slugs. The deer is in the vicinity of the forest (use your Ki Sense).
Return the items to Mr. Popo to complete this DBZ Kakarot substory.
- SCAD 158099
- D Medal x5
- All Purpose Pet Hood x1
Substories of the third interval
Villian continuously attacked
This DBZ Kakarot substory takes place in the southeast mountain area near Yamcha's hideout.
To start this substory, talk to the frightened woman surrounded by Saibamen. Defeat all three Saibamen to finish this substory.
- SCAD 248653
- Angelic apron x1
- Fancy wristwatch x1
- Premium Seafood Course Recipe x1
- Golden Energy Fish x1
- Premium Milk x1
The mad scientist
This substory takes place in the East Ravine Area, Lucca Village.
To start this substory, talk to Bulma. You have to help his father by collecting three special stones: Hard Dragolyte, Large Dorgalyte and Bulky Dogmalyte. Go to the blue marker and talk to the boy with the hat. He will give you the general position of each rock.
Return all three rocks to Doctor Briefs to complete this substory.
- EXP 168013
- D Medal x5
- Pane Ultra Brain x1
- Card 055 x1
- Fancy Necklace x1
Power vacuum filling
This substory can be obtained by wanting Appule back.
To finish this substory, all you have to do is defeat Appule while playing as Gohan.
No Dirty Fireworks per me!
This substory can be obtained by wanting Cui back.
To finish this substory, all you need to do is defeat Cui while playing as Vegeta.
- Emblem of the Soul Cui
- EXP x127814
- D Medal x1
- Super Power Proteina x1
- Fancy Earrings x1
Little nightmares
This substory can be obtained by wishing Cell Jr Back.
To finish this substory, all you have to do is defeat all the Cell Jrs by playing as Vegeta.
Hyperbolic renewal of the time chamber
This substory takes place at Kami's Lookout from "Android Terror Arrives Ep.10: Intermission" to "Android Terror Arrives Ep.10: Intermission".
To start this substory, talk to Dende using Gohan. Dende needs you to find 1x Phantom Sand, 2x Green Crystal and 2x Red Crystal. Crystals can be found quite easily in the caves.
Look at your DBZ Kakarot map and see what materials are present at each location, then go inside a cave in that area. You can also ask Mr. Popo for the locations.
You can find the Phantom Sand near Yamcha's hideout. Bring them back to Dendi to complete this substory.
- EXP x168013
- D Medal x5
- Shenron Plush x1
- Card 056 x1
Guardian Guardian
This substory also takes place at Kami's Lookout, after finishing the previous one.
To start this substory, talk to Mr. Popo using Gohan. He needs you to find 15 Chips for him. He travels to the Olive Village in the eastern ravine and looks for the purple orbs near the water's edge, adjacent to the dead trees. Collect 15 of them and bring them back to Mr. Popo to complete this substory.
- EXP x168013
- D Medal x5
- Shenron Plush x1
An awkward couple
This substory takes place near Goku's House, from "Android Terror Arrives Ep.10: Intermission" to "Android Terror Arrives Ep.10: Intermission".
To start this substory, talk to Ox King using Piccolo. Next, go to the Kame House and talk to Krillin. To finish this substory, defeat Krillin and go back.
- EXP x104711
- Awesome Book for Grown-Ups x1
- Fancy Necklace x1
- Emblem dell'anima del re bue
Krillins Heart Of Gold
This substory takes place at the Kame House from "Android Terror Arrives Ep.10: Intermission" to "Android Terror Arrives Ep.10: Intermission".
To start this substory, talk to Krillin using Gohan. Afterwards, he travels to the cave and defeat the robots to finish this substory.
- EXP x206569
- D Medal x5
- Ultra Sacred Text of Martial Arts x1
Buu Saga
Goten's Growth
This substory takes place after Gohan became the Great Saiyaman, from "Majin Buu Reborn Ep.1: New Encounters" to "Majin Buu Reborn Ep.1: Good News".
To start this substory, go to Goku's house and talk to Goten using Gohan. You have to find three blue fish. You can find all three in the place near Goku's house. Keep in mind that the chance of catching them is quite low, so you will have to fish for a relatively long time.
After catching the fish, you must defeat Goten in a fight to finish this substory.
- EXP x190593
- D Medal x10
- Super Sacred Text of Martial Arts x1
- Card 069 x1
Uninvited training partner
Questa sottostoria si svolge vicino a Goku's House da "Majin Buu Reborn Ep.1: New Encounters" a "Majin Buu Reborn Ep.1: Good News".
To start this substory, talk to Videl using Gohan. You just need to take out some robots to finish this substory in DBZ Kakarot.
- EXP x233941
- D Medal x10
- Prime Golden Wolf Meat x1
- Butterbur Scape x4
- Shiny Laver x3
Daddy's little girl
This substory takes place at Lacco Village from "Majin Buu Reborn Ep.1: New Encounters" to "Majin Buu Reborn Ep.1: Good News".
To start this substory, talk to Marron using Gohan. You have to catch a blue fish to finish this substory.
- EXP x198495
- D Medal x3
- Bussola d'oro x1
This substory takes place outside of Capsule Corp from "Majin Buu Reborn Ep.1: Good News" to "Majin Buu Reborn Ep.2: Time for the Tournament!"
To start this substory, talk to Trunks using Gohan. He travels to Blake Bog and defeat Trunks in a fight to complete this substory.
- EXP x243635
- D Medal x10
- Ultra Sacred Text of Martial Arts x1
Chiaotzu The champion
This substory takes place in Olive Village from "Majin Buu Reborn Ep.1: Good News"
a "Majin Buu Reborn Ep.2: Time for the Tournament!"
To start this substory, talk to Chiaotzu using Gohan. Kill 10 deer for the villagers to finish this substory.
- EXP x215027
- D Medal x10
- Bussola d'oro x1
The great lord
Questa sottostoria si svolge a Satan City da "Majin Buu Reborn Ep.1: Good News" a "Majin Buu Reborn Ep.2: Time for the Tournament!"
To start this substory, talk to Erasa using Gohan. He takes down a group of robots and completes the race before smashing the ball outside the park to finish this substory.
- EXP x206721
- D Medal x1
- Super Power Proteina x1
Android ansioso
This substory takes place at Kame House from "Majin Buu Reborn Ep.1: Good News" to "Majin Buu Reborn Ep.1: Getting Ready for Goku"
To start this story, talk to Android 18 inside Kame House. You have to collect 3 frozen rabbit meats, 3 high quality onions and 12 crayfish.
You can find high-quality onions on farms in the southeast mountain area, and shrimp can also be found in rivers.
- EXP x206721
- D Medal x3
- Recipe for super deluxe meat dishes x1
- High quality milk x3
- Mature Fishing x3
- Mela matura x2
The good old days
Questa sottostoria si svolge nella World Tournament Arena da "Majin Buu Reborn Ep.2: The World Tournament Begins!" A "Majin Buu Reborn Ep.2: The World Tournament Begins!"
To start this substory, talk to the Announcer. Defeat the robot to finish this substory.
- EXP x216397
- D Medal x3
- Celebrity Fan Photo x1
Teach for tomorrow
This substory takes place in the aloe outcrop area of the great western desert, after the world tournament.
To start this substory, talk to Nam. He travels to West City and talks to the farmer, then ends the time attack to complete this substory.
- SCAD 256465
- D Medal x15
- Super cool book for Grown-Ups x1
Far beyond the frieze
This substory also takes place in the Aloe outcrop area from "Majin Buu Reborn Ep.2: In Hot Pursuit" to "Majin Buu Reborn Ep.2: In Hot Pursuit"
To start this substory, talk to the Supreme Kai. Take down Frieza to complete this substory.
- EXP x255040
- D Medal x3
- God Medal x1
Super Saibaman?!
Questa sottostoria si svolge a West City da "Majin Buu Reborn Ep.6: A Shred of Hope" a "Majin Buu Reborn Ep.6: A Shred of Hope"
To start this substory, talk to Saibamen. You just have to win a few battles with some Saibamen to finish this substory.
- EXP x233453
- D Medal x1
- Improved Scouter x1
Post-story completion substories
Happy Ol'Goku
This substory takes place in the Holy Land of Korin.
To start this substory, talk to Bora and Upa. Later, he travels to Capsule Corp and talks to Bulmu. To finish this substory, he takes down the group of robots and finds the moss.
- Emblem of the Anima Bora
- Upa Soul Emblem
Small vs. Goku
This substory takes place at Kami's Lookout.
To start this substory, talk to Dende using Piccolo. Then, go to Goku's house and talk to Gohan. You have to defeat Goku in a fight to finish this substory.
- EXP x165254
- D Medal x1
- Proteins Ultra Power x1
Villian continuously attacked
This substory takes place outside Yamcha's hideout.
To start this substory, talk to the frightened woman. You have to save her from the robots again to finish this substory.
- EXP x248653
- Angelic apron x1
- Fancy wristwatch x1
Perpetually attacked villager
This substory takes place outside Yamcha's hideout.
Once you're done with the previous substory, leave the area and come back again to find the lady attacked again. You know what to do.
N / A
The dignity of a father
Questa sottostoria si svolge a Satan City.
To start this substory, talk to Mr. Satan. You have to kill the dinosaur to finish this substory.
- SCAD 249984
- D Medal x1
- Super Power Proteina x1
- Fancy Necklace x1
- Emblem of the soul of Satan
Buu The Bottomless Pit
This substory also takes place in Satan City, after finishing the previous one (re-enters the area).
To start this subtitle, talk to Mr. Satan. Then, make your way to Goku's house and head northeast from there to the fishing spot; and catch a big fish there.
Next, you need to collect 4x Prime Marbled Dino Meat, 3x Polished Rice and 1x Premium Gold Venison. You can talk to Chi-Chi to get the location of each element.
Dinosaurs are found in the central plains and the eastern ravine. Go to the grocer for Shiny Rice, then go to the western forest for the golden deer (on the road behind the lake).
- Majin Buu's soul emblem
The parent Trap
This DBZ Kakarot substory takes place at Capsule Corp.
To start this substory, talk to Trunks while playing as Vegeta (he's on your right). Then, head to the outskirts of the city, to the blue marker and talk to Goku. To finish this substory, you have to defeat Gotenks in a fight.
- SCAD 327955
- D Medal x1
- Super Brain Bread x1
Meeting with Suno
This substory takes place in Darlinge Polynya.
To start this substory, talk to Suno. To finish this substory you need to find 10 large energy fish, 10x pink wheat and 10x plain white rice.
N / A
Cute and cuddly Korin
This substory takes place at the Kame House.
To start this substory, talk to Krillin. You have to find the Meowmint to finish this substory. Travel to the western side of the island and use your Ki Sense near the fruit trees.
- SCAD 238977
- D Medal x1
- Master Korin Plush
The return of the captains
This substory takes place at Lacco Village.
To start this substory, talk to Bulma while playing as Vegeta. You have to collect all the Dragon Balls and wish Captain Ginyu to come back to life to finish this story.
- SCAD 236963
- D Medal x2
- Improved Scouter x1
Pure couple
This substory takes place at the World Tournament Arena.
To start this substory, talk to Baba while playing as Goku. Later, he travels to the Land of the Kais and take down Kid Buu to finish this substory.
- SCAD 281651
- D Medal x15
- Card 087 x1
- Card 094 x1
Fulfill a promise
This substory takes place in the Land of the Kais.
To start this substory, talk to Elder Kai. He will instruct you to find all the Dragon Balls. Once you've collected all of them, turn them in to finish this substory.
- Scad 291298
- D Medal x3
- Adult Medal x1
- Card 098 x1
Stranger Danger
This substory takes place at the Olive Village in the East Ravine Area.
To start this substory, talk to the man there while playing as Gohan. You have to complete some basic objectives and then defeat a couple of Saibamen to finish this substory.
N / A
Porunga Part 2
This substory takes place in New Namek.
To start this DBZ Kakarot substory, talk to Moori while playing as Goku. This is a unique substory, as you have to take a "wisdom test", which is a quiz consisting of the following three questions:
- What does ‘Porung’a mean in our language?
- Answer: God of Dreams
- What does the name Piccolo mean in Namekian?
- Answer: Another World
- What type of plant do we cultivate here?
- Answer: Ajisa
King Of The Demon Realm
This substory takes place at Lucca Village, after you complete the previous one.
To start this substory, talk to Dabura. You have to take him down in a fight to finish this substory.
- EXP 289729
- D Medal x3
- Training Medal x1
- Fancy Ring
Perfecting Perfection
This substory takes place at Kadaiho Lands, after you complete ‘Porunga Part 2’.
To start this DBZ Kakarot substory, talk to Cell. Take him down to complete this substory.
- EXP 283219
- D Medal x3
- Training Medal x1
- Card 066 x1
- Cell Soul Emblem
The Ritorno Of The Emperor
This substory takes place at West City, after you complete ‘Porunga Part 2’.
To start this substory, talk to Frieza. Take him down to complete this substory.
- EXP 283219
- D Medal x2
- Card 027 x1
- Frieza Soul Emblem
Here It Comes
This Dragon Ball Z Kakarot substory takes place in the city close to Capsule Corp.
You have to find 3x Pure Red Crystals, 3x Pure Green Crystals e 3x Pure Blue Crystals to finish this substory. All of these crystals can be found on New Namek, at the mineral spots.
Lone Guardian
This substory takes place outside Capsule Corp.
To start this substory, go to the time machine there with Bulma e Trunks. This will unlock Future Trunks. After that, Bulma will show up inside Capsule Corp. Speak with her using your newly unlocked Future Trunks e then defeat Android 17 to finish this substory.
The Sins Of The Father
This substory takes place at Capsule Corp.
To start this substory, talk to Vegeta as Future Trunks (he’s near the desk to your right). You have to defeat him in a fight to finish this substory.
Time For A Tournament
This substory takes place at Capsule Corp after you finish the previous one.
To start this story, finish ‘The Sins Of The Father’ e leave Capsule Crop, then come back again e talk to Bulma as Goku. You have to help Bulma organize the tournament e also win it to finish this substory.
Babidis Back
This substory is obtained when you wish Bibidi back using the Dragon Balls.
After wishing Bibidi back, go to West Area e take down his group. Take down the minions to acquire more Soul Emblems.
Change Of Heart
This substory becomes available once you finish the previous one.
Shadows Of The Red Ribbon Army
This substory is obtained when you wish Android 19 e Android 20 back using the Dragon Balls.
Travel to the North Mountains Area e defeat them to finish this substory.
The Most Feared Of Families
This substory is obtained when you wish King Cold e his goons back using the Dragon Balls.
Thi substory requires you to have Gohan, Goten e Kid Trunks in your party.